T_D cringe thread
T_D cringe thread
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Nazi flag.
Trying to incite emnity between allies during a time of war.
I wonder who it could be.
>a time of war.
Dont be ridiculous.
Admit you're a leaf and I'll leave.
>Admit you're a leaf
you're a such a dumbass!
neetsocs are unironically as retarded as kekistanies
only idiots want to alienate our allies from other parts of the internet. Personally I use reddit it's a good source of information because you can filter through all the bs by seeing which posts get the most upvotes. Sup Forums has a better culture but the website layout is way too shitty plus we can just post on both
At least he can bake a decent looking cake. I bet none of you guys can.
I tried to blackpill /ptg/
They went silent.
>teleports behind you.
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol
Divide and conquer.
>oh no we're going mainstream!!!
>stop this before we actually might change something
David Brock is a massive douchebag.
He needs to khs.
>uses nazi flag
>"lol our allies are so cringy"
>divide and conquer tactics
i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
>time of war.
>le epic meme war xD!!
lmao kill yourself you fucking sperg
I don't know if I would go as far as calling them allies.....maybe just not the enemy or last in line for the gas chambers.
>all these redditors here complaining about divide and conquer tactics
Reminder that T_D and Sup Forums have such different ideologies and cultures that you might as well compare muslims to Europeans.
I'm not necessairly saying it's shills, but if I was trying to do damage I would go that angle. Truth is most of the haters are internet hipsters who build their personality around their sekrit club and giggle when they say shit like 14/88.
How do we get rid of them?
How do you be live with yourself? Astroturfing is morally reprehensible.
stop trying to say its cringe its good for our cause and the things people are saying here are really hurtful focus on the enemy cnn not fellow trump supporters
>fag flag
Fuck off
T_D is our retarded brother. As much as we resent them, we have to back them up.
terrible D&C thread shills.
I mean instead seeing it like, oh the mainstream is getting closer to us, you guys are acting like OH NO WE'RE WATERED DOWN BY CIVIC NATIONALISTS WHO WON'T EVEN GOOSE STEP DURING DEMONSTRATIONS.
I'd really like to know what you want to accomplish and how fast, because you're shitting on any realistic szenario of normies changing their views. As a matter of fact you're acting like a bunch of leftists infighting about their special interpretation of communism or whatever.
The problem with that image is that there are too many mixed race families and not enough fat single mothers with mixed race kids
Reddit rewards groupthink. I dislike groupthink
2016 election did not change that
This is the next angle of the campaign to stop our influence in the world. Do not war with the Donald or think baldly if it. It absolutely helps the cause and the shill operations hate this.
This is a divide and conquer campaign. I'd bet my life on it.
Like how Project Chanology changed things after it got flooded and utterly derailed by underageb& and gaiafaggotry?
Disgusting, these autistic fucks are only useful when shitting on liberals online. Fags like this need to be exterminated.
why you so sad user
Donald Trump wouldn't be president without our meme magic. Sup Forums should be thanking us.
I'm not saying I like newfags it but it's still the best Sup Forums can realistically hope for and I think it's even a surprise it got that far.
Honestly youre a piece of shit for astroturfing and I want you to see that what you're doing is truly evil.
You will pay for what you are doing.
You have to answer to something after this life.
Shill. Kys.
>implying these t_d newfags have any idea what you're talking about
>Donald Trump wouldn't be president without our meme magic. Sup Forums should be thanking us.
Reddit isn't even hiding themselves anymore.
This. They're blatantly obvious about it too
>Divide and conquer
That would imply we're with them in the first place. They're happy with Trump and think he's not just the same shit with a different name. Sup Forums has different things in mind, or at least it used to.
We will find you shills. You will either answer for this shit in this life or the next.
You know ive seen that picture so many times and i never realized the black guy was being handed money to be there
well now you have no excuse for these rancid shitposts
This. It's no coincidence all of these people came here last year including the Jew with the hidden flag.
No. It is an echo chamber for pro-Trump messaging
It's easily ignored by anyone who doesn't agree with him already and flooded by people who don't support him for ideological reasons but "for the meme!"
>We will find you shills. You will either answer for this shit in this life or the next.
>typing like we're in a fucking movie
I don't even have to find this cringe anymore. After this CNN fiasco, it comes to me.
Shill I am peering into your soul.
It is so dark.
Can you feel it?
Who gives a fuck? Sup Forums is an echochamber as well. Show me one place that isn't of likeminded people that isn't.
Your whole argument is about you wanting Sup Forums to be more of an echochamber.
If the best we can hope for is normalfags wearing meme merch and spewing lightweight opinions lifted from aggregated Sup Forums shitposts for social currency then we are fucked.
>dislikes groupthink
yeah ok
I know you can feel it.
Whoever pays you is a servant of the darkest and lowest.
