Helping the white race

> Sup Forums Me an immigrant from a country which I wont name since you guys will then say you smell shit.
> Working in a liberal city, but me a Trump supporter.
> Go to bar with two white guys (know one gu well) whom i work with. He hates Trump, other guy I didnt know his political leaning
> After two beers, start talking about Trump. Eventually I tell him that people of my race look out for their own, so nothing wrong if a white guy says he wants to help his people, so calling them white supremacist makes no sense
> I also explain issue is legal vs illegal immigration and pit falls of h1b visas
> He finally agrees that he hadnt heard these perspectives and will give Trump a chance. Other guy says, he hopes Trump is successful so people benefit and he also said he went to Catholic school.

Sup Forums why are whites so cucked. I promise to redpill more whites and make them see that nothing wrong in taking care of ones own people. In return will you guys guarantee me and my family a safe return to my country of origin when the race wars are over?

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Tunak Tunak Tun

Leaf, my deal is only for burgerland, leaf land is beyond cucked, you are on your own.

Extreme brainwashing from the state. Ever wonder how countries like North Korea came to exist? Western countries, but primarily the US alternate between rewarding whites for public self-hatred (often financially) and punishing them for not expressing enough of it. This from an early age on.

As the king of Sup Forums I shall grant your request.

Even friendly and moral mongrels need to be stamped out in order to prevent future race wars.

fuck off nigger

Looks like your reading comprehension is limited :)

Dont worry, you will be spared on the Day of the Rake if you are little nicer to me. ;)

because of boat nigger genes.

Boat niggers, (nords) have been attacking women and children for thousands of years.

Their entire existence survives on it, this is why every single pedophile looks the same, every single corrupt politician looks the same, every single power abusing policeman looks the same, you just have to look at them and you know.

boat niggers betray, cheat, lie, steal, they can not tolerate another society being stable, because they have learned a stable society will destroy them.

This is why the vikangs run every time no matter the odds when the militia was dispatched, and why they never met on the field with anyone they ever attacked.

They can not win, because they can not fight, their only hope for survival is to attack the weak and cause chaos.
They are the secret societies, they hide and deal in subterfuge because they know very well they will never win on the field in a fair fight.

They interbreed with everything they can to hide themselves but you can still tell who they are.
They will never accept any idea you have, no matter how obvious it is, but they will never have a legitimate idea of their own that doesn't involve power for them.

So you see, they can not survive if we are powerful, so they vote for bad people, they vote for chaos, every time.

They are genetic trash, and they must all be killed.

Make sure you wear your coonskin so I don't accidentally kill a human

Make sure you wear colorful sock when you come :)

see Leafland brainwashes the young. Both my parents are teachers, and they're cuckservatives

Tell your people to fuck off, Ontario has become New New Delhi

Maybe if the U.S. Nigger hybrid military could figure out that bright color = dead nigger you'd have won Vietnam. Stupid fucking amerifat

Fucking curry nigger



WTF leaf invasion on this thread...

There won't be any race war friend, and even if it happens cucked whites will fight beside you as they're mostly liberals. Sup Forums Population of white people is merely 1/50 as white supremacists.

Oh no a shitty Indian who's race has a 4 inch average dick thinks we're cucks
The government are scum here, but Canada will redeem it self just like America did from king Nigger

Pajeet, I am a Trump supporter, former liberal. They have gone crazy so some order needs to be restored and liberal lunacy should be brought under control

My plan for non-whites is to thin your numbers to a manageable amount and then we will maintain your genetic stock and breed you for our own amusement much in the way that we breed dogs today.
So if you are a high quality specimen you will be assigned a qt of your race and encouraged to mate with her,
You won't really have to work except to entertain white people in a zoo or a circus type arrangement.

Leaf are u allowed to even say anything ur government didn't permit u to?

My first decree as 14th Elder Coonslayer will be to ethnically cleanse all quickie-marts and 7-elevens

You sound like a good bean.
10/10 would help out.

That's an understatement. But don't worry the reformed liberal now "Trump supporter", wears the label proudly like the cow being led to slaughter. It's becoming apparent how truly rare original thinkers are.

Hey Kangaroo, ur entire country had what 20 million, come back when u add a zero next to it. Until then u r just a meaningless statistic

good call leaf

Just for that remark I will become the US President. You know Americans would accept an Australian-born President.
You let a bloody Kenyan into the oval office and your people don't worship Kenyans like you do us.

No u cannot as the constitution won't allow it, so stay back in convicts land

While undo that, we will write crappy software to bring all ur banking systems down

>a country which I wont name since you guys will then say you smell shit.
POO IN A LOO spotted

You couldn't write bugs fast enough to outpace me fixing them. That's just how much better of programmer the white man is.

Haha genius spotted

you are doing gods work. thank you.


Didn't stop the Kenyan with the fake birth certificate, mate.

Uncle tom, when the race war stars there either going to shoot you in the street or deport you and your friend will face his fate in the ¨Day of the rope¨. You will always be a shit skin to the white man no matter what you do.

this isn't even true. we can all live in peace if there's no race mixing and we all live in different ethno-countries with our own people. there probably wont be a "day of the rope"

mad max lost. how the fuck will you redeem yourselves?

