Europe YES!

It's come to this.

Other urls found in this thread:

How can any nonfags not understand the alt right is the only thing left that isnt a suicide cult now?


>for family, for freedom, for country, and for God is now apparently the property of the alt-right

I give up

How are normies so fucking stupid

That's what every US president has been saying since washington.

>sane normalcy is hate speech

Fuck the globalists.

Family, freedom, Country and God == Alt-right

Well fuck, Sign me up then.

Jews have trained them this way

They've been brainwashed. It's basically the fnord phenomena. Does anybody really believe the brainwashed would realize they're brainwashed, especially when they isolate themselves to echo chambers and violently react when exposed to alternate ideas?

Make that a ticket for two m8


Was t_D right all along?

If that's alt-right then what could he have said that wouldn't be alt-right?

You can be better than this.

How did honorable qualities like that become fringe? Its crazy, these are what every single leader should aspire to, but now its come to this.

It's sad, isn't it?

Wait, you mean there's people who have DIFFERENT IDEAS to the left-wing millennial cuck establishment?



WE'RE IN CHARGE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love Satan fuck America stare at my shaven pussy but don't stare too long you patriarchal pig hi I'm a pansexual demi-fluid tree kin.

"For Islam, for globalism, for 'humanity', and for peaceful refugees."

My goodness is there no limit to the evil of this man?

That's pretty much the exact opposite of marxism. Family, community, country...

I can see how it happens, we all see it.
What amazes me sometimes is how FAST. AFter 9/11, every person in america would embrace that speech.
but what ever happened to this last crop of college kids, the last 5 years turned them on their heads. they hate america, patriotism, pride, country, and the constitution and our rights. They work to give our rights and freedoms away. 5 years. just 5 years.

Cum Deo Pro Patria et Libertate.

this. he has no place in the modern western world

((((((((((((((Vox Media)))))))))))))))

Satanists should be shot.

Private and public devil worship? Death sentence.

I hate them and I want to watch them all burn. They are destroying all that is decent and have the gall to say they're the good guys. They're the 'resistance' guys, why don't you believe them? Disgusting, disgusting, filthy degenerates..fuck all goddammit.

If anything, the younger generation is more radically right wing then we are.

Soon, brother...

you sound pretty young yourself

Almost every US president said this at one point during presidency.

One day somebody on our side is going to snap and pull a Charlie Hebdo on one of these news outlets. It's basically just a matter of time at this point.

They will get literally 0 sympathy from me when that happens.

Always remember pic related. The world is insane...

>For family, for freedom, for country, and for God.

I despise every single one of those things, especially g*d cause I'm an atheist *tips fedora* No need for g*d in my life. I don't need a crutch like those hillbillies down south. That's why I purposely lowered the g in g*d and added the asterisk. Heh, that'll show the invisible spaghetti monster in the sky. Fuck you g*d. Fuck you j*sus. Oh, and FUCK TR*MP


It's to the point where I'm questioning if this whole thing is one big massive troll. These people surely can't say this seriously, they HAVE to know they're peddling obvious bullshit. It's surreal.


how this disease is called?

they say it like its a bad thing. Even my liberal friends commented on how good his speech was.


Oh for fucks sake.

What a bunch of racist homophobic pricks in this thread. You have a bigger chance to be struck by lightning than die in a terrorist attack. And if you live in a big city, you should know by now that it's part and parcel of a big city life. Big city, big problems. And a lot of them are not even extremists and some actually give free taxi rides during attacks. You guys are assholes.

No, user, no! Only Christians should be shot! Haven't you learned anything from watching tv?

>Love for your family, country and god makes you a Nazi in 2017
Get me off this ride


someone shoot this vox guy in the fucking face

Just shows you how far the mainstream has fallen from common sense and moon decency.

1 nigger president. Look at south Africa. Or anywhere the jews let a nigger be in charge. Fortunately, this is kinda true

English isn't my first language. I get then and than goofed up.

Are they legitimately painting that phrase as a bad thing?

What the actual fuck.


Literally Hitler.

Mother. Of. God.

Guys, I think this is it: we ARE the last bastion of Western Civilization. Behind us is only darkness, but in us marches the army of a new hope, a better future for us and our children. I hope we will live to see that day.

>For Family, for freedom, for country, for God

Someone post the speech

This is how we win.

He should know then, I'm also young
Gas the kikes, Race war now

fucking this
50-100 years ago, these traitor ass politicians would have been dragged outside by their hair for half they shit they are pulling now

It has come to the point that I would be willing to do anything, anything at all, if it would mean eliminating the leftists plague. They truly believe in what they say, and it sickens me to the bone. A living nightmare and an insult to all things good, but they believe it and they believe they are justified. Before I came to this site I had mercy for them to a degree, but now I know too much and it's all too obvious that they have no will of their own. It is all fabricated for them, nothing but pre-programmed narrative machines taught from their first history classes to hate loyalty, to hate family, to hate God and to hate the natural order. But the monsters think they're fighting for love and that is what scares me about them.

im the same user

Violence against Journalists that willingly and purposely lie to the American people should be justified, prove me wrong.