Who's welcome in kekistan
>based black guys
>based Hispanics
>based Jews
>based greatest allies
>based Muslims
>based LGBTQIA123ABC+
>based trannies
>based single moms
>based interracial couples
>based Oath Keepers
>based illegal immigrants who join the military as a pathway to citizenship
>based immigrants who came here LEGALLY
Who's not welcome in kekistan
>mean Nazis
>mean race "realists"
>meanie heads who don't agree with the browning of America
>meanie heads who think we don't need immigrants
>mean cops who racially profile minorities, who don't commit more crime than white people
>Sup Forums is an echochamber
>Your whole argument
point proven you fucking retard
What's the best you hope for? Because as I see it that kekistani stuff, no matter how cringy, is the only thing able gaining traction with normal people countering SJW ideology.
Time to emigrate to 8pol the US election was chanology 2.0.
oh god how have I not seen this phrase before? this is my favourite word now
Your favorite should be Allah Akbar because you will need it daily in the next 20 years.
Anyone who is not a shill in here, please observe this thread and understand what their narrative is to start to split the right.
Shills: youre reprehensible.
Dude, you're dealing in absolutes here when we're talking about abstraction. Yes there are a lot of different opinions on Sup Forums but it's not like it's really that diverse, it's more like spectrum of memes and talking points. It's not like Sup Forums wouldn't pat each other on the back for walking the goal posts. Doesn't mean I like the other opinions, but it's not like outsiders would be welcomed here.
Anyone who uses the word "cringe" to discourage certain viewpoints and initiatives are here to do nothing but divide and conquer.
Buying into something so obviously designed to disrupt campaigns and other such projects on an anonymous forum implies that, somehow, someone cares about how their opinions are taken....on an anonymous forum.
Nobody knows who you are here, therefore, you should be immune from "cringe." Think about it, there's been an organized effort on this board to make things like "Kek worship" cringy, but who the fuck is actually cringing at you? You're fucking anonymous.Just remember the unity we've had over the past two years, and how we've gone away from it because for some reason people buy into the notion that others are "cringing" at you. No name is tied to your post. Nobody CAN cringe at you.
That's been the glory of the chans for years. You can state your opinion with no account, it's nearly unfettered free speech. Whenever you see someone use the rather crngy term of "cringe", you know it's someone who has a problem with the things being posted here.
And this dumbass nigger OP is using a fucking Nazi flag. Think about it, anons.
You're clearly retarded. Let me use a metaphor here.
In the Spanish Civil War, the two sides were the Nationalists and the Republicans. The Nationalists were comprised of people who generally held the same views.there were fascists, monarchists, general conservatives, religious figures, among others. They had some limited infighting, but they all had the same general goal, to create a conservative, single ruler state. Meanwhile the Republicans were broken beyond belief. They had communists, separatists, democrats, foreign volunteers all with different goals, and anything else not already with the Nationalists. They spent a lot of time fighting each other and their jumbled ideologies only weakened themselves.
Long story short the Republicans lost very badly due in part to this wide inclusiveness and subsequent infighting, and if they somehow won the war this would only continue into Soviet style purges and further widespread conflict with separatists. If history is any indication, letting in a load of retards we disagree with on everything but maybe one issue is nothing but self destructive.
>there are a lot of different opinions on Sup Forums but it's not like it's really that diverse
Yeah okay, buddy.
I'm just some retarded nobody who shitposts in /nsg/.
>meme war gas all the normies xdd
I smiled. Thank you for your reply, it wasn't bad.
These people literally browse Sup Forums though, not sure why Sup Forums and The_D continue to think they're a seperate entity. The_D is pol with usernames.
Your day will come.
You will answer for trying to manipulate natural and free discussion.
You are a virus and you know it. That's what you are.
last time I went to 4+4 it's was filled with kek and Trump fags. Literally had an anime girl in a maga hat at the bottom-right hand of the screen
Triggered me hard faggot, you have to go back!
We don't want any immigrants.
If you're not a shill then why do you have a folder full of material that is almost exclusive to shill operations.
You're a virus. That's your function in life.
>same pictures everytime
cant you get some new content?
>states he unironically posts in /nsg/
>talks shit on 8 chan
Wew lad, out yourself harder.
Show us your flag paki
Because I hate civic-nationalists and alt-lites
to laugh and shame them off this board
I'd rather have alt-lites than SJWs.
lurk the thread before posting faggot
I'd rather alt-lites and SJWs both fuck off or go ethno.
You're a shill and I want you to feel bad about who you are, and what you do.
This will haunt you because you know what you are doing is disgusting and a waste of human life.
No it's not.
Two completely different board cultures.
Okay ancap who talks like he's reading a script.
We will drive the shills into madness.
This is truly a war.
We will win it.
Well, I'd like to ride a golden mustang to work were I get blown by all the cuties who congratulate me for being awesome, but that's not realistic isn't it.
You lost, Ahmed.
You called out 8ch while pretending to be a "an ebin rull Nazi :DDDDDDD"
You're bad at your fucking terrible job, you don't understand any of the chans in any meaningful way, and you're not presenting a real argument.
Go suck ((their)) cock some more, you obviously LOVE the taste.
hahaha look at these literal children who want to grow up to be like Sup Forums hahahah how stupid.
>paki got himself a vpn
The dead are not pleased with you. We are peering into your soul. Our voice is the script.