With a message for you islamophobic people

with a message for you islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

Thank you to everyone that supports the basic notion of freedom of religion by not being irrational islamophobes


I didn't read but I just neeeded one thing. Islam.

Just by seeing religion I want to tell you just fuck off. Any organized religion is just a trap for the most gullible and a source of misery and like Nietzsche said, the opium of the people.

your days are numbered.

What a shitty meme

You have to just understand that to jave freedom.ypu have to fight for it. If you don't fight for freedom to control your country you'll finish like the Middle East. Just pick Iran as an example, mudslimes and they have the fucking control of their country because as a people they fought for it. Now leaf shill in another forum because we don't need that shit over here

Christianity is the only reason France was ever a great country, Atheism would have prevented it from ever maturing

That's just karma, should've stayed in Arabian Peninsula. Now you're going to get rekt.

Not this thread again.

Bitch please. Christianity is what prevented for 1000 years the evolution of science and the raising of the standard of living. The good times of France started because of scowntific achievements and reformation.

>Not this thread again.
Is he real, or larping? It looks like larping.

Shouldn't the Nazis here take care of his "islamophobia" commentary?

Oh boy I hate living in Canada.

Spurdo xDD here, with a message for u Spurdophobic beoble :DDDD

The West ceated tis mess :-DD

It was u who bivided up the suomi :DD

It was u who but in the buppet governmends :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

It was u who puilt the oil wells on spurdo ebin lands xDDDD

It was u who allowet a Jebs to eberminate und enslave the balestinians :OO xDDD

It was u who blayed geobolitidal gamens with Irab and Imam buring their war xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :-D

It was u who gib Sabbam benis-cal weabons :-DDDD

It was u who caused the some twat to come into bower in Iban :DD xDDDDD

It was u who createb the Mujahebin, Osama Bin Ebin, and Al Quers xDDDD :DDDDDDDD

It was u who gilled 600000000 goryllion children with your economic sanctions on Iraq :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD xD :DDDD

It was u who, with ur gluttonous oil consumption, gib bower to Saudi Nigeria and turneb a plind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism :DDDDDDD

It was u who abused the Spurdo world so much that they felt they had to attack ur soil on 14/88 :-DDDD :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd

It was u who starteb an endless massacre across all of suomi in retaliabion aqainst a small groub that lived there xDDDD :DDDDDS

It was u who invated Iraq unbrovoked, bestroyed it ibenisstructure, massacred it's beoble, and left it in shambles in ur wake :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

It was u who covertly ignited civil wars in LiBya and Byria pecause it suited ur geobolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

It was u who not only caused EBIN to exist, put allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked :-DDDDDDDD

It was u who destroyed the lives of millions of Spurdos and forced them to leave their homeland :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD xDDDDDDdd

U are the cause of all of this. :DDDDDDDdd Still you go ahead and plame us for all these tragic incidents.::DDDD I not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad :OOOOO xDDDDDDDDD


They should all have been exterminated in the fucking 1980s. The world would be a far, far better place. Reagan fucked up.

>It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
retard middle eastern countries sold oil concessions to western oil companies they didn't invade them you can't have you're cake and eat it too faggot. You fuckers wanted the money. no honor among thieves huh?

The notion that the west created islamic extremism is one of the most widespread lies around.

Let's be honest we threw gas on the fire


You and the UK literally overthrew a sovereign democratically elected president of Iran because he was going to kick your oil companies out
You rotate governments until one of them gives you concessions

canada a part of the west, too, man. instead of "you," you should really be saying "WE"


We didn't help, but we didn't create it either. It's also a little pathetic and very unhelpful to keep blaming others.

Islamic extremism predates american interventions.

>CIA trains, arms and funds the muhjadeed in Afghanistan
>US installs a literal monarch over a democracy, leading to the Islamic revolution
>the US trains and arms bin Laden
>supports Sarekat Islam in Indonesia
>supports Jamaat-e-Islami terror group in Pakistan

It's "the west" because the powers that be made the west their residence. Just as Islam got perverted by Wahhabism, Christianity got perverted by Catholicism. It's not just the Abrahamic religions either. Aryanism and the Swastika got perverted, too. Originally all of them told the same truths, which are perfectly in harmony with your pic. The swastika represented light, good fortune and the sun.

Jump to today. Non-muslims believe Islam stands for terrorism. Non-christians believe Christianity is child fucking. Non-Aryans believe the swastika represents genocide of innocents.

