Jews Angry at Jay-Z

>The Anti-Defamation League, a leading Jewish organization dedicated to fighting anti-semitism, says they are concerned about the implications of a lyric on Jay-Z's new 4:44 song, "The Story of O.J." On the track, the rapper rhymes, "You wanna know what's more important than throwin' away money at a strip club? Credit/ You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it."

>The organization, however, finds the particular lyric problematic. "The lyric does seem to play into deep-seated anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money. The idea that Jews 'own all the property' in this country and have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false. Yet, such notions have lingered in society for decades, and we are concerned that this lyric could feed into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish 'control' of the banks and finance."

>Oseary argued that the line taken out of context could be seen as anti-Semitic, though he noted that Jay-Z uses exaggerated stereotypes in both the lyrics and video for "The Story of O.J." "Jewish people do NOT 'own all the property in America,'" Oseary said. "Jay knows this. But he's attempting to use the Jewish people in an exaggerated way to showcase a community of people that are thought to have made wise business decisions. As an example of what is possible and achievable … In my opinion, Jay is giving the Jewish community a compliment. 'Financial freedom' he mentions as being his ONLY hope. If you had to pick a community as an example of making wise financial decisions achieving financial freedom who would you choose? I'm not offended by these lyrics."

Video with a link to the line:

Did Jay-Z didn't do nuffin' or is he a dirty dark anti-Semite?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's still their boy...but he slipped up.

He can slam whites all day and night but the minute he points out any truths related to chosenz the whole world must stop turning

Been waiting for this. Kanye named the Jew on his last album.

Its habbeninn bois.

For ppl who don't want to read 3 books about OP's life, this was the lyrics that got the oven dodgers riled up.

>You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America?

ADL goes after Jay-Z doesn't say a word about Prescott Bush funding the nazis.

They just might a Rothchild pitbull and thats it.

they are going to lobotomize him next, aren't they, Sup Forums?

>Implying Jay Z isn't a Jew himself

the Jews is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel,parasite,swindler,profiteer,it all runs off him like water off a raincoat . But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils,how injured he is . How he suddently shrinks back : "i've been found out."

>>The organization, however, finds the particular lyric problematic. "The lyric does seem to play into deep-seated anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money. The idea that Jews 'own all the property' in this country and have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false. Yet, such notions have lingered in society for decades, and we are concerned that this lyric could feed into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish 'control' of the banks and finance."

most Jewish thing ive read all week

Fuck Jay-Z and all of his degenerate niggery. Seriously I hope her fucking dies.

Do you ever think Burgerland might be the next country to "expell" the juice?

>You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it."
Woke af Famalam

You would think Jayz is too big to pull a Tupac, but knowin the jews they will still try to off him.

In this day and age they might try to have him socially assassinated. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the women he abused in the build up of his career start coming out with rape allegations soon.

muh he was born a nigger and will die a nigger.

At least I can pass as white if I don't wear my cap.

>kill whitey
>fuck the police
>fuck women, dey hoes

Keep rapping goy I like it

>jews own all the property

Oy vey! Shut it down! this is another shoah!

>finds the particular lyric problematic.
so problematic~

>Jews have no collective power cliques plotting for their own agendas
oy vey SHUT IT DOWN put him in the psychward

fucking tinfoil hat conspiracytard anti-semites at it again

"the Juice"
sounds a lot like
ADL didn't even notice that.

Found the kike.

>Upwards of 55/100 of the worst landlords in NYC are kikes

Wiki branded this cartoon "antisemitic". The memes were right after all: it really just a synonym for "truthful". ...Also Jay-Z is still not to be trusted.

((jay z)) the self identified head of ((rockefeller)) records whom made the illuminati ((triangle hand symbol with the all seeing eye)) synonymous with his record label, is one of ((them)). You simply are NOT allowed to attain the success he and his wife have without being an elitist lapdog.
Tldr; he's in on the vig.

Oh shi-

>falling for BASED BLACK MAN meme
The only reason they hate the Jew is because they're flirting with Islam.

