Mike Enoch here ask me anything, goys

Mike Enoch here ask me anything, goys


How's your marriage doing?

Typical American marriage. Take that for what it is

Are you working for the Jews?

If I were would that make our message any less valid? And no

why would you allow ghoul back on after he doxed everybody and was revealed to be a literal faggot

Ghoul left? News to me

Why should I give a shit about what you have to say about anything?

You shouldn't, Pedro. Move along

yeah remember that time where antifa found his real identity so he tried to make a deal with the enemy in exchange for sven and bulbasaur's true identities?

No, sovs?

who has bigger titties? you or Spencer?

The list goes.

1 you
2 Spencer

Yeah man desu that's an itsgoingdown narrative and simplification and I don't really want to talk about the dirty details. There's no bad blood between anyone. Having said that he made an appearance and I'm glad he's decided to start participating openly.


Are you going on tour with Richard Spencer and baked Alaska for the I'm proud to be white thing?

even if thats true why would you allow someone who has two gay mums who he loves very much be a person of note in the movement? not to mention all the revelations leaked by myne about the tranny he was fucking on the side

I dunno. You look like you could produce just as much milk as Dickie boy.

get a fucking bicycle and start working out fatboy.

You know that tranny in Chicago thing was bullshit right?


You wanna look good for when your race gets displaced. Am I right?


When does it start?

That's not my brother and that pic is 10 years old.



alright even if all that is bullshit why do you still tolerate people like greg johnson

No one likes a Flaggot Sweetie

I literally listened to TDS for like 50 episodes, even through the scandals. But when I realised that you couldn't see how Spencer was controlled opposition (a way overused term, but one of the few instances it's true) I haven't been able to listen since. Stop sucking his dick.

You're the best mike, or the guy who's impersonating mike. Either way TRS is great. Keep it up.

When are you going to stop acting so blackpilled and embrace the alt-light?

There is literally nothing wrong with that quote



1) Are you religious OP?

2) Do you think you even stand a chance against globalism? Not even Henry Fucking Ford or the God-damn Czar of Russia could stop globalism.

3) I know it's too late now, but would it have been better for you and your movement to come out after the dox as a Jew yourself (a post-marital convert disgusted with degeneracy)?
"I'm not racis. My relatives are mixed and my 3D waifu is a waiJu."

4) How the fuck do you get a job or support yourself after pulling a Mel Gibson when you aren't as rich as Mighty Mel?

5) Is whitey even worth saving? Seriously. You're smart enough to know how the world works and you accidentally married the perfect person. Why didn't you just pull an Ivanka Trump, and sell your soul for the benefits that come with being "Chosen"?
