When will Nazis understand this?

When will Nazis understand this?

Gonna have to charge you for that meme template.

This. Ancaps can still kill lefties because their ideology inherently violates the NAP.

>jews with the most wealth wont be the most powerful in an ancap society
wonder who could be behind this post...

>unironically Ancap
Made me laugh

I'll charge you back for any future revenues that your template gets due to the popularity that my own version caused


Both very average ideologies.

>implying a piece of green paper approved by a jew will have any value
>implying 0's and 1's in jewish banking computers will have any value

>This is totally violating the NAP.

I'm also partial to this version.

I guess this is bait

>AnCaps think they're any thing more than a joke on this board
Traditional Monarchists are taken mroe seriously here than you.

The Nazis where right.

You will eventually come to this conclusion of you're not a retard.

The wrong fucking side won

That poor little Jewish girl.

>implying they dont own the majority of assets in the multiple countries around the world

Ancap is like communism for me.

It's a beautiful ideal that can never work except under absolutely perfect circumstance.

That you're both useless role playing shits? We get it.

wtf are these shitty shits

You're not wrong

>Their both trannies
Seems about right.

trap detected

>muh degeneracy
grow the fuck up user

Poor girls. I guess their father fell on the front recently?

Aaaaaannnd discussion finished. In less than 10 seconds you've completely made me come to the conclusion that AnCaps a Jewish fall back plan if Capitalism doesn't work out.

>Poor girls. I guess their father fell on the front recently?
Gave his his knee a right nasty scrape as well.

i agree except communism isnt beautiful

That's violating the NAP.

>Violating my people's NAP

Don't tread on mein reich, you degenerate

I have a folder full of the preggo countrylove memes, want em?

Is that Ymir and Historia?

anything aimed at the division of whites stand among a long nosed shadow.


