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You may not notice, but every time you browse porn you go deeper down the rabbit hole.

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>interracial porn
>I am unable to please the other gender

Isn't the point that brown women aren't stuck up and are pleasable without being a 11/10 Chad?

I'm so lonely user

No piss porn. Chart is bullshit.

this doesn't describe my decline into bathwater fetish

Nuh huh. I'm not gonna turn myself into a woman or get into cuckolding, I'm just gonna stick to porn forever. Checkmate.

Nice terrible flow-chart.

Where's the wincest?

this one is a lot better

This is not true, I've always been into the stuff I'm into now. People need to not consume any media, pornographic or otherwise, unless they do so consciously. Vegetating in front of the electric Jew is as bad as being a porn addict. But lying hurts your own cause.

Will quitting porn really work? Is it really that simple getting all of this disgusting shit out of my head? One of the things porn got me into is trannies. I got into that when I was about 14 and now I'm in my late 20's. There was a long stretch in my teens where I didn't have access to porn but the desire was always there even if I only thought about it every now and then. I ended up seeing a bunch of tranny hookers a few years ago and I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I just don't see quitting porn rewiring all of that. Maybe certain things that I haven't been into for a long time like femdom.

>concrete enema
jesus christ it's real

Guess you could say he was a real

This. I've been through so many of those fucking things in no particular order, and gone back and forth between them and back to vanilla.

Chart is shit/10.

You're gay. It's too late

Bisexual at best. There's got to be a way to shut off the degeneracy without killing myself or a lobotomy.

What's wrong with rape and/or murder?

>tfw went straight from futa on male to guro featuring futa torturing/killing male


nope, but i can save images other ways

Futa is so fucking hot though you brainlet

>no tulpa fucking in ascended

>children are easier
lol, no.
They're loud and they can't keep secrets.

What is wrong with png u fucking cuck


What if i fap exclusively to jav softcore?

I have a diaper fetish where do I fit in? It's not from porn; I remember wanting to wear diapers even as a kid

Not me and over 1 billion others. Also not Sup Forums related. Get the fuck out sharia lawyers.

He hit rock bottom

Chart had this much correct
>Watch porn
>Then desensitization towards vanilla
>"I will go for something harder"
>Then Furry (thanks Sup Forums)
>No Bestiality - chart wrong
chart ends, everything below is still furry themed
>Then Impregnation
>Then adult brother sister incest
>Then teenage brother sister incest
>Then entering puberty/discovering sexuality
>Then cub urinating
>Then diapers, embarrassment
>Then chastity cage

Chart's missing half the good stuff. Also Furry is rarely connected to Xenophilia. It's more likely to branch into MLP or sexualization of other animated works (Zootopia, Pokemon, Digimon, etc)

in over 20 years of using porn i can safely say this is bullshit

also, please remember to sage these obvious CNN cover shill threads and keep the heat on CNN

>No one knows how to sage: the thread

>all of these stupid assumptions
>probably want to point the guns of the state at my head and force me to act in the way that you demand because you believe that you understand my mindset better than I do; no better than the cultural Marxists in this regard

Having two sets of tits to look at is better than having one set of tits and one penis to look at. I can use my imagination to place myself there as a third party, or temporarily substitute one of the women for myself. I've never imagined myself as a woman.

What the hell is cum inflation?

> I got into trannies when I was 14

Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how fucked up that is?

I followed it from Furry to Rape Fetish, and I can tell you there was plenty of rape along the way.

When I was 14 I was lucky to have seen a Playboy. I'm glad I was born in the 80's, not the 90's.

How the fuck do I keep my children safe from this depravity?

I've been watching porn for almost 30 years, and I'm still vanilla as fuck. This slippery slope argument is bullshit.

If it's your son, kick his ass. If it's your daughter, fuck her.

Damn, been watching porn since I was 6 and I always felt like I was never good enough to please a woman.

that's not my experience at all

If I get the entire starting column does that mean I win?

Looks accurate

>floor tiles
>children of the through

Shit like this is why I'm here. What else in Fallen was a legendary post here?

I'm getting mighty sick of you anti porn faggots.

Totalitarians always seem to really hate three things: Guns, free expression, and porn.

>cheese pizza

where's the part where my autism does a 360 and I only get off to consensual missionary for the purpose of impregnation

>lesbian pron
>thinking you're weak than a woman only option

>where is gloryhole pron?

when I watch two lesbians I just go like eh psssh, like they do it but it's all wrong I could do that shit easy peasy lemon squeezy make qt3.14 are become whore
stuck in the middle \o/

I mean I'm all for guns.

>already hit rock bottom
Is there nothing left for me? Should I go out and try real sex?

Freud m8
(Ps I know that feel)

I've had roughly the same sexual fetishes for the last 6-7 years. I don't buy it.

Is porn OK in moderation.?

so what you're saying OP, is that "woman takes leading role" is a safe route?

I've been stuck on trap porn for 5 years and there's no sign of me going anywhere else. Sometimes I go back to women, but traps are the best.

I like underwater porn, especially underwater nude swimming.

I'm in my 30s and I'm still a softcore guy. The hardcore stuff is just disgusting. Problem with porn is they're too damn focused on just the sexual part and not on the real thing that can get a person off, and that is the intimacy. If I want to watch a guy just jackhammer a girl without anything else, I can get off in 3 minutes on my own just doing it.

homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white masculinity

If you made this I can officially say you are autistic

This is stupid, I'm into some pretty weird stuff but nothing happened according to your chart.

>meditative statue waltzing


damn bro nice usp compact

Who here /degenerate/

Thread making me heard. Brb, afkkk


When I was younger (early-mid teens) I got as far as loli, nowadays I stick to normal hentai, I have a loli folder on my computer but thats all SFW cutesy shit.

I like lolis because they're cute and have dfcs

`>be me
>furry, likes many non-standard fetishes
>revolt at the sight of male anal penetration, bestiality, paedophilia, more than mild, no lasting harm abuse
>absolutely despise real-life degeneracy in all forms
At this point I'm thinking I'm just larping or have some fucked up, not diagnosed mental condition.


Many things on this chart are weird, but...

stop reading you are a faggot
and nobody here likes furries so don't pretend we convinced you



>not being sexually attracted to the state of Ohio

>tfw when you think that you are degenerated and someone posts a chart that shows real degeneration

well at least now i know what could happen to me

Looks like I'm heading towards snuff

it shows what COULD happen to you in corelation of today's situation
i went to some dark corner stayed there for some time and left it and now don't feel like liking it anymore, so it works in two ways

i was alyways wondering what is a sauce of this pic

you know what is even better than this is appealing to people's actual real ethics rather than talking about more and more porn

saying anal sex is unholy and dehumanizing is a lot more effective than whatever this chart says

My porn viewing habits are really unhealthy. 20 years of non stop porno. I jerked off to an elephant trampling video yesterday. Can't even get an erection without being in pain anymore.

>I jerked off to an elephant trampling video yesterday

Tell me more about this elephant trampling.

stop sexualizing yourself ?

>"dragons fucking cars"

i-its been so long...

Just this little Indian man being stomped on by an elephant

is it too late for me

I still haven't had Mexican sugar dancing explained to me.