Why are so many ancaps and libertarians turning alt-right all of a sudden?

Why are so many ancaps and libertarians turning alt-right all of a sudden?

Is this not but a quiet capitulation to the fact that lolbertarianism is nothing but a meme, and that in a truly free market society jews (because of their high IQ) would always outperform whites, making them basically the negroes of a libertarian society?

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Because I've realized that there are things more important than economics. NeoLiberalism, while it produces the highest amount of wealth, sacrifices the culture of the nation and eventually demographics bring down the nation.

>Ron Paul is a Nadzi!
>Oh fugg dad's nod drue DDDDD:

>You're a Nadzi!
>Oh I guess :DDDDD

People tend to hate what they are jealous of, which explains the whole NatSoc mentality. Same with them hating niggers because they know they will never have enough dick to pleasure a woman. Jews will always outperform them in the market and they hate them too.

We do what we have to do to bring balance and end this insanity.

There are a lot of libertarian loons that are for open borders.

I feel bad for the jewish ancaps and libertarians that will eventually be ostracized from their groups. Oh no wait, I don't.


>Open Borders
Johnsonites aren't Libertarians. Open borders, carbon tax and censorship are antithetical to Libertarian Philosophy.

Nice shilling, Sharejew.

I would never ally with (((liberniggers))). The only way we can effectively root out degeneracy to create a better society is with the use of a highly authoritarian government.
Libertarian faggots don't give a shit about rooting out degeneracy though, and don't mind when both society and the white race fall into this pit.
So long as they can smoke weed and jack off to anime hentai, they would carelessly let the world die.

I thought libertarianism was completely wrecked by that Jew who made bioshock.

>The only way we can effectively root out degeneracy to create a better society is with the use of a highly authoritarian government.

Yeah see how well that worked out for North Korea. Fuck that unrestricted capitalism is the way to go. America proves this works and that's why they are the superpower while Nazi Germany is nothing but a footnote in history.

I'm sure you wouldn't sharnigger

For me, it's about sharing cultural values with the alt-right while still rejecting the state
The family, ethnic homogeneity, religion, and the like are all very important to me, but I also think that Richard Spencer is a statist cuck

NatSoc is the Maymay. All it is is merely crypto-shills and musie pretneding you are right wing. The patently moronic notion that Nazi isn't leftist is Soros-tier counter narrative in work. Hitler was just a filthy statist socialist.
>B-but NatSoc is different
>muh Hitler indentified Socialism differently
And he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. I don't give a shit how he thought his Soicalism was/should be; it matters what it actually IS.
Hitler beleived in massive public works programs, complete gun control, government control of the economy, and cradle to the grave benefits. NatSoc wasn't diametrically OPPOSED to Communism; it competed with it.
Ayn Rand's criticism of him in 'Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal' is irrefutable. As far as stereotypical kikes go, Hilter was far closer to a kike than Rand. Dumbfuck Hitler would have unwittingly paved the way for GloSoc if he had won so thank fuck he didn't. Hitler's Nationalism was a psuedo-Nationalism of the subjectivist Mystic variety Rand describes. True Nationalism can only exist in the affirmation the societies free me wish to craft.

Reminder that all these smear attempts by commie, cyrpto-commie, and NatSoc shills of Ayn Rand are borne out of their gut wrenching realization that Objectivism is the greatest threat they have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy. ALL of the andversaries she descibes in her novels are EXACTLY what Sup Forums describes as the sterotypical kike. Kikes exist but Rand is quite literally the most based jew to ever live. I do not exaggerate.
Also know that Libertarianism is incomplete Objectivism. Objectivism without the epistemology.
Objectivism is Nationalist, Capitalist, Individualist, Egoist, Libertarian, Minarchist, and Meritocratic all rolled into one.
Reminder that Cultural Marxists are terrified of Ayn Rand as she represents the American Constution completed.

Debate me.

>Musie pretneding
Muzzies pretending


And soon the white race will be a footnote in history thanks to faggots like you.

Question for true libertarians:

How can degeneracy be fought without a sense of authoritarianism from the government?

>And soon the white race will be a footnote in history thanks to faggots like you.

Stop whining and compete for fuck sakes. Have more white babies. Get rich, make the Jews envious of your wealth. If not, then STFU you deserve to be a footnote in history.

The answer is 97% Libertarian and 3% Authoritarian.
Called Minarchism

If a society needs violence to be kept from degeneracy, it deserves to collapse

They are both memes honestly, on one hand is the absolute freedom, the other the absolute authoritarian. Absolutes never work. I don't have faith in either of your ideologies, but I also think they are the healthiest options and that very valuable policies to shape the future can come from either of these groups, whether through policy or our own individual efforts.
The two factions cooperating is the best thing that can possibly happen to the far right. In fact, this is the only reason I have faith in you retards making a better future, your willingness to work together knowing you will both have to compromise in the end. I hope a healthy blend of the two can result from that.
Because if there is ever a total falling out between the two, I will probably step out the door on this revolution.


So basically the government acts as a failsafe if things go to shit? In minarchism I mean.

I never thought about it like that. So about the idea of spreading cultural marxism, it would just run rampid in a failing state without anyone stopping it?

Governments are just a collection of people, the same way corporations are.

The difference between the two is essentially a monopolosation of power, a government can be efficient in the sense of law enforcement as two corporations won't have to come to a consensus on what a law is or how it is interpreted, it's already decided (roughly). Nozick's description of an emerging Dominant Protection Agency in place of a government is a convincing argument for that.

