How can poos explain south being more developed than them, while claiming they are niggers?
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bumo for interest
Northerners are mixed with Aryans whilst South are more pure Dravidians. The Aryan mindset plagues the north to make the populace seek individuality and hedonism whereas in the south they seek collective betterment of their peoples similar to the British mindset.
I thougth tamil Nadu was the only on mostly pure Dravidian andrha nad karnataka have been kind of mixed with Aryans while Kerala is even less Dravidian because of a shit ton of Muslim and christian immigrants from the middle east?
Portuguese, Kerala is special specifically for that.
Otherwise, there's about 6 ethnicities in India, that's like making Spain, France and Italy the same country because "all Germanic meds." They range in appearance and intelligence, the latter being a good indication of human development.
Also, see that region just south of Delhi? That's full of Punjabs, they're fine and most similar imo to Persians. They're not poor because they're poor because it's inland and far from any historic trade routes.
Likewise, Bengali people (the ethnicity in India's pan handle) maybe aren't the smartest, but they become rich too because Bangladesh is built on one of the silk road sources.
Lastly, best Indian girls are Gujarati.
The biggest shit hole seems to be the area between Maharashtra and Delhi
Kerala gets remmitances from Kerala's Indians working in the Gulf Arab States told by Indians in Sup Forums by 50th time.
Goa is a tourist resort and some industries, natural resources. low % Muslim subhumans and it's only 1,5 gorillion Indians
All Indian states have different population densities, etc..
>port cities are more developed in general
Wow really gets those neurons firin. Moron.
Inland places are nearly, almost usually poorer than the coastal areas and that's almost only and exclusively because of trade. Those northern areas had good trade, as did Bangladesh and as did the south (through sea faring Europeans).
India was almost like the Britain making a mini-EU in the middle of Asia. The place is decentralised enough that one area is completely different from another, not just different ethnicities (again, 6/7 depending if Telugu and Tamil are different or if Maharashtra is considered an ethnicity or if it's just Kannada).
I'm not saying India shouldn't exist, but you should understand it doesn't really exist. There is no such thing as an Indian person, they're literally anything else.
And silk road sources.
It's not just coastal areas.
How the fuck is that supposed to develop Kerala if they are all overseas and last time checked Kerala has a pretty huge population for a tiny state at around 34 million which is more than all the Sikhs in India and their population overseas is less than 4 million
I don't know if that means anything, but Goa and Kerala have the most Christians.
Unfortunately for India a major chunk of the population live in that inland area and if you want to see India with its best poo in the loo memes you can go there and find it easily
>There is no such thing as an Indian person
I must call citizens/nationals of the State of India something - pic related. I get your point but I was bring up ethnicities, subethnicities, etc.
They are still the minority in those paces though
14/88 From Sri Lanka
You make no sense you cant 14/88 you are Lankan
It's what the Indians specially the North ones say.
As a nationality I begrudgingly accept its existence, but when Indians westernise they think its just east, south and north, plus crypto-Pakistanis.
They send money back.
I've found regular Indians aren't into Marxism, this makes sense the Soviets have no reason to try to collapse India, that being said there's still affirmative action (it's a joke and for scheduled tribe/castes) but only very westernized Indians wouldn't see a foreigner causing trouble and wonder how to lynch it diplomatically. There are a few Marxist Indian women here clogging up bureaucracies by being brave women of colour.
This is normal despite who you are, where you are or who the offender is.
Because Southern Part of India belonged to the europeans till like 50 years ago
People for Kerala are into Communism too much
I can't?
Rama Setu
Geological evidence suggests that this bridge is a former land connection between India and Sri Lanka.
A deal to lease Sri Lanka's southern Hambantota harbor to a Chinese.
Why not archive?
why do Poo in Loos like to rape so much?
sorry, here's the better version
The dravidians were superior they created harrapan civilization. While the Aryan invaders were more warlike nomads. As a general rule people that create civilization will have higher IQ then nomadic invaders you can see this across all peoples.
Han have higher IQ then mongols. Levantines have higher IQ then Bedouins etc.
Why are darker skinned Indians smarter than lighter skinned Indians?
Dravidian aborigines similar the Eternal Anglo.
From the horse's mouth itself.
Well done, sir, well done.
>India has been characterised as one of the "countries with the lowest per capita rates of rape".[5] A 2014 piece in The Lancet states that the "8.5% prevalence of sexual violence in the country is among the lowest in the world.
News of Rape are about more international tourists. And don't forget there's tight line between rape and women lying and make up (pic related) - although it's a very small %.
They probably go to tourism resorts and rape.
Why can't even archive that? (well again I don't optic fiber contract)
I'm gonna research more about this in archive 4 plebs.
Female Sex Tourism / causal encounters / actual rape / fake rape / different definitions of rape
Thanks in advance, based Norwegian user.
Not falling for that, Pajeet:
>Estimates of unreported rapes[edit]
Most rapes go unreported because the rape victims fear retaliation and humiliation, both in India and throughout the world.[23] Indian parliamentarians have stated that the rape problem in India is being underestimated because a large number of cases are not reported, even though more victims are increasingly coming out and reporting rape and sexual assaults.[24] According to an estimate from 2014, only 5-6% of rape cases in India are reported to the police.[25]
>6 ethnicities in India
Bruh I bet your average Indian is more than 8 ethnicities tf
I'm not an Indian, Mr. 52%.
Good research then. We must calculate an estimation of that for general population with those 5%. Look at some replies of some Indians.
You're surprised the media only reports on the hot topics that will give them the clicks ala MUH RUSSIAN HACKING?.
Don't fall for the trap bros.
>Unreported number of rapes
How do you know they happened if they're unreported? I swear cucks get more retarded every day.