Did anything end up happening with this?

There was a lot of shit going on yesterday with CNN and all. Did any of you guys see this? Someone actually doxxed her. I'm wondering if anything progressed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh please let us see the video. I love pee tapes

Now I'm reluctant to show it.

Can I see the video? For research purposes.

This was a mistake.


show it

Look it up yourself. I'm not fueling your degenerate sexual fetishes.

>Look it up yourself. I'm not fueling your degenerate sexual fetishes.

I can't find it for some reason.

Did you see it? Can you describe it in explicit detail?

Shit thread, OP.

Here anons.


bunch of nationalistic crybabies mad about this.
she has the freedom to do this and if you disagree th, n move to a country where flag worship is mandatory, like north korea.


If she hates America then why doesn't she move to another country?

i take it you love trudeau and everything he stands for

She and her family will be harrassed and threatened, in a couple weeks it will pass.

She's kinda hot, I wonder if theres rape threats too?

I don't love Trudeau or what he stands, but I would not disrespect my flag. There is more to Canada than our politicians or SJWs. Canada has been good to me, though I feel that we are heading in the wrong direction. True Canadians have values, morals and take care of each other.

Would you piss on trudeau?

I would not piss on Trudeau because I am a civilised human being.

For the record, I don't think anyone really gives a shit if someone ruins a piece of cloth or fabric. Obviously, people are upset by the symbolic meaning of the act which is just plain disrespect of the country this person benefits from living in. There's really no point to what she did other than to rustle Jimmies (which she succeeded in) and to demoralize. I'm not exactly sure why anyone who defend someone that literally takes the position of an enemy unless you're a total cuckold but there's plenty of self-loathing types like that around, I suppose.

Would you piss on your wife if she asked you to?

I have a better question. Would he piss on Trudeau if his wife asked it?

I honestly expected her to be a nigger

Of course he would piss on trudeau if his wife asked him to, it would be politically incorrect not to obey ones wife.

Don't have a wife. Though I wouldn't do that anyways since peeing on people is degenerate behaviour.

I do not have a wife. Even if I did I would not piss on Trudeau. I have a moral code and I stand by it.

Oh, i see, you're a nazi who believes averything is degenerated and we need a new hitler to save the world.

Not everyone with morals is a Nazi who wants Hitler 2.0. I was raised by good people who instilled in me a good sense of human decency.

Okay. But, you haven't answered the question. Let's say you are married and your wife asks you to 'please, pee on me, it makes me so horny'! Would you do it for the sake of love or would you maintain your moral high ground and risk making her unhappy?

I'm guessing liberal twat was expecting a lot more support probably because her only exposure to the outside world was her liberal circlejerk group where criticism doesnt exist

She probably got some shock or panic attack from the responses and death threats, retracted her own shit and went media silent

Thats my guess

If you don't ask him to piss on your wife, he wins

>retracted her own shit and went media silent
I looked up her FB and she seems to have deactivated so you are probably correct.

Moral high ground. If she does not respect me enough as a person to respect my values than she does not love me. Part of love is respecting boundaries.

So you discus boundaries with all your gfs? Interesting.

>shakes her head cause that how she thinks you shake a dick


Clear, upfront communication means less problems down the road. So yes, I do discuss boundaries. If I was going to marry someone I would discus sexual boundaries. It is better to cut of a relationship before marriage than to have a marriage fail because of fundamental incompatibilities.