I got a boner from how great this speech was and how assblasted everyone got from it.

this is an opportunity imo

>I give up

I consider it invigorating desu.

This goy gets it.

>everyone on the right praised his speech
>even cuckservatives
>shepard smith called it dark

Why the fuck is he still on Fox?

Almost everyone here does, too

Sup Forumsland is pretty cool. Major two parties are far right and center right.

If a place like 4 chan is among the last bastions of western civilization, then truly the world is fucked.

I'm fine with it except for the God part, but still much better message than the total surrender to an external froce.

I know I'm not the only one who notices the trend in what is considered comedy these days. Comedy is, has, and should always be for the purpose of relieving oneself of life's troubles by manner of being able to laugh at things and make light of them. Have you seen what it is now? Have you seen all of the new wave normie memes all talking about hating themselves like it's a status symbol or a bragging right? I don't believe it's a coincidence, I believe it's a system and I believe that people are not only falling for it but they are trapped inside it. Using comedy to kill the spirit of all who would become opposition for them, conjured out of fear for that same spirit. They are afraid of what would happen if the people felt a sense of pride, spirit, and self and they are trying to repress these things. This cannot be tolerated, not even a little not even at all but it is, fuck, I see it every day lads. But they're the good guys? How is that possible, I wish they could see it from my eyes, then stumble as they try to explain to me right to my face how the goddamn hell they're the good guys, the righteous resistance fighting for love; it isn't love, it's fabricated love. To me, that's worse than all hatred of any kind. Synthetic love. Yet we live and breath in a world where this is the reality. I don't want to hear it anymore, I can't stand them. I live for every second in which they question themselves, because that is where hope lies. It lies in raising as many questions as possible.

Uhmm...lingua latina?

Non penis canina, BTW.

This is the speech.
Listen. It's actually inspiring.

It's been a good thread lads, but it saddens me that this has become the state of things. I hope that you all stay strong in the face of whatever comes next.

you're right.
My sister is far down these self deprecating "lol I have depression and watch netflix" normie memes and it makes me really sad.




So many good quotes in here. I'm listening to it right now and he just said:
>A strong Poland is a blessing to the nations of Europe, and they know that. A strong Europe is a blessing to the West, and to the world.

The american left isn't patriotic and doesn't love its country, fine. They don't care about god and, alright. They hate freedom, well that's nothing new. But what really pisses me off that they are taking on family values more and more. the fuck is their problem? At least they'll die alone without polluting the gene pool with their filthy dna

>the fuck is their problem?

They literally and unrionically want to destroy the nuclear family m8.

Shit like this is just the tip of the iceberg:

There are leftists in the legal system, academia, entertainment and etc.. who actively work for the destruction of the nuclear family. They consider their perverse ideology a "more evolved" and higher moral system. These are completely and irreversible broken minds, still trying to subvert what virtue is left.

Because, you see, in a family people depend on each other... And leftists want you to see enemies everywhere and trust government only!
If you think this sounds too dystopian to be true, then you should remember how often left uses hate/fearmongering against people to make you give them power to "fix" them. And we've already seen what happens when government has too much power...

How can redditscum like you not understand that anything not radical left is considered "alt right"

Hail our God Emperor.

I'm glad that your people are with us, Polish user. You are without a doubt the best nation that our President could have chosen to strengthen bonds with.

"We can still hear those voices that echo through history. Their message is as true today as ever. The people of Poland, the people of America, and the people of Europe still cry out "We want God".
"With that powerful declaration of who you are, you came to understand what to do and how to live. You stood in solidarity against oppression, against a lawless secret police, against a cruel and wicked system that impoverished your cities and your souls; and you won."
Holy hell this was an AMAZING speech. This man is my President.

Wow, great speech!
Also, a nice 'fuck you' to Merkel.

Isn't that basically your national anthem?

>Self preservation is Alt Right now.

I cannot stand these ultra-cucks.

Let them all move to sweeden.



That's the best part of it. G-d, Poland looked absolutely beautiful and put on a high energy, glorious display for the world. It looked like something out of a storybook about what Europe used to look like.

> G-d
Kys. You will get the rope first you cancerous kike

>he can't into ironic yid poasting

Listen to the speech. There is hope yet. Say what you will of our President, but he spoke to all of us in this amazing speech.

>I'm glad that your people are with us, Polish user.

Found my next vacation destination, Poland or Bust!

There is no alt right

It's a boogeyman dreamt up by Hillary Clinton

I wish Trump hated these parasitic leftist barbarians as much as they think he does.

They would be face down in mass graves, and we would be free of them.

We will prevail because we must. Those who have something real to fight for will always conquer those who believe in nothing more than a well-constructed lie.

is that the spanish flag?

american education

no joke

>Pajeet says as he fights against toilets being introduced to his village.

It is only that way because we have allowed ourselves to believe that nothing could be done to stop the corruption. I believe now.

You let Communists run your Universities.