tfw you could never ever defeat Chomsky in an argument irl
Tfw you could never ever defeat Chomsky in an argument irl
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ur mom can't argue with chomping on my dick
Maybe not, but I'd take him in a knife fight. Because I'd bring a gun.
Why not?
you are what is commonly referred to as a cockslobbering fuckgullet
have you ever heard him say things?
only rational approach
not an argument. stop circlejerking this unpatriotic faggot. or better yet, kys
>Green square = Worst square
Chomperz is allll washed up
>expecting a jew to be loyal to america
>he had a chompsy pic
How big is your meme folder?
>unpatriotic faggot
how bout this, any time you want to say anything, just look at what chomsky has to say on the subject. in no time at all, you will cease to be a pathetic parasite suckling at the teet of internet misinformation you've somehow managed to adopt as your own views.
true, apologies for not being as harsh as i should have. it's late and i'm about to sleep but that is still no excuse
just so we're all on the same page, what's the basic gestalt on this guy and why do leftists love him?
Luckily for me the time for arguments has passed
What exactly from my link is misinformation
All Marxism hinges on dialectical materialism, which is extremely narrow when it comes to the full scope of things that influence human behavior.
yeah because he'll change the subject as soon as he's losing or not talk about it, he's a woman
lol you fucking idiot, he's never "endorsed" any of those regimes. people with zero actual knowledge, such as yourself, scream communism without knowing even a fraction of what there is to know about its history, much less what parts of it and which people involved Chomsky did or do not "endorse"
reminder that alex jones was utterly humiliated by noam chomsky
i'm not talking about Marx. i'm talking about Chomsky, as i said in my fucking post. Marx was imperfect and his theories only really applicable to his environment. and that was before they were bastardized by various 20th century regimes. Chomsky, however, has no mortal foils.
if any cunt ever allowed himself to think for one sliver of a microsecond that...ALEX JONES...could last in the ring with Chomsky in any capacity...
that cunt would surely be obligated to end his own fucking life double quick
also, an important reminder that Sup Forums takes mister redditor, sargon of cuckkad and chinletishere more seriously than noam chomsky. it reflects heavily
you're a loser who worships a hypocrite that hates his country. I hope one day you end up living in a country under someone like Pol Pot
Post something worthwhile Chomsky has said. Every political opinion I've heard from him som far has been dogshit.
Jews excel at talking circles around others, but never making an actual point.
>used 10000 words to say nothing, but is so verbose that his opponent thinks he has an argument
>opponent tries to rebut the argument that was never made
>Chomsky wins again xD
Seriously, read his exchange with Sam Harris. He zerg rushes people with esoteric terms and concepts that aren't relevant to the discussion to give the illusion of having said something, when in reality there is zero substance. OP doesn't know what Chomsky has actually ever said, which is why he is appealing to authority and making such vague claims.
tfw he's a feeble little prick
it requires a moral compass and bravery to severely criticize your own country. any coward can point out that pol pot was evil
People still take Known Chumpsky seriously?
>Seriously, read his exchange with Sam Harris. He zerg rushes people with esoteric terms and concepts that aren't relevant to the discussion to give the illusion of having said something, when in reality there is zero substance.
it's interesting how you could become so confused. chomsky is known for just the opposite. he has been the main critic of intellectuals, postmodernism, and any kind of language that ordinary people can't understand:
Oh I have. And write things. Nobody can "defeat" him because facts and evidence do not matter to him, he is all about making shit up and controlling the narrative from the lectern.
This, I remember watching him defend his ideology for 10 minutes while saying absolutely nothing relevant to the discussion. All he did was pointing out something as obvious as "people should be granted authority on the basis of competence", effectively arguing for something pseudo-libertarian, while not even addressing the left-wing part of it, nor anything else of importance.
uh ok
dude, you're literally fucking retarded if you can't find a single thing in his oeuvre that you agree with. i'm not going to go on a treasure hunt across the internet for you because you're too dumb to do it yourself. there's plenty out there, why don't you take a look. better yet, listen to the Alex Jones link posted above where it's made abundantly clear to anyone in possession of all their chromosomes, that Jones has the intellect of an actual pile of dogshit when compared with Chomsky. jesus i can't believe i'm even engaging you.
hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr u don undahstand?!!!???
