Good Lord did anyone see the Rob Kardashian meltdown yesterday? I've never seen anything like this before in my life
Good Lord did anyone see the Rob Kardashian meltdown yesterday? I've never seen anything like this before in my life
>Rob Kardashian
this board is for the discussion of polotics and related events
The Guinness world record for cucking is news worthy
fuck out of here you bullied runt
>average white american couple
He relaxed around Blac
A spending 2 million in 2 months on a nigress is pretty sad
chyna blac is a straight up nasty ho too.
Rob Kardashian is a sad loser. I can't believe he spawned with that gold digging nigger.
never thought i'd see an akademiks video on Sup Forums
Mods do your job and nuke this thread.
>burger dysgenics drama
day of the grill when?
Not politics at all but this man was demolished
>If I did ever see an akedemics video on pol, never thought anyone else would recognize it
Even 40 year old virgins have a less pathetic existence than spending 2 million on a borderline pornstar AND having a child with her
No and I don`t plan to
He leaked her nudes. This will be a politics thread in the future when she sues... Hulk vs Gawker 2.0
What's with these kardashians being attracted to niggers? Do they have sub-Saharan genes? Armenians are a bit brown but I thought they were info-European. A lot of Arabs have some amount of sub-Saharan DNA and I notice they're attracted to mullatos
What happened to this board? Used to come here because it was really quick with news but now its just endless threads about LiterallyWho?s being retarded
Kardashians are vapid materialistic skanks who are pushed by ((media)) to be role models for young girls so fucking niggers is one of their duties for the subversion of Western society. They couldn't die off fast enough.
absolutely cannot listen to nigger babble for more than 5 seconds anymore. its unreal how i used to tolerate it.
>Hulk vs Gawker
that's what makes (((their))) power, turning evrything they want in important matter
Yeah I know,
most Sup Forumsacks aren't the type to indulge in that.
to them it's "nigger behavior"
this is exactly what i was referring to in my previous post.
Daddy getting OJ off the charges must have really made an impression on them lol
Summer is in full effect I see.
Not politics
>He tried to turn a hoe into a housewife
He tought he could do the same as Kanye did with his sister.
But forgot that hoe is a nig nog and spawned a niglet with her. Now he got to pays all the bills and support her lavish lifestyle.
>tfw dating a non-thot black chick
Feels good