I need to fuck with this billboard somehow and I don't know how, any ideas Sup Forums?
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Holy shit, is this what I have to look forward to in the US?
Blackface the sellout.
You've got Trump, I've got an airhead prettyboy at the helm of a boarderline authoritarian government. You'll do fine.
Paintballs, aim for the eyes.
I would imagine if the ad companies property were damaged they might reject these kinds of ads in the future.
could be a stock image, dont want to witch hunt a guy looking for a paycheck.
add, brought to you by ministry of truth
One word: blackface.
Spray the guy like his plan to end racism is literally to wear old-time jiggaboo blackface (leaving rings around the lips and eyes).
Well there's an idea, wouldn't even have to risk running into the cops that way.
I've got to think this infuriates most Canadians?
Put the jew cap on him.
Can't we just crowdfund our own billboard and put it up next to it?
If they allow that racist shit, they have to allow ours.
Most people I know don't really give a shit.
Is it in a high traffic area 24/7?
>high traffic
You could make a big sling shot and fling something real messy like Henry's roofing tar at it.
This will let others know there is resistance.
Send to Brad Wall. Guy checks his tweets at least twice a night personally. This will get fixed quick.
i will put no more effort into shit post
Draw a Star of David on his forehead.
ideally wheat paste something over it. Paintball gun can do something too but less effective.
Change it to askacoon.
giant "cuck" over his face
Draw a big black cuck dick on his face coming in from the side
burn it
That's not an answer.
I have a similar problem to OP but there's no way I get up on that Billboard without someone seeing me.
I'm in Stoon as well. I was working right on that stretch of road and I looked up and saw that.
I envisioned crawling up there and writing "cuck" on his forehead. The majority of people would laugh at something like that and comedy is the best weapon against something like this.
spud gun, paint filled ballons
First measure the billboard, this can be done by measuring the shadow of the billboard and compare it to the shadow of a stop sign.
Next find a stock photo of a clearly not white person
Find a printer company and print it out in the approx dimensions of the face
Get a roller and some glue, use a white work van or truck, act like you are supposed to be there at like 10 am.
Glue up the new face
Praise kek and take a pic
Spray paint a star of David on his forehead. Jewish privilege has got to go.
Spray paint some of the letters out
You coule make it say I ha t e my rac e
report that racist bullshit and lobby to have it removed
wow just wow. I can't even.....
this is s provincial website ffs. it's like the state of California posts it in terms of usa
>simple mode
a can of red spray paint & a can of black spray paint
You would need to be careful about the printing company. They would have records of who purchased the prints. Find a printer you can trust. Maybe print out different sections of the face at different times so they don't know what you're printing.
If it's a low traffic area:
Just climb up there, set it on fire, paint it, or alter it so that it loses the intended message. Move in quick with a plan, get it done, and get the fuck out of there. Try parking your car far enough away so you have a chance of getting away fron cops or busy bodies.
If it's a HIGH traffic area:
1) Use a drone if you have one to to spray paint the lights black at night. Go back a few days later and take it down anyway you can.
2) You're SoL.
OP, a really good and simple thing to do would be putting a Terror Squad graffiti over it, would really get peoples almonds activated.
i wonder if you could attach a paintbrush to a drone....
the guy looks like he could be amazing atheist's dad
Disguising genociding your own people as the morally correct thing to do. Just incredible how many white people are falling for this shit.
Yeah, you can.
But I would simply recommend a black spray paint bottle with the focus tube attachment on the drone instead of a paint brush....and hit the lights instead of the entire thing so ypu can go back at night and fuck it up.
like this
Wow Canada is in rough shape
Sorry. This should be a little better edit. Not certain erasing the URL is important, but it would help obscure the original message slightly.
drive your car into the the pole
rake yourself without a seatbelt leaf
Molotov cocktails come to mind....
Paint from paintballs are water soluble and not a permanent solution, not to mention you can see through that shit when it splatters.
Holy fuck I have never had such a lower respect for my own country, no longer a proud Canadian. Just simply a cucknadian.
Leave it be. This is more damaging to liberalism than writing cuck or drawing a swastika.
The billboard looks legitimately like an ironic troll
Good idea with the paint. My version. I would also change the URL.
Here's a good one for you OP.
I'm almost certain those things stand on cement bases and have giant nuts that bolt them down.
You could take a breaker bar out there and take every nut off and the whole thing will blow over in the next wind storm.
Get back to work (((((IAN))))) trains won't switch themselves....
Draw a Star of David right on his fucking forehead.
Tell me about it
Write the following -
>Kill all whites
You'll end up making racists out of a billboard that's against racism.
Repport to Jimmie Pattison. Have my doubt that rich, white man would approve of this cuck on his advertising platform.
lmao I was picturing a drone with like robotic arm painting with a paintbrush ahahaha
Probably that or find one out of town or find a buddy with a plotter.