>listening to the commie jew
Nom Chompsky was totally wrong about not being able to learn new languages after the critical period. It's very easy to do if you are not retarded.
Yeah, have heard him say lots, and lots of shit... Like when a report he co-authored on the Khmer Rouge's activities in Cambodia..
"We do not pretend to know where the truth lies amidst these sharply conflicting assessments; rather, we again want to emphasize some crucial points. What filters through to the American public is a seriously distorted version of the evidence available, emphasizing alleged Khmer Rouge atrocities and downplaying or ignoring the crucial U.S. role, direct and indirect, in the torment that Cambodia has suffered."
If you don't know the truth, either continue researching or shut the fuck up. How, if he is sure he does not have the facts to know the truth, did he know what filtered through to the American public was 'seriously' distorted?
Chomsky is a typical Western Ivory Tower academic talking out his ass from false authority on a lot of things. Fuck him.
that's not pseudo-libertarian, that's just libertarian. and you should actually reference something. he has said a million things in print and yet all we ever get in response is "this one time, he was saying, like, basically..."
Sure I could, just use reason & logic.
I've heard him saying tons of things without saying anything. He constntly does that until his opponets don't know what's going on (he doesn't ether but acts like he does). He'd be easy to beat on a debate if you call him out on this, because nearly every economic idea and historical perspective he argues is retarded and/or has been debunked 10000000 times. Marxist are retards that can't admit when they are wrong so the resort to bullshit debate tactics or violence. They need to be lobotomized.
>If you don't know the truth, either continue researching or shut the fuck up.
you managed to completely miss the basic point, which is that it is not known, because there are only conflicting assessments. meaning that he couldn't possibly just "research further" and anyone else making exact claims regarding the death count are lying. and people have used it to defame him ever since as if he was defending the khmer rouge
I could beat this con artist. He is a professional one but I would totally destroy the old shitskin.
Marxism/Socialism is not libertarian.
christ sounds like someone with a hell of a word salad habit
Alex pseudo-intellectual e-celeb Jones loses a debate to an actual intellectual. Whoa what a surprise. Noam Chomsky has failed to defend or even properly define his idea of left-libertarianism ever video I have watched of him. That's why I'm asking you, the biggest Chomsky dickrider in history to show me him not making a complete fool of himself.
>I've heard him saying tons of things without saying anything. He constntly does that until his opponets don't know what's going on (he doesn't ether but acts like he does). He'd be easy to beat on a debate if you call him out on this, because nearly every economic idea and historical perspective he argues is retarded and/or has been debunked 10000000 times. Marxist are retards that can't admit when they are wrong so the resort to bullshit debate tactics or violence. They need to be lobotomized.
100% this. The only people that have or ever will take him seriously are dumbass college students. Say what you will about Chomsky, but he knows where his shekels are coming from, and he panders to that audience.
then surely you can give examples. you have a memory i presume
>Marxism/Socialism is not libertarian.
Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist. An ideology so inane and self-refuting that it could only be championed by an academic who knows his ideas will never be put to practice.
He can carry on with his dismissive, curmudgeony persona all he wants, I am not convinced by his rhetoric in the slightest.
It would be fine except he uses this type of bullshit talking point to cover the asses of murderous communist because he's a leftist and all leftist seem to defend murderers.
Some people's Deepak Chopra detectors go off when the conversation has legitimate depth. Or their narrative is crushed and they resort to calling them a pseudo intellectual.
>I've heard him saying tons of things without saying anything. He constntly does that until his opponets don't know what's going on
THIS. He may not be a Jew, but this is classic Jew tactics. He learned early on in debate you never really answer a question directly without using dialectical doublespeak.
Is lefty/pol/ getting uppity again?
Is it that time of the day?
The let's have fun and dump the usual cringe lads.
lmao another little chumpsky sheep come along to suck his dick. OP can't even answer my response and you ignore the link too. He's an apologist at worst or just unpatriotic at best.
So last I heard he supports politicians who favor left-wing economic regulation. Here's proof he's full of shit on this.