Read this as:
> "It was Jews who..."
and you'll find it much more accurate


Come on OP, give me your address, so i can come kick the shit out of you. With everything happening you think its funny to shitpost? I fucking hate people like you and would beat the shit out of you if i EVER came across you. Memeing piece of shit.

Yes it was a mistake to mingle with these people but the US did not create the mujahideen or Bin Laden.


> Come on OP, give me your address, so i can come kick the shit out of you. With everything happening you think its funny to shitpost? I fucking hate people like you and would beat the shit out of you if i EVER came across you. Memeing piece of shit.
3491 W 8th Ave, Vancouver

push me pussy


Go back to your country chink, before I make my way over the prairies.

Eat shit camel fucker, I welcome the death of your inferior race and idiotic ideology.


No, you just armed, funded and rose these back crap crazy people to power. Even worse you cut out a slice of their homeland to give to Jews. What would you do if the UN took a chunk of your country and gave it to a hostile entity which routinely attacks you? Do you think it's a coincidence 90% of Islamic terror attacks outside of Israel are against the US?
That saying is from a fiction book.

You voted those people into power.

I mean, conventionally, on Sup Forums, someone making SJW 'islamophobia' comments would be met with Nazi war parades and 'ubermensch' epithets, no?


The day that the last white man in Canada flees or dies under the weight of its own guilt will be a brighter day for the rest of the Earth.

Faggots !

Fun fact: In Islam the Sun sets in a pool of muddy water.

Qur’an 18:83-86—And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people.

Its a metaphor, American. He means the person traveled west.

>what is Pakistan

>That saying is from a fiction book.
Yes I know of it. It's called the quorum

For the last 500 years, germans never attacked any muslim country - in fact, we were allied with them in both world wars and supported afghanistan in rebuilding what the americans destroyed.

still, lots of mudslimes come here to commit crimes and get themselves killed for their so-called god, then cry "islamophobia" and "racism" when we retaliate.
So tell me, how is this supposed to be our fault?

In Afghanistan and Iraq they arguably were already in power. But I already admitted the US made mistakes.

Your number are bullshit though. There is a very small number of attacks against the US. Most attacks are against other muslims. Also when asked about the motivation for the attacks it's almost invariably faith based, not western imperialism or intervention.

Still waiting on a an explanation for this.

Wait the US could control people in everything you listed why not now?

>against other Muslims
Yes, proxy wars fought through middle eastern countries. The whole place is a war zone thanks to interventionism.

You can read bin Laden's letter online. Yes, there are a few delusionals who actually want to establish a worldwide caliphate when they can't even hold Mosul. But the real base of extremism is based on nationalism and perceived injustices.

Your fault was being accommodating to sub human cavemen.In Shitcanistan I learned that they like to beat their chest, but when you smack one of the cocksuckers across the face they become servile. Most unreliable pussies under fire as well.

Sunan Abu Dawud 3991—Abu Dharr said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.

Your success rate is fifty fifty. You're funding the Free Syria Army and Israel now.

hey, you muslim there, surely you can provide sura and ayat for the Coelho-ian quote your pic tries to pass as quranic?

Not an answer. You make the US the puppet master but the reality is people will gladly go along with those who give them aid for their cause.

Get fucked faggot.

> islam, freedom of religion, same sentance
does not compute

What a shitty quote. You dont see what a bunch of fluff that is? Also show me the verse this is supposedly from...

>Yes, proxy wars fought through middle eastern countries. The whole place is a war zone thanks to interventionism.
No it's terrorism, not proxy wars. This would happen without western intervention. The west is not responsible for the sunni shia conflict, or the fact that isis hates pretty much any other islamic sect.
>You can read bin Laden's letter online. Yes, there are a few delusionals who actually want to establish a worldwide caliphate when they can't even hold Mosul. But the real base of extremism is based on nationalism and perceived injustices.
Almost all justifications are faith based, Bin Laden indeed based it a little more on the Israel question but he is almost an exception. But read a bit more on Bin Laden, he is really not a rebel fighting for freedom or something.

>that absolutely egregious plebbit spacing

From one leaf to another

It was they who invaded Palestine.

It was they who invaded the Persians .

It was they who gradually cleansed the great religion of Zoroastrian threw the jizya and ethnic cleansing.

It was they who invaded Egypt and burned the great library of Alexandria.

