When did you realize males were better at being female than females?

When did you realize males were better at being female than females?

Might just stop bothering with women and find myself a cute and loyal trap

The bible says being a fag is an abomination and says to kill fags

They dont need tits. You're right but traps are the womany gays

Traps are like women, but literally mentally ill instead of just normal woman crazy.

And they are clingy in the extreme. And you can never unsee the stubble, the hairy ass, the adams apple, etc.

Here we fucken go. That word is not in there. The concepts were. None of the modern freudian words were. Those are molech passages. Do you eat bacon? Christ blessed them. King david was bisexual. Centurion. Ruth and naomi. Gays can reproduce. Truvada. Mental illnesses are spiritual problems. Vengeance and judgment are God's. Those levitical passages are not written for Christians. They meant mixing males with female beds. Murder is better than mistranslating the Bible. Heterosexuality caused the fall of man. All the world is a stage and you are the most transparent shitty larping broken record ball sniffing closet fag pedo actors around

No I don't eat bacon
Every single one of God's laws are written for all of mankind! Are Christians animals? Is that what you're saying?

>prefers cancerous Candida fungus nagging and alimony; maybe some zika and incurable gonorrhea since you invented all death and sin and aids in a lab and gave it to charlie sheen's 700 vaginas
Women don't like you. If all those things are gross. Why not ignore the pussies made cheap for you by us and instead transition to womanhood?


>Heterosexuality caused the fall of man
>Murder is better than mistranslating the Bible

Holy shit

You have nice kikey sideburns and wear a skull cap against Corinthians and never have worn polyester and you have two fridges for meat and dairy and you put women in the forest during periods and you're circumcised. Nobody would be saved. You can follow all that ancient israelite stuff and lie about it. And still fail. Being a pagan lying Christ hating frog posting murderous unrighteous pharisee

Bible says lots a shit

You're talking about mentally ill men that haven't taken estrogen injections since puberty.

Traps are soft and supple like women but with a male brain and a soft feminine penis.

I can't grow side burns
I don't wear a hat, where does it say I have to?
The bible doesn't mention polyester but it says don't mix linen and wool which I don't
The meat and dairy not mixing is from the Talmud, the bible says don't boil a lamb in its mothers milk, I've never cooked meat in milk, I don't mix meat and dairy though
The bible doesn't say put them in a forest, just says not to touch them or sit in the seat they sat on
No I'm not circumcised, the bible says you have to circumcise your son on th 8th day my parents didn't do that so as Paul said I came into the church as I am, but I will circumcise my son

Fags =cancer
Cancer must be eliminated

A fag is a pedophile rapist
One day he will rape a boy and turn him into a fag
90% of fags were sexually abused

You have sat on seats they've sat on. I guarantee it. And you are clearly not circumcised in the heart. You treat me like the ethiopian eunuch. Read Christ's words. Learn what are born eunuchs. Learn how you focus on secular bullshit. Your vaginas and marriages don't exist in Heaven. Can men marry Christ? Yes. Was He the tree of life? Probably. Your stupid females never listened to that and you fuck the devil's sloppy seconds. Wanna be in the 144,000? You can't. All the laws are for all of us but you're uncut and cherry pick. Why not go lob off your dick? I'm restoring. Logs and splinters you hypocrite
You brought all this shit. Did adam and steve die and get banished or do you have chicken and egg arguments that once Eve laid Satan you fell too making her your wife and sin hole that you defiled yourself and all of mankind with? Christ never came through sex and never had any. Why? September 23 and the Virgo virgin in the sky?

All these repetitive fucking bullshit lies. You are all so fucking nasty. What is it about males that you hate so much? Why all this faith in women? They don't nurture anything. You are in a temporary fix for your own corruption. Nobody can understand the natural laws. Gay animals exist. You act like a monkey. Post more "nice" memes when female teachers rape their male students. Putin. Pedo. Milo. Pedo. Epstein trial. Grab em is sodomy. And on and on we go. 90% of right wingers are the pedos who use their brainwashing and lack of discernment to fashion straw men and put the antichrist in power

Yeah I have, that's why we need Jesus to be saved
I don't hate anyone I want fags to be saved that's why they should go to the asylum so they can get better and become normal again but if they continue to sin then we need to punish them. They rape and molest


>grabs his own daughters ass and makes lewd comments about her
>gays are rapists and sodomites
Fuck this. I dont get it. Go fuck your stupid vaginas. Why do I matter to you? We've been here for 6000 years and none of us would exist if serpent seed didn't. The law is a curse. Your blood lust repulses me

Isn't that what this movie was about?