Probably because there isn't anything to understand. Communication is about efficiency, and stretching something moderately simple into 50 paragraphs is only an academia thing. Well, and legal, but they both serve the same purpose: to confuse the evaluator/consignee.
either way, needs to be gassed
>I exhibit some behaviours that are considered masculine in our society. I exhibit some that are not.
wtf did he mean by this. fuck's sake, these are the same people that want to bash the fash
again, i'm waiting for you or anyone else to actually post examples. unlike all of you, chomsky actually commits himself to print and video. if he's said something disgusting and wrong, you can say where
the idea of judging yourself by the same standards you apply to everyone else is absolutely terrifying for this board. it's the complete opposite of "oh yeah but the liberals didn't care when they were the ones doing it!"
i don't know what you're referring to. again, if there's anything he said you think is wrong i'm glad to hear about it
>THIS. He may not be a Jew,
Noam Chomsky is neck a neck with tim wise for most the jewish academic
It's barely related to any political ideology. The idea that power should be granted on merit is common sense, and does not defend his ideological rubbish in the slightest.
I asked you to show me him not being retarded, yet you cannot provide me with a single video of something he said, quote him, or show me anything in text. Atleast I gave an example of his jewish debate tactics, but I suppose you want me to go through 40 youtube videos just to show you him saying nothing over the course of 10 minutes.
How about you actually defend him instead of attacking people arguing against him.
>listening to this
>you could halve the length of this video and there would still be details in his stories that no one gives a shit about
hey schlomo, i posted this as my first response to OP, i guess ill leave it here too. quick read. has sourced quotes. I'm not force feeding you. if youre interested youll read.
he's either an genocide apologist, unpatriotic, retarded, or all three. take your pick.
Does he like left wing economic policy? He he does he's a retard because all evidence goes against left wing economic ideas.
Does he support a Marxist based economic out look? If he does then he's full of shit because Marxism has been debunked in both reality (~130 times) and theoretically (example: the calculation problem)
I don't know of a left-wing "anarchist" that doesn't use some debunked bullshit from Marxism to justify their retarded ideas; like for example: the Labor Theory of Value, (which isn't taken seriously by economist because it doesn't accurately describe the relationship between labor and those buying the labor -- aka employers).
Noam Chomsky may be an excellent linguist, but that doesn't make him a good historian or economist. He needs to stick with what he knows, but no leftist does this. They think they know everything when in reality they just regurgitate retarded bullshit that other leftist say. It truly is a cult, and every one of those sad angry fucks needs to be lobotomized.
He's by far the most most redpilled leftist alive most people criticizing him haven't read or listened to his work in depth they just get a broad generalization of his views hate on him.
I saw similar graphs done by Shane Killian today actually. I'm not entirely sure how you argue against "correlation does not imply causation" in this situation because I don't fully grasp the axioms. I agree with the data tho.
Yeah you could just stick to something simple and not very philosophical and pick the correct side.
Correlation does not imply causation is always applicable. Correlation is just evidence that needs additional supporting evidence to believe that something is actually related. The fact that every single damn thing is better in countries with more economic freedom suggest that there is more then just correlation at play. It is all still just evidence as there are a million things at play and it is nearly impossible to apply classic hard-science rules to social sciences.
Leftist in the modern sense isnt really an accurate description of him he's an old school libertarian but in the 50s and 80s which were his most productive decades he was a leftist icon really.
remember when athens from four_ch0n rekt him on racial iq and he didn't respond?
>athens from four_ch0n rekt him on racial iq and he didn't respond?
sauce plz
He used to debate the tripfag Athens from /new/ . Athens would usually curbstomp him.
Athens was from Sup Forums
id call him a subversive kike and then punch him
The guy is an intellectual idiot on the level of talking head at a major news network. All his arguments hinge on supposed conjectures that he has been making up about world politics for the past 40 years.
sauce? sounds very interesting
>not knowing about academia jews
think i found it?
Alex Jones is playing a character. Are you saying you did not understand this, and then go on to question people's character? If you aren't trolling, please do go over your options for self-euthanasia.
thank you senpai I appreciate it
Depends on what we're arguing about.
>just call him a lying commie Jew kike to his face and watch him recoil like the snake that he is..debate over.
>(((Communist))) supporting millionaire who made his millions through (((capitalism)))
He was defeated before he even read the invite. Dude is a fraud.
>defeat someone in an opinionated argument
Already won.
>postmodernism is bad
>edward said is ok though