Another simularity

what a pointless music. even lyrics are shite

USA is New JerUSAlem you fucking tremendously good goy, This is their country, (((they))) built it. Look up Washington DC on Google maps, look at the street layout and try to tell me this country wasn't founded on degeneracy. The statue of liberty is the Antichrist, Apollo, which means it's also transgender

Exactly. He's a mason. 44 is a masonic number. Newfags are so naive. Everyone look into gematria and Zachary k Hubbard

Triple resonant numbers like 444 are Kabbalistic/Masonic sorcery.

It's so funny to me that even though it's technically a compliment to say that they were smart enough to end up owning everything.... they still freak out because they don't want people to know

All rappers slip up on the Jews some time. It's the Malcom X effect.

What does 4:44 mean? About 7 ago my brother started seeing the number 11 everywhere, and then 44, and stuff like 11:44. Then I started seeing it. There are time periods where we see the numbers for a couple months and then it stops but we mostly ignore it now. I haven't talked to him about it in a few years. If anyone has any information on what the significance of these numbers is, that would be okay.

>Thinks jews being rich is an odious stereotype
I'm half jewish and even I say hmmmm....

There's a reason you don't know his name.

The ADL is a Jewish Terror organization

> have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false.

Who is the Rothschilds for $1000 Alex.

Complimenting a man to get out of trouble,
Jay-Z is smarter tan I would have guessed


Lol dat top comment

say it with me


The idea that water is wet is odious and false

they've got a long road ahead of them
but i hope they can find the fortitude

If jews don't use finance to get ahead what do they do exactly??

this. if anything, its just a controlled distraction or jay-z is just so uneducated and dumb that he couldn't properly articulate his jew worship which is really all that lyric is if you view it in context.

I saw 9:11 for years before the even and then it switched to 4:44 afterward though less frequently. I have no proof, but this is my experience.

>Kanye named the Jew on his last album
Which song?


Not taking advantage of loans at interest and usury to fuck over non-Jews since the beginning. Crack a fucking history book.

>Oseary argued that the line taken out of context could be seen as anti-Semitic, though he noted that Jay-Z uses exaggerated stereotypes in both the lyrics and video for "The Story of O.J." "Jewish people do NOT 'own all the property in America,'" Oseary said. "Jay knows this. But he's attempting to use the Jewish people in an exaggerated way to showcase a community of people that are thought to have made wise business decisions. As an example of what is possible and achievable … In my opinion, Jay is giving the Jewish community a compliment. 'Financial freedom' he mentions as being his ONLY hope. If you had to pick a community as an example of making wise financial decisions achieving financial freedom who would you choose? I'm not offended by these lyrics."


So fucking sick of people only hearing words and not the context nor meaning of what is trying to say. It's very fucking obvious he was comparing Jewish history to Black American history and basically saying Blacks don't have an excuse to being broke motherfuckers.

People have too quick knee-jerk reactions, FFS.

Jay Z is a black Jew

>Triple resonant numbers like 444 are Kabbalistic/Masonic sorcery.
see this post ()

His real name is Jay Zimmerberg

the memes were right

they just don't like getting called out

His nonexistent career is over.


Saint pablo,
>"Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime/the Jews share their truth on how to make a dime"



>being a nigger that looks like Joe camel

Recent niggers with attitude film sort of names te jew.

I grew up in the south so i view nogs as more of a nuisance just bc numbers and i like a mental competition over a dumb monkey fight. Sorry pol u showed me light and all but let them fight it out because if we can't exterminate them no way in hell dumb niggers can. Best case scenario they drop super aids in bama, roll ride
mason's aren't blak

Always archive shills

Holy shit, he's a BASED black man

That's why we need civic nationalism

kek no. he's complimenting jews, only dumb kikes get butthurt

his whole song is self hate for being black. jay z wishes he was a yid

"Well Shawn your album is behind a paywall and we're going to have to find some way to drive traffic to our service so people will listen... I've got it! You be the good boy we know you to be and you namedrop us directly in one of your songs! Yeah, yeah! That's it! The controversy alone, people won't be able to prevent themselves from signing up to hear a 'woke' nigger!"

Like the lemmings they know you to be, you bought it.

if i actively DON'T want to behave like black people does that make me racist?

Imagine being worth 500 million usd in new york city

Jay z is surrounded by jews 24/7. he learned everything from them