There is a place for government within a libertarian society.

Fuck that nobody tells me what to think. I would rather die and I won't go quietly

A proper government serves all the purposes that it is objectively mean to embody and no more. Read this for the best writing on the nature of Minarchism. aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/anarchism.html

LfCap>AnCap because Minarchism>Anarchism, and that is because objective law>polycentric law.
Laissez-faire Capitalism is the separation of state and economics but AnarchoCapitalism necessarily means either no government at all or one in constant flux. And a government in flux with means one that is subjective legally and that only can mean subjectivist.
Rand Minarchism posulates (and supports)the notion that a government actually -should- have a monoploy in the very few things it is supposed to embody. It must to remain objective in nature. AnarchoCapitalism posists such absurdities as the the "competing governments" notion.

The real reason is because these libertarians who come here day after day are beginning to see the potential power of a unified white volk with a martial culture. They are getting bored with smoking weed, fucking hookers and hanging out with niggers and want to join the gestapo, crack some kike skulls and marry an Aryan qt.

>marry an Aryan qt.

Doesn't everyone?

>t. Ayn Rand
She also said the only difference between hippies and libertarians is that hippies are collectivist.

>Why am I phrasing this question in such a way?
>Is this not but an attempt to subtly assert something I want to be true as fact so that maybe libertarians will believe it and accept NatSocs?

What a faggot.

>ancaps and libertarians understand economics better than the average normie
>begin to see how (((they))) are fucking over the economy
>understand what needs to be done to rid us of ((((coincidences))) that crash the global economy every decade
>Libertarian paradise can only exist with a white, educated, upstanding citizenry

Jews only outcompete whites when the state is involved or the population is morally bankrupt.

>Oy gevalt! He called me out for being a shill! Quick! Call him a redditor!

Libertarian is like stage 2 of 5 on the path to becoming a true conservative

>in a truly free market society jews (because of their high IQ) would always outperform whites
Actually because of extreme ingroup loyalty and complete ruthlessness and disregard towards outsiders. Jews basically live by natsoc principles, no matter to what "free market" you put them in, they will never cannibalize each other like goyim love to and will always put help to their tribe above all else.

Inshallah, my brother

This, kikes work as a unit.
It's why they push for individualism in gentile societies. While weak individually, they can thrive as a highly nepotitistic auhoritarian collective that has high sensitivity to outgroup hostility.
Jews see themselves as Jews first and foremost, and they act accordingly.
Gentiles, particularly Western Europeans in the current age, see themselves as individuals not highly connected to their ethnic peers. This results in a fragmented gentile reaction to any pernicious ingroup that seeks to subvert Western nations.

The advantage of the jews does not come purely from race, otherwise other semites and semitic offshoots would also profit of a such elevated IQ, yet they don't. The Tribe is, well, admirably tribalistic. Their communities are tight and ensure the success of their descendants. I would then assert that their advantage comes rather from strong familial values/sense of community rather than their genes, values that were spoiled in white communities by (((liberalism))). Of course throw in a bit of nepotism and favor exchanges from people that recognize other members of the tribe as well as muh holocaust and you got yourself an ethnicity with an almost ensured proper education (and higher IQ, IQ is affect by race but not only). The Asians are also very succesful and share this value tribalism.

doesn't gassing violate the NAP?

Be wary of the leaf, it never speaks the truth.

>Says the jew with a getbot to hide his identity
It doesn't violate the NAP if they're not human.

Libertarians are beginning to give a damn for their fellow man and wished to protect culture.

Oh boy it's this exact, identical thread again with the same image. Never mind you already had your observations addressed, just keep posting it and really fire up somebody's neurons!

>Be wary of the leaf, it never speaks the truth.

So which leaf do I believe?

If a valley needs a dam not to be flooded, it deserves to sink?

Violence is the tool of the state, it is required to uphold laws and the state being able to deliver more violence than individuals, criminal groups or rebel groups is what garantees it's existence.

If a man needs the police not to be shot in the streets, did he deserve it?

If a woman needs the police not to be raped, did she deserve it?

This one


They also drink the blood of children, eat their brains and perform other Satanic rituals to raise their intelligence. The devils they are in contact with give them evil powers over people.

Segregation and migration incentives in combination with contracts.

Just imagine for a moment that Islamist immigrants had to sign a contract abandoning Islam if they wanted to live in a prosperous society.

In anarcho capitalism, those private communities that have the best terms of contract will thrive and gain property value, while the degenerate ones will quickly be depleted of people and lose all property value, because nobody with money wants to live near degenerates.

>libertarians turning alt right

I'm all for freedom of association, sounds like a lot of alt-righters are for it too (muh ethnostate basically). I've no problem fighting their side.

>implying anyone would wan't to live aroud angry white virgin spergers and not rather race-mix while partying hard to Ke$ha

Ke$ha is trash. Real trap shit is where its at.

>Implying bankers, investors and people of actual high value don't hate the fact that new rich (((artists))) like Ke$ha can purchase property next to them


no tio tomas not everyone

True, but unfortunately the """""""""Libertarian"""""""""""" party doesn't reflect this, so most people see libertarians as just hipster liberals

Because there's too much momentum heading towards globalism and socialism and the destruction of the very competition that makes libritarianism/ancap apealling. And the people who are causing this are overwhelmingly Jews/third world shitters

>the jews formed a business cabal through voluntary association

This is what ancaps actually believe. Libertarianism is a mental disorder.