Magick is the solution for the white race

What the elite does, works for us too.

As above, so below. What's on the inside will reflect the outside. If you have a deep wish for a white ethnostate, and many people shard this, the energy will be sent into the universe and potential energy for the fullfilment of a white ethnostate be created.

In fact meme magic is real and you can pick any God, though pepe and Kekistan are already dedicated to this desire and might be most effective in fact.

nice trips now check these

Get a job and stop this ridiculous shit

You can get a job and practice magic dummy

>If you have a deep wish for a white ethnostate

If you have a deep wish for a white ethnostate, you just do it. Not some petty fucking protests and twitter hammering. You get involved in politics and speak to the people from position of power.

One day i will deliver, mark my words.

yeah worshipping satan is what will get us out of the hell we're living in and free us from the devils that tempt us.

Do you even hear yourself think?

I used to say cringy shit like this when I was 12, although at least I didn't fall for the New Age meme like OP

Shit... Them trips don't lie.

Hence kekism and ebolachan. But fuck you faggots.

i summoned the demon Naberius and IT WORKED

there's no going back. i can't stop now the power is too real

Kek is smiling on this... Should Europe return to pre-Semitic paganism?

Only if it succeeds. No sense in continuing what doesn't work.


This is not bullshit, I sent a thought out that I would be asked to write for a magazine or newspaper, not long after it happened. Why do you think occult symbolism is so wide-spread in hollywood and the elite world?

How did you into it?

Partly because it is proven to work at least psychology. Read "the power of positive thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. Rev. Peale was Donald Trump's childhood pastor.

Fuck off KIKE

I didn't say magic wasn't real, but this kind of chaos magic people like you practice is just a meme

I read an esoteric book once, there was a phrase in it which I never forgot: "In esotery it's one of the biggest secrets that if you have a strong thought, and lose it (let it free), it will become"

I spread Sup Forums thoughts in an online magazine now.

I think the worshiping of Kek legitimately scares the fuck out of certain people.

What is behind the curtain is always an option. Just have to do your research and not go "oooga booga, emo and slice, kill all those who are never nice!"

It takes time and effort to do this, to meditate energy learn about symbols and history.

Hahahaha no

True power is remembered not learned or stolen or begged for from unknown forces.


i just want to obtain apotheosis is that too much to ask for

read the lesser key of solomon

72 infernal spirits -- pick one you like and evoke it -- master it under your service

dont do this

omg wat deck is this!!!

Let's be honest, until he understands the true nature of the universe, which is why I posted the magician card, doing that will probably do nothing for him and he will benefit nothing from it.

And to those who are laughing at this, during times of great stress like war a lot of politicians often turn to superstition for luck. It's not all stupid.

Don't forget it also had angel summoning, but people think that's to lame.

Golden Dawn Magickal Tarot

im getting it. cheers!
i have albano waite......

Can anyone recommend me a good demon to summon?

Doesn't that use demons to work? The elites are Satanists.

Make sure if possible to get one that comes with the rather large booklet, it explains in detail the nature of the symbolism which is quite helpful to the deck.


thanks doc

anyone here crossed the abyss?

magic is not real faggot kys

Yeah nah that's cool, you Eurocucks can keep your demon worshiping bullshit.

God's real and he ain't down with that shit. Deal with it.

Magick is real

You guys have to be careful about studying this stuff, if you study seriously it WILL change the way you understand and perceive reality, which, for some can be very dangerous and lead to alcoholism, dementia, etc. The occult is the literal red pill similar to neo in the matrix, everything changes.

KeK is the only god that I worship. Meme magic is real.

Fuck the haters. I like the way you think, user


i'll use magic as soon as someone proves to me it's real, i'm waiting

He's already spoken through your digits.

SHADILAY my brother!

If I had it in me, I would describe a way I have found to turn the power of 'forgiveness' into a force to be reckoned with. One with general or very acute applications.

Too tired now, but the gist of it is; If you have been wronged, and can genuinely let go of the emotions associated with being wronged, or actually forgive someone instead of just moving on, the energies of anger and resentment on the person are released from you and can turn the cogs of the machine, stomp around like a behemoth, or used to do some next level fuckery on someone. It's hard to forgive someone on this level, but you recognize your efforts when your target is crippled and you feel bad for them. Because it was your forgiveness, unwillingness to imbide hatred and remorse in you that has metaphysically steered your enemy into destruction.

Meme magic is dank af. Basically internet nazi's using 'The Secret' to screw with the normie's world.