OP the vast majority of white people are rational and altruistic. I dont think you will have to worry too much so long as you're not some blatantly anti white racist that is proactively working to subvert a sovereign people.

REALLY? Help your own? What did you do when the housing market fell and all those white people lost their homes; their jobs? What did you do when the middle class got decimated? What did you do with college debt? YOU DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! ZILCH!! NIL!!! NADA!!! DIDLEY SQUAT!!!!!

yeah but i want to continue raping white women and young girls that ethono cuck shit wont help me with that

Well take some personal responsibility and hold ur politicians accountable. If u buy a house u can't afford then what I can do about it. Learn to save some and get a proper degree that will get u a job not some lame ass degree which nobody gives a shit

maybe there will be a day of the rope

Nah, when you think about only a selected amount of people are talented and educated enough to preserve the future of our race.It doesnt matter if they are white or not since the majority always consist of morons regardless of the race.


>In return will you guys guarantee me and my family a safe return to my country of origin when the race wars are over?
This should never have been in doubt. All peoples can always go home.

What's going on here?


IF the race war starts, the whites will side with the chinks, gooks and poos.
The spics and niggers are the banes of us.

I honestly think it much worse in Canada and Europe, than it is the United States. At least right now.

USA will be majority spic by 2040

america is not even close to redeeming itself

You're honestly wrong because the US starts it all. The term "white male privilege" is still largely unknown in Europe, even Sweden and Germany.

>race war
It's a meme, white race is bound to get depopulated by niggers and spics.They breed more than us and majority of the whites are brainwashed cucks

You might be the biggest retard on pol congrats.

using shit grammar is also a part of your ruse ?


That's why I prematurely bring it up to de-cuck any retard out there. Talk to hundreds of people each month about what the left is doing to Whites, their reaction is an disorderly display of outrage, confusion, and disbelief. When the roil of emotions have settled I can get down to directing them towards many channels that can challenge their preconceptions about the morality of the left.

Do what you can to save fellows around you from the oblivion the left have prepared for all of the West, talk to them.

Are you kidding me? Sweden and Germany have an endless stream of migrants rushing in like septic water from an overflowing sewer drain and have yet to pass restrictions. The white Germans have less national pride on average than most white Americans, the same goes for Sweden. America on the otherhand, is starting to wake up. The election of Trump and downfall of the Democratic party and CNN prove this but, we still have a very long ways to go if we want to achieve maximum social progress.





if you really want to red pill whites, ask them why they let jews lump themselves in with whites, but only when its convenient for the jew

People are afraid of losing their jobs and keep quiet.
You can thank the leftist journalists and universities for such peer pressure.

They are cucked because they have been brainwashed/indoctrinated into being cucked by the public education system for the last 30+ years


Savage. Look at all those butthurt leaves.
Years of leftist propaganda. They need to become cucked for new global government. Men are rebels at heart. The decrease in testosterone is really unsettling (I think it's down 50% on average in the last 50 years!). If it's not because of modern lifestyle, maybe they're further ahead than we all think.

By redpilling people you don't only help white men, but yourself too. In the future it would be your homeland country's turn to become subjugated.

What happened to the right wingers who controlled education?

Your universities are basically brainwash facilities. Fortunately some people are old enough by then to see through that bullshit. When they start their tricks in elementary schools, like in Sweden, that's when situation becomes dire.

Why is it always the Indians that brown nose the fuck out of whites? Have some self respect and stop being a bitch. Whites can do literally whatever the fuck they want to it's nobody's business.

If they want to be ultra cucked to the max, let them. Why do you have to be their personal lapdog?

i'm all for some good old fashion D&C. i was among the original mediterranean masterrace vs nordcuck trolls. but this just reads as autistic. it's funnier when it sounds like normal Sup Forums stuff but directed at germanics/nords.

You are shortsighted and forget the fact that we all live on the same planet. Your turn will come sooner or later.
That's why I wouldn't be happy to see any Western country failing.

My turn? Kek bitch the way things are going you're more likely to get cucked by Muslims.

>Muslims say let them do whatever they want to, have a problem
>Muslims help by bringing Islam, still have a problem

Can you just admit that you're a faggot and nothing anyone says can ever please you?

Muslims are just a tool in the hand of liberals. They won't gain any real power.
Also, suck it, brownie, there are almost no muslims in Poland.

I'm definitely fairer than you. You do realize that Pakistan has Afghanis and Kashmiris too right?

>Almost no Muslims
Almost. That's how it starts.

r/the_donal is that way>>>> shitskin kekistani faggot.

>I'm definitely fairer than you

My girlfriend and I plan to have a whole litter of aryan children. She agrees that we need to strengthen the genetic strength of our country.

Lol I feel your pain OP. I'm Mexican American and prefer working for White's my whole life. I just wished they would stand up for themselves more and not attack each other when the nigs, femenazis, and mudslimes come knocking. Guess it's not bad being Hispanic because that muh racism and sexim bullshit doesn't work because they think I'll play my minority card usually I end up have to go the nigs to get back to work. Also God are white women better, they smell great even when they stink and are far smarter....... Well the Christian ones that haven't been blacked lol

Hail to the King
