Homedepot fires employee for stopping a kidnapping
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Why is it in Spanish as well lol?
this is to be expected (read the fucking handbook for home depot employees)
it even says they're eligible for benefits?
hell he would make more money making a kickstarter and bringing that to the news
WTF, i'm with Lowe's now
What's the problem here? He was hired to do work at home depot, not the police force.
I would fire him too if I was the manager and my employees were off fucking around
What a merchant
as he should have been. His injuries would be the liability of home depot.
>Why is it in Spanish as well lol?
Because Spanish incompetents have a right to be incompetent in the United States too.
Kill yourselves. Tonight.
That's fucking bullshit. I get not stopping robbers, as the robber can sue the store for assault if the clerk tackles and injures him, which results in loses more than the value of the stolen good for the company. But getting fired for stopping a kidnapping of a child? Fuck corporate America. And I say this a supporter of capitalism. I guess in their minds, not getting sued is more important than the well being of a child. But I guess that's what happens when our companies are run by kikes who hate gentile children and only care about money.
Screen cap this lads. This is going to be a big story. This guy is going to get nice settlement. I think the good samaritan law applies here.
Also, I'm now going to Lowes.
>Attacking me personally instead of attacking my arguments
Hmm really makes me think
>thinking that Lowes policy is much different.
Corporate America is at fault here. I'm not against corporations making a buck, but against corporate bureaucracy. It's just as bad as any government bureaucracy, if not worse because there is less recourse. They bow down before the altar of political correctness and go to perverse extremes to minimize liability. They dont want to be responsible for anything.
Because, you fucking Downie, he was ordered to do something by the police. Are you saying he should have ignored police instructions? In that case, his bosses WOULD be legally liable.
yellowstone wake up
Pretty sure the Good Samaritan law only applies to the relationship between the Good Samaritan and the person being helped, not to a company and their relationship with a Good Samaritan employee.
Most employment nowadays is "at will" and you can be fired for any reason and at anytime.
>I would fire him too if I was the manager and my employees were off fucking around
and i would go to your house and kidnap your kid
can we make this something that will appear on cnn
i wish i could attack you personally. and physically
He's right you know.
Better yet, livestream your suicide in 4K60fps.
Time to bash the sash
This type of libtard stupidity needs to be punished. Let's add Home Depot as a meme war target.
Why not. Let's fucking run Home Depot into the ground.
In Oregon an employer can fire you without you being guilty of misconduct. For example, security guard companies can fire you if you conduct a citizens arrest.... you are legally allowed to do it, but the don't have to keep employing you and accept the liability. Securitas is a company that has this policy.
pic not related
Where yo kids hang out man?
>Working at Home Depot
Anyone who's visited /diy/ knows the employee deserved it.
>corporate America
pick one
Yup this
Also why doesn't it surprise me that this happened in Portland.
Because your only a fucking peon. Your not meant for situations that require critical thinking and certainly not alpha enough to step in. Now get back to work and stop being on Sup Forums u fucking peon
To clarify, what the employer did in this case was perfectly legal, but as the paperwork says, since he wasn't fired for misconduct he can claim state unemployment benefits.
Lowe's is unfortunately nowhere near as good. It is like a home depot for soccer moms mostly. at least the ones around here.
He should've been working. Not playing cops n robbers. Fucking slacker.
It's not a portland thing, it's a policy thing for big companies. If the company doesnt empower you to conduct the duties of a security guard, most big ones will fire you if you do anything that they could be sued for.
The Mall 205 area is a fucking shithole by the way... well outside of hipsterville
Incident began on company property. It's not like he was on the clock running around town looking for kidnappings to resolve.
Plus during the incident he was likely under orders from the police to accompany them; if they thought he was going to interfere with the investigation they would have forced him to remain at the Home Depot in question.
There's your argument.
I get its legal, but its not ethical. bunch of normie cuck shit.. lets run Home Depot down.
The smart thing for him to do at that point was get the Portland Police to send a letter or email to people higher up at home depot, state that they appreciated his assistance and would like them to consider re-employing the guy.
Bitching about a reasonable policy and demanding a social media dogpile is stupid and won't even work. Asking someone high up to make an exception is much more likely to have a positive outcome in my opinion.
Oy vey
home depot sucks balls
I have to work there for my company, and they keep us outside all day for no reason
he should be
do you want some minimum wage demi-NEET brainlet who likely has at least autism trying to assist the police and getting themselves involved in a Situation?
I sure as fuck dont.
-t. a home depot shelf stocker
sounds like we need a law saying you can't fire someone for doing the right thing
I'm curious, you a vendor stocking shelves or plants, or are you the guy cooking the sausages out front?
>also spanish translation
t. child molester
This. Big companies are retarded and everyone is taught to go by the book. An old coworker of mine got in trouble for being late to work because he saw someone walking in the parking lot get hit by a car and he called 911 and waited until they showed up and then was asked to give a statement. He was told it wasn't hos concerns and he should have been on time.
>After KGW contacted Home Depot about the case, the home improvement store reversed its decision.
>“We took a second look at this and have let Mr. Reagan know that we’ve decided to reverse our decision, based on the circumstances. We always do our diligence to make sure associates are treated fairly, which we’ve done in this case,” a statement from Home Depot read.
>However, Reagan said he doesn’t want his job back and hopes his next employer wouldn’t have to think twice when it came to an emergency situation.
Fuck off
HD offered him his job back and he said NO.
He can suck it.
You can use Good Samaritan laws to your defense in this instance
Home Depot is a fucking joke.
I buy ~30k in materials for different jobs I do and have gone to Home Depot maybe 3 or 4 times in the past 5 years.
Every single fucking time I go there the workers are slower than a running goat getting fucked by Mohammad.
If you need help finding something good luck finding an employee to help you. If they make eye contact with you they turn around and go the other way or dip out into an isle.
because we are taking over nigga.
Home Depot doesn't want to be involved with the police.
>all children should be raped and killed
>go fuck yourself buddy
>hey hey attack my arguments mister
unironically kill yourself.