The fact you have consciousness and are aware of it is proof of it.

Ok, you can try it for yourself. Wish something realistic to happen, think about it strongly and "forget" it. You will see it will most likely come true. This is how you can prove magic to yourself. A white ethnostate is a big thing and can only happen with combined magic energy.

ok styxhexenhammer

Jesus is the only way. Magic is a path to Hell.

wtf i just had a seizure
im suing you

Jesus is in fact a form of magic too, with praying

But with acceptance of the Christian God

What if he wants whites to be exterminated? Where as magick might help us.

It's true. Either consciousness is a natural byproduct of the laws of physics, or "something else" is going on.

Go ask /sci/ about the role of consciousness in collapsing the waveform to transfer reactions from the quantum to relativistic scale, it's a legitimate mystery in science. There's an an academic term called the "Heisenberg cut" just to work with the phenomena.


As above so below.
Nice digits.


True Occultism holds the key to saving western civilization, but not one fragment of one law of one tradition will accomplish anything.

>Jesus is in fact a form of magic too, with praying

Prayer isn't magic, it's just talking to a supernatural entity. Talking to one other than God is idolatry, though.

Hah! Kek gave me tripplez for this thread, it's a sign to use magick to accomplish a white ethnostate.

Can you wish $1 million for me? Thanks

So we need to become white nationalist occultists?

I had mini seizure thank's to you.

fuck off, hippie.

>magic thread
>all these digits

wow I worship the moon goddess now

Why woukd I? You can use your own magic potential for that. If you put enough energy in it and free the energy by forgetting it, you xan do it yourself.

Where have I heard of this before...

Really gets my noggin joggin...

what do you mean by forget it?

>Lesser key of Solomon
>Chaos magic
No, user, that is ceremonial magic

Fuck off leaf. Leave the mad burger alone

"Free the thought" by not thinking about it anymore, than it will come true

Can I use magick to kill jews with my mind?

Why not? genuine question.

>use jew magick to create white ethnostate

Magic isn't fucking real whether you put a k on the end or not.

Does Sup Forums become the Thule Society mk.2? Do we awaken the ancient Elders, resurrect Hitler, and purge the Earth of degenerates?

Stay Tuned!

A bunch of people on /x/ LARP about doing this, but they're all full of shit.

if you want to get into the occult evocation is not where you want to start unless you want to fuck yourself up

>pagan sorcery

Finally someone said this.

I've been practising magick for years now, and this is why I think we are fucked. When I discovered the power of the elites, I could sense the evil and the extreme power they have.

This is our only hope. We in Sup Forums are all MAGICIANS and we are not assumig that role. We have to learn to behave like a magician, like an occultist because this is what we are.

We are in contact with a God. We can not keep thinking this is a game. We are in the right path, and we are in war.

I am not talking to those who don't want to hear. For everybody else: this is a good way to start in Magick.

Read "Prometheus Rising" by Robert Anton Wilson.
Read "Liber Null" by Peter Carroll
Read "The Complete Golden Dawn" by Israel Regardie
Learn and read the publications of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth and Genesis P Orridge.

These books are super easy to find and these people made a lot to the modern magicians.

I practise Chaos Magick myself, but this is not the only path. We need to fight back with the same tools the elite has. I love you all, fuckers.

I just seized the means of production thanks to you.

>Semitic twaddle

what level do i have to be to invoke kek to get me shit

does he take good boy points?

I'm down.


love you friend

have any advice on inducing OBEs? i really suck at it

Paganism is just a meme made by Christians and fedora wearers. The Emperor protects.

You could stop talking like such a faggot and look into the double slit experiment

I wish for the end of this world and the birth of a new world where evil nor its knowledge exist.

Your idea is putting some glue on a falling tower, as long as evil may happen this world will cause the distress of all of us, including those who make said evil.

>paganism was made by christians

u wot

Not saying the many religions you guys call "Paganism" are not real religions.

Me too, Hillary denounced pepe because of it

The word Paganism is a Christian meme to describe many different religions.

Fuck this!
Of all dank threads this is the blessed one. Haven't seen so many dubbs and tripps in a long time.
But OP is still a faggot.

Because that is some ancient and serious shit and you don't want to start there, as said

Keep your soul safe.

I suck at it too, but sometimes I've achieved that spontaneously when I am about to sleep.

I forgot to name the DKMU. They are the fire keepers of the magick right now.


I don't know how to do magic.

i dunno man. i'm pretty desperate. fuck me up Lucifer

check out my sick sigil bro