How did they do it Sup Forums?

How did they do it Sup Forums?

The only highest income economy nation in Africa is Equatorial Guinea. They're completely black and with a negligible if none minority of whites and yet it's a more wealthy country than South African, Namibia, North Africa and Seychelles alst while being 95% black.

>inb4, Hurr MUH niggers

This nigger country is doing better than the entirety of Eastern Europe. PPP per capita is around $39,000.

Explain, you can't. Sup Forums racists eternally btfo'd

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Can Sup Forums racists even respond? Sup Forums will have you believe that all niggers can't into nation building but this bunch of niggers are doing it better than Eastern Europe.

>The discovery of large oil reserves in 1996 and its subsequent exploitation have contributed to a dramatic increase in government revenue.

mystery solved

found the answer

Isn't this the country with an average IQ of 59?

>Since the mid-1990s, Equatorial Guinea has become one of sub-Saharan Africa's largest oil producers. It is the richest country per capita in Africa,[13] and its gross domestic product (GDP) adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita ranks 43rd in the world;[14] However, the wealth is distributed very unevenly and few people have benefited from the oil riches. The country ranks 144th on the UN's 2014 Human Development Index. The UN says that less than half of the population has access to clean drinking water and that 20% of children die before reaching the age of five.

A few niggers became billionaires by finding oil bumping their GDP and left the rest to starve to death.

Theirs your answer.

>Equatorial Guinea
It's the fucking Kuwait of Africa you stupid leaf. Small and poor population ruled by a very corrupt wealthy elite that controls the oil money.

That's what (((they))) want you to believe.


Holy shit! I thought WE WUZ was just a meme.

Doesn't matter the nigger nation is outdoing white nations like Poland.

It's not really. Blacks and Africans did used to have huge empires. They just never learned to adapt to the modern age and were pretty much wiped out by colonial powers due to isolationism.
Rather than say

"Oh I know, lets learn how these guys are so succesful. let's try be like them."

It's was more like.

"The white man is evil. Anything he touches is evil. Let's keep chucking spears at his guns and artillery. That'll work out."

It does nigger. You have to compare it to nations like Kuwait. Which then has double the figures. And that's a sandnigger sandhole. Now compare it to Norway.


No it isn't. Did you even read any of that? Thats like saying just because Bill Gates has a home on some nigger infested private island without any running water with a life expectancy of 35, because the GDP is now 50 million per person, it's the best country to live in the world.

Except it really doesn't matter when you compare it to Poland for instance. Equatorial Guniea is better than Poland by every economic metric though.

It fucking does. Poland is not an oil island. You've been told it a hundred times now.

Oil. The family that owns it sells all the oil (produced by foreign partners) and launders all the money. Average person has nothing

"Untapped; The Scramble for Africa's Oil" has a good chapter on this

Polish niggers live worse off than niggers in equatorial Guniea. Explain why polish NIGGERS immigrate and equatorial Gunieans are leeches and parasites like polaks?

Let me tell you a little secret about our ex-colony. It has a massive amount of oil and the money ends in the hands of its dictator and his friends. It's a fucking shithole.

maybe they started a business.

A fucking leaf is told multiple times why something is something and ignores the facts

Where have I seen this before? Hmm.

My aunt worked there as a tailor for the King making curtains and shiieeet

She said no foreigner is allowed in except with a work permit. Also, there is only one radio station and its controlled by the King that way no kike gets into the nigger's ear

It's not a monarchy.
Brazilians must pay. We give more land to them, get independence and Portugal stays without Brazil neither Equatorial Guinea.