> Sup Forums Me an immigrant from a country which I wont name since you guys will then say you smell shit.
> Working in a liberal city, but me a Trump supporter.
> Go to bar with two white guys (know one gu well) whom i work with. He hates Trump, other guy I didnt know his political leaning
> After two beers, start talking about Trump. Eventually I tell him that people of my race look out for their own, so nothing wrong if a white guy says he wants to help his people, so calling them white supremacist makes no sense
> I also explain issue is legal vs illegal immigration and pit falls of h1b visas
> He finally agrees that he hadnt heard these perspectives and will give Trump a chance. Other guy says, he hopes Trump is successful so people benefit and he also said he went to Catholic school.
Sup Forums why are whites so cucked. I promise to redpill more whites and make them see that nothing wrong in taking care of ones own people. In return will you guys guarantee me and my family a safe return to my country of origin when the race wars are over?