It was they who even to this day continue to discriminate against the Coptic Christians of Egypt.

It was they who took the rest of North Africa and launched an invasion of Iberia that would take centuries to reclaim.

It was they who made 2 attempted sieges of Constantinople and devastated the countryside’s around Anatolia and Europe.

It was they who took Crete and Sicily which they would use for piracy that would attack villages and towns and take many into slavery.

It was they who took Anatolia.

It was they who took the Balkans.

It was they who took the great city of Constantinople (May it be reclaimed).

It was they who made it to the gates of Vienna itself before being slowly pushed back.

It was they who slammed 3 planes into the symbol of American imperial hegemony.

It was they who after we opened our doors decided to kill innocent Europeans in the street after they have been disarmed and can’t even defend themselves.

Now I’m not going to pretend that the Christian powers of Europe have never done anything wrong, but for you to not admit the same of your “religion of peace” is extremely disingenuous. While not every Muslim is a terrorist the overwhelming majority of terrorists are Muslim.

83% of Muslims believe that women are men's property

So does 83% of Sup Forums, Sup Forums regularly says women shouldn't even be allowed to vote

Has any group of people in world history had a bigger chip on their shoulder than Middle East and North African Muslims?

That was early in the Quran but the idea of abrogation exists in Islamism. That is if Muhammad said something later in the Quran it supersedes the earlier verses. It's the later versus that are so violent. You utter, Leaf twat.


>It was you who allowed Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
Sure, it's not like the Jews were there first and lived there for thousands of years but then Muslims came over and said that it was their land because Muhammad said so!

came here for this

>the quran has a vague generic platitude in it
>therefore terrorists can't be islamic

In general Sup Forums is a shit hole, but that's freedom of speech, I'm just stating the facts about Islam, and let me say that 7 Islamic countries have laws stating the a man's wife(s) are his property

the ottoman empire started the whole oil wells in muslim lands...

Time for the letter-writing campaign. Shit move, dumbass.

kill yourself faggot


>Implying it would be better without the west

>Enjoys freedom of speech and religion, things you can't enjoy in any muslim nation

This is why noone like you hummus

>leaf thread
Sage report and hide



try again


u sure?

No no pedo boy lover living off of the leaf.

It was the fucking


it was the jew who "____________"

you and the niggers are just the jews weapon your not even real but a thing to fight and kill white people.

>Let's talk about Islam and the Qur'an guys!
>Proceeds to discuss politics and history
Every. Single. Time.

Anyway, here's some light for you all from the Qur'an, since OP didn't provide any except a cute picture:

Qur’an 3:32—Say: Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.

Qur’an 48:29—Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad SAW till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise).

Qur’an 4:24—Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess. Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property—desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.


Qur’an 5:33—The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.

Qur’an 9:5—Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day [notice it says “fight those who do not believe,” not “fight people who are attacking you”], nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book [the people of the book are Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Qur’an 9:73—O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.

Qur’an 9:111—Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement.


Qur’an 47:35—Be not weary and fainthearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds.

Qur’an 2:106—Whatever communications We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than it or like it. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things?

Cherry on top, here's some nice insight into the hygienic life of Muhammad:

Sunan Abu Dawud 67—I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah: Water is brought for you from the well of Buda’ah. It is a well in which dead dogs, menstrual cloths and excrement of people are thrown. The Messenger of Allah replied: Verily water is pure and is not defiled by anything.

Sunan Ibn Majah 520—It was narrated that Jabir bin Abdullah said: “We came to a pond in which there was the carcass of a donkey, so we refrained from using the water until the Messenger of Allah came to us and said: ‘Water is not made impure by anything.’ Then we drank from it and gave it to our animals to drink, and we carried some with us.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5782—Allah’s Messenger said, “If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it [i.e. the fly] away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i.e. the treatment for that disease.”

Musnad Ahmad 16245—[Mua’wiya said]: I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire).

And now we need to finish you off.

Agree, but shit already happed. Why should we let them in to only escalate conflict?
Btw. The Pahlavi were the one who sucked western cook. Ayatollah did nothing wrong.

Sure, blame all the problems of your barbaric totalitarian ideology that's still stuck in the middle ages on other people. Tell you what, why don't you take your fucked up backward "religion" and shove it up your ass.

Actually, OP is right.

I only have one question: why didn't we go full ethnic cleansing on africa and middle east after 1945

>that's not a metaphor