holy fuck guys
what did she say that was so wrong?
The video RageAfterStorm was threatened for her life and harassed to take down
I used sock puppet accounts to endlessly report her videos
dumbass roastie hops on the bandwagon late and contributes nothing new v.9364733985
crypto movement hijacker, ignore
>dailystormer is a source
>zulu is the only language in africa
>attention whore
What have you kikes done for the white race?
She is a worthless thot. I did us all a favor by silencing her useless drivel. I seriously hope she makes that jq video. Already got her 1 strike. It will be too easy to get her another
I actually have a white child
>this video is not available in your country
Nice try Merkel, I already watched it
This is a good debate. She is, in all likelyhood another attention whore jumping on the right wing bandwagon. Doing it for the wrong reasons, but it helps the message spread to a much wider audience, which is a net gain overall and a stepping stone to what a number of Sup Forums users are.
You're a nigger who cherishes silencing people who spread race realism. Kill yourself.
She looks like a fucking mong with those glasses and hair
This women is a rent seeking opportunist. It's a matter of principle for me. People who join our movement out of personal greed should be kicked out. Once people start making money from white nationalist you know (((who))) won't be far behind
>Why aren't white women redpilled.
Because fat autistic Sup Forums-tards run them off when they try and join the movement. You should just shut the fuck up.
Except it's clear money is not her priority you obvious lying kike.
Splitters like you suck nigger dick.
>the finnish shill strike again
How generous of her. She only did this after making enough beta bux to fund her entire college education. Also her parents are rich so she scammed them just cause hes a greedy kike.
If she really wanted to help the white race she would drop out of (((college))) and marry a white man.
Women do not belong in politics.Women do more for our movement by saying less.
Whats her snapchat?
>NEETsocs being allergic to success
crabs in a bucket I swear.
Heil Hitler but I can't associate with these born losers. 100% of them are blackpilled, depressive NEETs who don't even believe what they say, they just wanted to adopt the edgiest ideology they could find.
If they actually cared about what they pretend to care about they'd have a more pragmatic attitude. Serious people worry about results. Not ideological purity like some comic book nerd
The silver lining to this is that reject commies do this to mainstream liberals and even socialists as well. Shitlibs learned to tune them out and we're going to have to as well.
Gas the NEETsocs along with the kikes and muslims.
Uh oh looks like Antifa is here.
>Oy vey! A pretty white girl spreading race realism and talking about the JQ. SHUT IT DOWN!
No one is buying it you dysgenic retards. Sup Forumsacks are not that stupid
Jesus christ finnbro. You are here literally all day and night defending these disingenuous thots
>the same fucking autistic guy
Are you his bf? Seriously...
I hate e-celeb thread no matter what
This girl is no going to suck your tiny fingolian cock no matter how much you shill for her
You mad you can't spread your lies and anti-white rhetoric without getting called out? Poor little commies.
absolute madman!
Does this white knight get paid to defend every vapid whore on JewTube?
Oh no, poor her! She made a video shitting on millions of people and now she's getting minimal backlash! Someone save the fucking heretic!
People are starting to wake up and realizing how poisonous these harpies are
He is their janitor. He does it for free.
But you do it for free...
Really though. What has finnbro done for the white race except defend people who are also not doing anything for the white race
>Daily reminder retards like this are either commies, not white or from the FBI whos goal is to stop groups like us
stfu commies
i wonder who could be behind these posts
What's with all the commie shills in this thread, Jesus Christ. She uses a Sup Forums meme and you all flip your shit, get a fucking life you nerds.
Exactly. The hilarious thing is their efforts have had zero effect on Sup Forums because we are not as dumb as they think we are and can see right through their pathetic efforts.
shitskin commie detected
If the jews wanted to undermine our movement they would e-celebs to do it. Young women work the best because most alt righters are lonely young guys who want a girl that shares their beliefs
>Using bad sources to claim that blacks are genetically inclined towards violence and stupidity
>completely ignoring any historical or cultural explanations for differences in rates of violence and IQ
> But muh skeptical rational objectivity!
I don't think the video should have been taken down, but the views she expressed in it were dumb as fuck.
>rent seeking opportunist
>muh principals
Even if it's true does it really make a difference at this point given the dire circumstances of whites? You shouldn't give a shit who is saying what for whatever reason as long as the message gets out there. Take everyone's advice and kill yourself. You're probably a shekelberg anyway.
But Lauren Southern literally is a degenerate and nothing more than a thot.
Doesn't make her a Jew. I hate kikes with a burning passion, but also get extremely annoyed when people think literally everyone is a Jew, as A) it wastes time that could be spent thinking of how to stop them B) it discredits us
>talking about the great (ethnic) replacement taking place in Europe to hundreds of thousands of people
fuck off retard
Jews are terrified of normies getting wise to the JQ
that triggered them more than any violent meme could.
>I seriously hope she makes that jq video.
Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the Continent of Africa—rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrow-head worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail! He lives as his fathers lived—stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance, and sport as the ape!
sexy face on her. who gives a fuck just kill the leftists we dont have to judge every individual case of censorship and isis-abetting
black people are just like everyone else
>six gorillions of people
attention whore. no one cares.
I rarely agree with people with your opinion but in the case of rageafterstorm, I think youre right
How the fuck is Rage undermining anything though? Because her video wasn't perfect? You're idiots
it was not ''not perfect'' it was a fucking retarded parody that made race realism look like a flat earth conspiracy.
Except most of these girls are barely making any shekels and are struggling to make ends meet. She also shut off her patreon when she felt she had enough money to get her through the next stage of her education.
These people don't actually make as much as some seem to think they do. There are exceptions ofc, but they are few.