Fill fire extinguisher with paint like niggers do.
Plenty of ideas, depends on how far you are willing to go. Anything from arson to paintball gun swastikas m80.
So wait. Can I post a bill board stating every Niger steals a bike?
Did you ever think they wanted you to do that? It is all to easy to make it say "acknowledge privilege and racist attitudes" then make it a colour-line.
The cost of a sign dwarfs that of a PR-campaign.
Or kill the guy that climbs up there next time. Better to knock it down than create a big dead fall.
thermite is cheap & easy; look at the base, figure out haw many aluminum soda (or beer) cans you need to place on each bolt/strategic point, make that many cans full, cut a road flare (or two) into pieces about and inch or so long and embed them in the top of the cans, place cans, use another road flare to start each can fast and be gone like the wind; make sure to manufacture thermite in a location that can't be traced to you, do not contaminate your clothing or belongings with any of it
make sure you leave no trace ... wear throw-away shoes (from a thrift shop or something) that are not a very close match to your usual size so that your footprints can't be matched to anything, burn the shoes remotely somewhere else as discretely as possible (do not set another thermite fire)
make sure you have a clear, foolproof approach and exit strategy both for your recon and your mission, make sure you identify any possible surveillance cameras along your entire routes before using them
Here's it's location.
We need to crowdfund some billboards in big cities. Obviously I personally mean for the US but evidently there are some Canadians that would accept it too.
Do they not realize how racist that is to even say? That'd be like a rich person going up to a poor person and saying, "OH, SORRY, you're right, I can't sympathize with your plight. I've got money coming out my ass."
View from the side. No bolts on this one.
that's fucking hilarious
It's not near a road? I think that makes things a little easier. Is there a ladder or something on it?
Can EASILY be rigged lol
>paint over "acknowledge" with red paint
>replace it with "exercise"
>paint over "ENDING RACISM" with black paint
>replace it with "Terabithia"
Don't go all in on racist shit, just make it funny.
Yamaka and stereotypical jew nose obviously.
Is there some intricate way we can get the train to rip it down?
get the old oxy acetylene out
I think a witty defacement is the best way about it, let's everyone know not everyone agrees with this.
Hello friend. So I see you are from the land of Saskatoon Berries as well.
Best of luck.
>oxy acetylene
Nope. You would be there for far too long, plus the tanks & gear, and probably end up earning a Darwin Award when the whole fucking thing lands and bounces and wrecks your shit up.
Better: Looking at that base, probably 12 or 20 12 oz aluminum cans filled with thermite, place them all around the base, use a road flare to light several of them, which would each ignite any others touching them. Will burn right through the base about 5 to 10 minutes after you are long down the road.
pro-hint: do NOT look directly at burning thermite; it will sear blind spots into your retina.
Anyway you can use those train tracks to your advantage?
I know they don't put a barrier between you and the road if a train were to pass.
The cuck who volunteered for this is "Jim Williams" who is a professor at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
> Jim Williams, the man in the billboard, is simply a Saskatoon resident who volunteered to share his thoughts on racism as part of the city’s anti-racism campaign called I Am The Bridge. In 2015, the Community Diversity and Race Relations office of the city’s community development department launched the campaign in response to the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action, specifically around anti-racism education.
> In the first phase of the campaign, the committee called on residents to submit videos of themselves answering questions about their thoughts on and experiences with racism, and what personal role they can play in ending it in Saskatoon. Williams was one of a few dozen culturally diverse volunteers to submit a video.
> Here’s what he had to say: “I am a white, heterosexual, able-bodied male: the most privileged demographic in human history. If I’m going to be the bridge to ending racism in Saskatoon or anywhere else, I have to acknowledge my own privilege and I have to acknowledge my own racist attitudes, and work through my discomfort.”
> With those 10 words, Williams, a professor at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, ignited a firestorm on social media of folks jumping to defend themselves against what they took as an accusation.
> In an email to Maclean’s, Williams said that, despite the backlash, “I’m proud to be part of the ‘I am the Bridge’ campaign. I chose my words carefully and I stand by them completely.”
dude that Remy shit is going to ruin my no fap, fuck you.
I read that the city put it up and the cuck is a local.
It looks like a wooden beam, and not tall enough that prohibits the use of a ladder.
I say get up there, do what you can in 5 minutes and get the hell out of there.
Must spraypaint "stop white genocide" over the face
Without derailing the train? NOT worth the risk.
I read a couple history books. It turns out, whites are supreme.
Build That Wall
Clearly a bunch of 14 year olds who are
Just in for lulz
~ moving on
The Media is lying to you
I think I helped
Put "-Hitler" at the end of the quote and turn him into hitler....
A statement that hitler would basically say this same thing to point out how racist and stupid this billboard is.
Stoon shout out!