They are spamming numerous shitposts and derailing pretty much every thread CNN in it!!
S.O.S: CNN is Actively Raiding Sup Forums!!!
they hurting.
>they hurting.
The greatest fear the Sup Forumsbeard has is to be named
Make sure you give them a one star rating in the app store lads.
...and send lots of pizzas and dildos to the executives! They messed up big time!
>catalog filled with CNN posts
>omg they are derailing our threads
fuck off you paranoid autist, the last thing CNN would give a fuck about is Sup Forums and i'm 100% sure that they wouldn't bother wasting their time shilling the threads
The fact that you think CNN would want to internet battle with you is ridiculous, no one cares about Trumps retweet and what CNN thinks. It's just not important.
Nice try CNN shill. We're your worst enemy and we're not going to stop until you're done.
>CNN shill
Lol i'm literally some sperg sitting in a dark room with no clothes on.
>see's flag
He's aussie... need I say more?
Thats amazing! Good one leaf!
They are posting bloat threads too.
Get the mods in here,most bloat threads are irrelevant topics, get a few IPs banned boys!
He deleted all the comments a few times. This is the latest one.
>the last thing CNN would give a fuck about is Sup Forums
Not sure if retard or just ozzie shitposter. This autistic pottery board had more impact on who became POTUS than CNN. They do give fucks even if they don't admit it.
>no one cares about Trumps retweet and what CNN thinks
Yea, we saw that no one cares, they care so little they ended up hunting down some guy to get his apology :DDD
>CNN is Actively Raiding Sup Forums!!
>Filtered Search
>CNN is shitposting on /pol
No, faggot. It's regular memespewing cockslurping shitposting retards (Read: Leafs and Strayans) shitposting at geometric rates. You can tell purely by the nature & style of said shitposts. If you ignore them and stop taking the bait like fucking retards, they go away.
>they go away.
No, nobody is derailing CNN threads
the discussion is splintered because you retards keep making dozens of CNN threads every damn hour
I'm pretty sure it's just the regular user base.
Nice try CNN
>So much poetry
>Not even kidding
Teach me.
You wanna bet Cruz had that meme made himself to cut in on Ron Pauls' meme cred
nice derail attempt
CNN is jews. Jews are already in every thread and sliding the catalog every day. The influx of "semitic" activity is simply due to jews mobilizing reinforcements to counter discussion deemed harmful to jews and jewish interests. This happens on a weekly basis.
You guys are fucking idiots, CNN is the one baiting you guys.
It was a fucking body slam gif of Trump and CNN, this isn't even the worst thing going on in the world right now but yet you faggots act like this is the tipping point society
No user, you don't see the whole picture.
we want CNN crippled and gone, to prove that the people, not the establishment, have true power.
This little mishap of theirs merely gave us the opening we needed.
It wasn't this incident in particula that spurred it... merely opened the door we sought.
Even presuming you are correct, you will never convince anyone any differently. Why you would think you can?
This door was always open to us. We just actually had some semblance of honor. We didn't resort to using tactics like doxxing. They opened that door, and they can hardly blame us for following them through it.
Dont respond to Australian posts m8. You need to be L4 before you can engage us properly.
raid back
Is that famas?
I do not cover my face to hide but to honor my shit lord KEK
The didn't think levels of shilling this high were even possible. We've entered a new age boys.
Israeli Jews are going to blow up Trump and Putin in Hamburg with drone bombs using the Jewish sockpuppet Antifa and the Israel owned terror group ISIS
Nuke Israel if they manage it
If this happens we get a Hitler 2.0 and they cannot say no anymore to Nazism
The Holocaust is a religion
tfw no shit cunt bogan gf
Reinforcements have arrived,let the our memes drop like napalm on these normies.
Shit just got real boys,time for balls to the wall action to put them back in there place as the laughing stock of the internet.
Yeah. This board was actually nice for a while before this started happening. We were focused and united on hitting CNN and there seemed to be little-to-no bait threads or nigger-posting.
CNN here
You basement nerds think you have any power? You think our advertisers care about your opinion? You don't even make enough to pay for gas, or enough motivation to affect any real change. All you pathetic wieners do is post memes and hope they'll have a magic effect. News flash, they won't.
This shit is hilarious to watch, it's like a baby drowning in a pool, flailing its arms around helplessly because it's never mastered the most basic things it needs to sustain its own position in the world, let alone control anything else outside of itself!
You could at least mask your flag.
Shittier shitpost Aussi. I expected a better quallity shitpost from you.
I am not CNN but count me in.
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
>CNN from straya
stop embarrassing yourself
I am not CNN but indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!
i expected better from you...
user, i..
New Zealand is now rural white America?
Nice autism.
>"I'm not a shill"
>Immediately starts shilling
>..."fellow rural white voters..."
What if I told you, that anons raid their own threads to make them seem relevant? Could you prove it?
Sounds like cnn to me.
look at the flag you idiot
You're retarded
they do this because they are afraid.
This is a multi billion dollar business. And we as a collective have already shown our power. A power we don't even understand because its not a individual one but a group.
We as spraglords and shitposters see the world as it is and we will shitpost our-self's into the history books
They will never find us all, stay strong my fellow Kekistani
Furthermore, because of our nature, we are notoriously difficult to unmask. We aren't doing it for recognition. Not all of us are even doing it for a particular reason. If you can't pin down a common motivation, you can't manipulate the group.
Reddit... why are you posting?
Really makes you think
Pissing in a ocean of piss
>Still trying to derail the threads
We know you are a CNN pajeet. We know what you are trying to do. You will not stop us.
oh fuck, the two spiderman and the star vs the forces of evil are mine and still up.
come at bro, my name is Sam Hyde. here's my address, I'll be waiting
145 E 16th St #6K
New York NY 10003
how do you keep getting away with it?
can't bide the Hyde
Yeah, no. They are very pissed off about the outings of violent rioters.
>CNN is shitposting on /pol
rlly dude?
Seems like something cnnshill would say
Wait there are riots protesting CNN?
Source me up senpai.
I need this as fap fuel.
veteran Sup Forumsacks know exactly how to defend their use of this site to blue-pilled normies while subtly ensuring these same people eventually become red-pilled.
lets tax the media to fund single moms n government schools
chameleon underpants
two pairs.
This is going to be the new Sup Forums/SRS/Reddit/Shareblue, right?
You motherfuckers always need some elusive 'enemy' to rally against.
No, retard, he means that Sup Forums helped locate some of the Antifa fuckers and CNN is mad about that.
yeah, youre right.
hows the armed security at your airports looking you fucking moron
No, there are just that many enemies and battles to be fought.
We will fight them in the posts, we will fight them in the tweets, we will fight them wherever we find them
We will fight them in the boards, we will fight them in the feeds, we will fight them wherever we find them.
Gas the CNN cable wars now!
>best redemption arc of the decade
CNN kept this guy in the basement for a few weeks. Not gore though.