The ACA is millstone around Democrats neck. Claiming ownership would be a mistake this cycle

Lost and replaced by a Republican:

Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska

Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark.

Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo.

Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C.

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La.

Russ Feingold, D-Wis.

Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.

Arlen Specter, D-Penn.

Left Senate and replaced by a Republican:

Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V.

Max Baucus, D-Mont.

Tim Johnson, D-S.D.

Tom Harkin, D-Iowa

Ben Nelson, D-Neb.

Byron Dorgan, D-N.D.

Evan Bayh, D-Ind.

Roland Burris, D-Ill.

Left Senate and replaced by a Democrat:

If you dont have basic heathcare for everyone in a first world country, its not a first world country.

Guns: deosn't cost taxpayer money. people are free to make them, and people are FREE to buy them

Healthcare: comes from taxpayer money

What if somebody doesn't want basic healthcare

Guns being a right doesn't mean the government gives you free guns, faggot

So is this picture saying that people who support gun rights have massive dicks?

>guy on the right has three legs
What did they mean by this?

>obtaining services of any private business, like a medical provider, is a privilege
>being able to protect yourself against aggression with whatever means you can is a right
nothing wrong with that


You have a right to PURCHASE AND OWN guns if you have the means.

You have a right to PURCHASE AND OWN a health care plan if you have the means.

liberals are waking death


Going by names, a lot of Jews.

>pay for my shit or else I'm going to be super smug and denigrate the country's status even though tens of thousands risk their lives every year to enter it illegally, and from all over the world.


Gun owners are inbred?

nobody can be turned down from a hospital. you will get treated if you want to go there. but it costs money.

Note: my assault rifle isn't making up for ANYTHING. Seriously, it's like I have a third leg.

You have to pay for someone else to have it.

Then its there when they need it.

We have basic healthcare available for everybody, it just doesn't grow on trees.

NRA members are aliens

That ain't no leg bro.

While we're at it, though, how would you guys feel about a federal subsidy for every law-abiding adult to own a basic firearm? Might be good for the crime rate.

Look at the size of the cock on the NRA guy.

No one is paying for your gun.
No one is paying for your healthcare.
Suck it commie.

Even their own Juden are against them on this one. Freud and degenerate porn man both think they are nuts.

it's true. even the digits confirm

Do they think you get free guns, or something?

>If your country isn't a second or third world shithole where everyone is so poor that literally no one can afford health care so that the government is forced to pay for it
>first world
>can't afford to pay for your own health care
>first world
>can't even afford cars
>first world
>haven't even been to the moon
>first world

hey, want to see something neat? A hospital in the US cannot refuse you care if you are in dire need of help. You are free to accrue massive debt from that process, but you will live.

In the UK. You can be told to fuck off and die, like a certain little boy was.

Nice socialized health care. Asshole. Even in the UK, non peasant people pay for health insurance to see better privatized doctors as needed.

tripod here can confirm

>implying you get a gun handed to you by the government on the taxpayer's dime

why do leftists not understand what a "right" is?

americans DO have a right to healthcare access, it's not like congress has made any laws preventing you from receiving health care treatment

>>guy on the right has three legs?

Owning guns makes your dick HUGE.

When they inevitably get beaten up by antifa for not conforming to the norms

Thats awfully classist rhetoric coming from a commie. Who is to say that a fist world nation sis better than a third world one?

They're both rights and you have to pay for both.

A right means the government prevents someone from blocking or bothering you on something. It does not mean free shit

This is how leftist propaganda works. Its self defeating, full of holes and obviously so. Its easier for them to spout off this bullshit all the time and claim victory, then ignore the responses for why it makes absolutely no sense. They just keep pumping bullshit fallacious propaganda posters out in the form of memes, and some people agree with them, enough people agree with them - without actually thinking about it. They rely on subjective truth, reality is their enemy. They want things they cant get people to support, so they need to craft a fake narrative, a fake reality, a dream world for leftists - in order to achieve things like taking kids from Christian families.

That's a dong

Know the difference between positive negative rights.

Right to bear arms is a right you have naturally: nothing must be provided to you. It is something the government may not take away from you, a negative right.

Right to medical care must be provided to you. It is an entitlement the government must give you. This is a positive right.

Countries with negative rights have liberty. Countries with positive rights have welfare and migrants.

Someone explain me this shit...

Except, you know, gun shot addmissions.....

Our overspending on education isn't exactly news.

I have to explain to someone from your part of the world that the ability to win a fight prevents you from being pushed around by other countries?
You back down, others will fill the gap. You can be the toughest asshole in this prison cell or you can let someone else do it. It will not be nobody in charge.

The ACA was controlled opposition designed to fail and put people off the idea of single payer, the only way to actually solve the health care problem.

gun ownership makes you're benis long

>buy a gun
>have a gun
>'buy health care'
>have to keep paying for it

The cost of healthcare, and ammunition, should be about 1/10th of what it currently is.

I propose we nationalize ammunition manufacture, and drug manufacture, to supply all the citizens with drugs and ammo.

>The cost of healthcare, and ammunition, should be about 1/10th of what it currently is.
They probably could be if the industry weren't allowed to be so corrupt.

The Russians hacked the DNC and DCCC and gave all that info to the republicans. You can't act like the last election actually means anything.

Now divide what we spend by each nato country that doesnt have their own defense. Maybe if america could stop being the worlds police every time some other country gets into shit the spending might be reduced. Do you really think europe could defend themselves from a russian invasion if the US wasnt supporting them so much?

Rights concern individuals being free to make there own choices and not have people force them to do anything they don't want to (e.g defending yourself) privelages are nice things that need cooperation between people to work in order to not infringe on the individuals rights. Unless you want to force a doctor to treat you or force someone to pay for your doctor against their will, healthcare is a privelages that can be taken away at any time. Same goes for education too btw

>Russ Feingold,

well if having a 10 foot long dick is a right then sign me up!

>You are classist!

He said to the communist. You know we want class war right? Read a book plz.

You pay for the gun too you fucking imbecile

>nip with worthwhile post
good job

A gun is an object, healthcare is a service provided by people. If we're going to start legally guaranteeing people a service, you're going to need a class of people who don't have a legal right to refuse service.

I believe we banned that particular practice in 1863.

When the govt starts giving me free guns and ammunition of high quality I will staunchly support the govt giving everyone else high quality healthcare and education. Until then you pay for it yourself just like I have to with guns.

That sounds awesome! You should make me pay for phone insurance too. I made not need a cellular device in my stance, but you seem to think I will in the future!

>Even in the UK, non peasant people pay for health insurance to see better privatized doctors as needed.
That is true. The NHS is a shambles and I would not trust them with my well being unless I really had no other option.