Merkel: Europe Can No Longer Entirely Rely On US

>tfw the burger empire will fall in your lifetime
feels good

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>unarchived clickbaiters


It's good news for Canada.
Trudeau has taken this opportunity to cuck trump and America and scoop up its trading partners. He's doing a European tour at the moment.

Sino-German cooperation back on.


Hey Kraut, is this real?


Why the fuck does a first world country feel the need to rely on the US? Can't they take care of themselves?

Haha that's fucking cute. We still have bases all over Germany. We practically own them and they know it.

Closet marxist shitstain

German people need to wake up

Satan, did you notice Guam's flag is a vagina.

>a continent with triple our population and nearly as much money is going to stop leeching off us

This is bad for us how?

It's bad enough we're overrun by bots, we don't need idiots shitting up threads talking to them.

Report bots, don't suck their cocks.

First off, you're Canadian so I can understand why you are so fucking retarded and need kys.

Second, America needs to stop giving money to foreign fucks. If we cut off the world, they will come back and kiss our asses so damn much that their entire faces would be covered in shit.

But we should cut everyone off. Let their governments collapse. Fuck them all.

>Can't they take care of themselves?
Obviously not. Look at all the shit they get for free.

>>tfw the burger empire will fall in your lifetime
Good? A totally unnecessary expense to the American tax payer that provides no benefits whatsoever to them.


No. Without our money, that wouldn't survive a month.


This is the new world police now

Kim Jong Un on suicide watch

>Europe Can No Longer Entirely Rely On US
Yes we can. I'll sooner trust someone from continent away than Western Europe lead by the Germs.

>this is what murricans think
We don't need you. You need us. 50% of your exports go to EU you idiots.

>Why the fuck does a first world country feel the need to rely on the US? Can't they take care of themselves?
No, the blow all their money on socialist kike bullshit. They can't afford a military. If they had to pull their own weight, they would go bankrupt.


>mfw fat burgers are this stupid

Who is that? She seems familiar. Did she appear un Unteralterbach?

I wouldn't have to reply to them If the retards here would be smart enough to post archived links from the start.

If they are forced to defend themselves, they won't be having their nice communist welfare states for refugees, I say fuck them and let them defend themesleves.

US taxpayers' money rebuilt current Germany
US has protected you Krauts from Russia.

watch your mouth

>We need you
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA youre our bitch since WW2 dumb ass

Mexico stands with Germany.

What a fucking cuck nation.

As a country that has China as a trading partner, they are about the get BUTTTFUCKED to no end. Just a few things chinks have done to Australia with their wonderful trade:

>Buying up properties and keeping them empty inflating house prices to astronomical levels
>Sign a trade agreement so that they can bring their own labour and pay them Chinese rates as well as adhering to Chinese work standards
>Buy up all food and dairy businesses and import ALL of it to their own country
>Will fuck over anyone who does business in China through bullshit overnight laws
>Relentlessly spy on the local public
>Will raise university fees through the fucking roof

Honestly if this is what you krauts want then great.

>Merkal says that Germany can't rely on US
>"Nah uh, Germany never relied on US"
You're one of those brown Germans aren't you

when were you when burger dies

i was sat at home when leaf ring

'burger is kill'


and you?

No no no, she's rly tough. Like RLY! She was a former family minister and is now head of german defense ministry, she even bought a pair of RLY kewl looking Jeans jackets for her pictures in the newspapers.

If Kim Jong Un ever points an ICBM towards Washington SHE will handle it because (you might have already heard about it) Germany is the new world police now.

She is right. We are not going to bail you out when they come for you. You voted for it.

fug this cant be good
merkel needs to go

Please. Where Trudeau's recent support of Fueror Lardass? He's keeping his mouth shut and just wanking off to the blind worship he gets from you idiots.

>implying half of it hasn't happened to Canada already

At this point Vancouver could be called an emptier Hong Kong

only Merkel would be stupid enough to trust the chinks out of all people with anything

fucking traitor to the entire western world

European countries can no longer rely on GERMANY.... haven't been able to since 2015 and its getting worse

>American education

yeah, after you destroyed it. Russia was never a threat, we could have nuclear weapons in a few years if we wanted.

No only us, but all of Europe. For example it is the 6th fleet of the US navy that keeps the suez channel save. It's shit like this.

If you don't do it, then France, Germany and other EU countries will do it together. Even the UK will help, I'm sure of it.

>Europe can no longer rely on U.S.
But this is a good thing.

Maybe Europe, and especially EU, stops now being a vassal of United Slaves of Israel.

She was raised to love Maos China, never forget that, Germanies chancellor was raised in and by socialist DDR doctrine

>but all of Europe
Fuck you.

Shut your imbecilic mouth kraut

>The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion (approximately $130 billion in current dollar value as of June 2016) in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World

So in other words Germans are such scum that even though they are capable of defending themselves they force the United States to float the bill ?

Coming from a Cana-queer this statement dosent account for much. You all are already like half a decade from being sand monkeys

Dude you have Jews flooding Europe with mudslimes. Eastern Europe what do you need to keep your eye on.

You do it out of your own volition. The US wants to stay a super powerand protect it's interests WORLDWIDE. For what else do you need a 500 billion USD military budget? That ambition has a high price


>be american
>fuck merkel
>fuck eu
>fuck sweden, world's rape capital
>fuck macron
>fuck germany for not paying into nato ahead of time
>fuck spineless brexit backstabbin tories
eu leaves us, wtf traitors
people have a breaking point

>For what else do you need a 500 billion USD military budget?
to keep german scum in the trash, where it belongs
now die already

why else do you think america has clout in the world stage? because you guys are genuinely nice people? fuck no, you have clout because you help other countries get shit done.

you stop the flow of money and the world will actually start calling you out on your bullshit.

vancouver and toronto have a lower empty home percentage then the rest of canada.

8.7% for canada

6.5% vancouver

4.4% toronto

Thank fucking god its about time you solve your own problems

south african prophet stated that those on germanys side during the future war (3rd assumed) would win

my question is: does Sup Forums believe in prophecy?

Germany does not smell like modl and alcohol.

It smells like wet asphalt and Doner and french fry grease.


why do you enjoy getting cucked like that? you should remove all military presence from europe

perhaps try inventing the wheel before prophesying.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not their fucking babysitters syrupnigger.

> people tell me what to believe
> buh im sure of it!

This. Unironically this. This is not a bad thing. This is good. for U.S, and for Europe and EU.

usa was never meant to be a leftist brainwashing world police

it was perfect as an isolationist liberty loving trading country