Literally the only part of the video that was dubious was the "abstract thinking" part. Everything else was on point. You're a shill or a retard.
Just watched it. Am unaware of a factual inaccuracy in it.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a leaf but this is exactly it. She has no videos making any valid points. She might actually mean it and not be a (((plant))) but goddamn if it's not hurting more than helping at this point.
Also her abortion video was some top-tier roastie logic.
Go to 2:30 on this video
shekelnosenberg always up to his kike tricks.
it was extremely poorly explained and filled with holes. the only reason why you ''liked it'' is because youre already an adept of race realism. If it was new to you, you would think she's retarded
plus her sources were terrible. It was rushed, cheesy and imcomplete. You dont talk about a topic like that just like the amazing atheist reviews a feminist comics ffs
Hahaha, Anti-SJW Libertarian is that you?
>plus her sources were terrible. It was rushed, cheesy and imcomplete. You dont talk about a topic like that just like the amazing atheist reviews a feminist comics ffs
No, that is exactly how you talk about a topic, if your intention is to reach a large audience. This is obviously not the last time she will address this topic. This video baited the "skeptic" cucks into arguing with her and other race realists. She and others will bring more rigorous and nuanced arguments next time when they debate this and BTFO them. They realize this and are terrified:
Never understood why people white knight for e-celebs so hard
Because they do more to get the ideas out there than this board ever will. They have a much broader reach and help normalize the views.
holy shit she is actually based
fuck her looks, this is finally a chick busting down on race
Fine. Let the niggers join. Let the kikes join. Let the fags and trannies and anybody that wants to shill for us join. Don't say nobody warned you when we become a rainbow coalition like the left it
please dont imply that im on the side of, or defending these fag from that stream
>dude if youre fucking dumb about a super controversial and sensitive subject that could literally change the world, more people will get into it
what got me to actually believe this was studies and graphs I got from here, jared taylor and molyneux videos on the subject. Not a dumb thot who cite neo nazi websites and other studies in a disorganized fashion. almost anyone who sees this will literally automatically discard the video without a second thought.
>Because they do more to get the ideas out there than this board ever will.
no fucking way in hell she or any single person has even been close to be more effective than the internet's capital of the far right
It's more that I believe women should stay out of politics. If rage was a man i would support him 100%
She's not bad lad. She's pretty cute.
Wrong. Her video was not as bad as you made it out to be. See the video I linked by Mouthy Buddha. Even these anti-race realists realize that they're going to have a hard time defeating race realists if it comes to a debate. Tons of other anti-race realists are saying they did a horrible job of attempting to debunk Rage's video on the Andy Warski stream. As I said there was nothing wrong with Rage's video apart from the dubious "they can't think abstractly" claim.
How can you guys defend the fact that she is from a wealthy family but still scammed tens of thousands of beta bux out of people by pretending to be a white nationalist? Sounds like extreeeeme kikery to me
>Dave Cucken
Because maybe they agree with them you dumb fuck. Has that thought ever passed through your tiny faggot brain?
Everyone knows you're Antifa at this point. Just stop posting you embarrassing loser.
your wife has a son?
I think you underestimate just how attached people become to these women. They act as surrogate girlfriends for alot of guys. At some point they will become too big to purge without causing a schism in our movement. I wonder (((who))) would just love to see this happen
How can you guys defend the fact that she is from a wealthy family but still scammed tens of thousands of beta bux out of people by pretending to be a white nationalist?
Do you just deny that she did this or do you just not care?
She's OUR e-celeb girl with an opinion who most likely means very little of what she says and just regurgitates what she reads here.
>no fucking way in hell she or any single person has even been close to be more effective than the internet's capital of the far right
The ideas get created and discussed here, no doubt about it. But they don't really spread from outside of here at a very significant rate, until they are de-stigmatized by these content creators and made accessible for normies. Both play their part, that's the point.
It's kind of like how normies get hold of memes because they pass through Sup Forums to reddit and onto 9gag. But it all starts here.
1) Where is the proof she is from a "wealthy" family? 2) Even if she is, that doesn't mean her parents just give her as many funds as she needs for whatever she wants to do
Fuck this cunt. There are guys who have lost careers and relationships and have been booted out of polite society over their beliefs and now that the winds are starting to change you are okay with all these opportunistic alt lite thots coming to cash in on something played zero part in creating? People will will throw right under the bus once this fad ends?
I don't care much for "youtube personalities" but you have to be either some kind of insanely butthurt liberal or a (((sheriff))) damage controlling to go around trying to videos you don't like taken down from the internet.
How can you believe in freedom of speech but make it so that people are not allowed to disagree and argue against the norm
>the Antifag is still screaming to the void
I hope you know that people like you are the first ones to go on the day of the rope.
It's not fair what happened to those guys, but isn't that what this whole fight was about? To change the political climate? To make it acceptable to be able to speak again? Yeah it's a bitter pill to swallow but it is precisely because of people like her that others will be able to speak.
t. Buttfrustrated autismal manchild
Give us a call when you've started your ideal version of a right-wing party, mein Führer. Until then, shut the fuck up you whinging cunt.
And no I'm not saying this because I'm a "white knight", I'm saying it because you're being ridiculously restrictive on who can "join the movement". You want a "perfect" movement? Go out and found one and lead it you dickless sack of shit.
She thought too freely. The Skeptic Community™ cannot tolerate skepticism of egalitarian principles. There can be no evidence brought against it lest collectivism form. The only ethical resistance to the status quo is piecemeal and ineffective.
I don't believe in freedom of speech. I get to say whatever I want and those i don't like must be oppressed and silenced. By letting your enemies speak you give them the means to defeat you