*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
>HEY me and my wife's boyfriend heard you're a fascist. we're gonna beat the FUCK out of you

That would violate the NAP

*starves behind you*




>his wife

" what the fuck do you even know about stalingrad? "
> bayonet them with my mosin

*unload full clip magazine* in both

>So much for the tolerant Left

>(Pull out my gun and kill them as legitimate self0defense)


>these shoes
>painted nails

чёё? я твoю шлюхy вчepa в poт eбaл, пшoл нaхyй, кoмyнякa, и нaмopдник нa мapтышкy oдeнь

Jesus Christ the bitch tits on those two.

You forgot

hm,,... i see you are communists........ well, unfortunately for you, this machine kills commies!!!!!!!!! *teleports behind them and draws dual zweihanders from SS uniform** sieg heil!!! *cuts them both in half with one swing*


AnCap is the ideology for niggers though.

Trap or just fat pussy?

>that bulge
Not even surprised honestly.


I'm a stalinist, so try your best, larpers.

id throw hands immediately

>Fat negroid commie manlet.
>Mc Gruber looking ass glass jawed lanklet.

I like my odds.

>i like starving 20 million people to death: the post

>20 gorillion

Those digits say otherwise.

Sieg Heil.

>holodomor is just revisionist propaganda goy

> holodomor
Ukie, please.

Fat pussy. She has other pics, some Russian cosplayer

>oh shit he knows about the genocides committed by the soviet union
>he must be a slav subhuman

It's just that ukies have a fixation/boner on the 1932-33 famine, wholly neglecting 1921-22 and 1946-47 famines (and the latter is quite inexcusable).


That's because a certain semitic group of people obsessed with a certain 6 million failed to name said famines like they did with the Holodomor.

Why do 100% of normies have gyno? I had surgery a month ago and still recovering from that shit.

> fucked up by yourself
> all (((their))) fault

Martishkoo kek

>Punch the fat nigger out first
>White guy squeals and ducks for cover
>River dance all over them.

Well for fatties it's good diet to be communist I understand them

>fucked up by yourself
I can't help it if the jewish powers that be neglected to give every single other soviet famine a name. The Holodomor is literally the only named one. How the fuck am I supposed to cite an event if it doesn't even have a name?

*pulls out AK*
Would either of you comrades know anyone looking to trade an old Lada for some new pants?

> Loser flag
> I can't help it if the jewish powers that be

Seems legit.

Hella rich from an ideology who's warfare tactics are entirely reliant on peasant rush.
