Bought my wife, son and daughter their own stun guns. Wife works downtown, son goes to college and delivers pizza and my daughter will be traveling with her grandmother this summer. Daughter is 13 and keeps it hidden in her room. Both kids know how to use my carbine but I wanted something that they could keep on them. What defenses have you provided your family?
Have you given your responsible, beautiful daughter a stun gun yet?
My kids know the use of firearms and knives. I wouldn't give my daughters stun guns but they carry bootknives. And I wouldn't let them travel in their own, I'm not irresponsible.
Living in a white part of the countryb
Bear mace in case of a crowd. A razer is for one person. And teach her how to use it. Can't trust the city bears!
Not alone. On a tour with seniors to national parks. But you're right.
I was checking out those too. I think I'll pick some up. Good call.
I send my daughters out wearing REFUGEES WELCOME pride shirts and short skirts, hopefully a black bull will breed them and give me worthy grandsons to continue my bloodline.
it's a garbage weapon with no stopping power.
>On a tour with seniors
So basically alone.
>Not training your wife and daughters in small arms for their protection.
If they get raped or killed, it's your fault
Nothing better than bear mace. It goes about 7 feet. And can cover a crowd. Just make sure she knows how to use it. Don't spray against the wind and be quick don't threaten just spray and run.
I bought my twin ten year old sons gay porn magazines and make them share a bed
Bought my GF pepper spray, a stun gun, and a 5 shot .38 snub nose revolver. She refuses to carry anything but the pepper spray. And her god damn purse is so full of bullshit I doubt she could find the pepper spray even if you gave her a 60 second head start before you attacked her.
At least I tried...
She can run faster than all of them. Shit, her grandmother wanted to take her to Europe originally. Luckily the sandniggers took care of that one for me.
Had to use this on a grizzly bear in Yellowstone that was charging at me while backpacking. Let me tell you this shit is fucking powerful. Still here to LARP so its success speaks for itself.
is that like emu spray?
Swap the razor for a lead-filled leather sap. Fits in a purse and even a small woman can knock someone out with one easily if shown where to hit.
Done deal.
I know! never had to use it on on a bear. All bears I met in bc were pretty docile. Although it does good work on the city bears! Only had one person that could run through it.
I don't know if they're legal in Puerto Rico. I should investigate.
yes, but the ugly one will have to suffer
I dunno about you but I wouldnt give my daughter creepy sex toys
My MIL has a .38—that's not getting on the plane—and keeps pepper spray on her. She's just getting old now and I want the kid to have something on her when I can't be there. Anniversary is coming up and I think I'll take the wife to go look at some handguns and get her to take the class. She has to drive into downtown Jacksonville for work daily. .38 for her and a .45 for the house. I keep the carbine in my safe so I want something handy.
Kid's school was put in lockdown a few years ago for a black bear. Now it's all coyotes and bobcats in this area—which is kinda strange since we're in the Beaches area in 904.
we had the talk
teach them situational awareness. It's the most important evolutionary beneficial trait to learn.
Stung guns legal in U.K. For 13-year-olds, but plastic butter knives aren't?
100% agree. Swear to Christ not enough parents do. Started teaching her how to drive today on some back roads and taught her about blind turns and other drivers. Always check your mirrors to see what the other assholes are doing. It translates well to social situations.
about honor killings?!
My scout carries her folding knife with her wherever she goes.
She knows to run until she's safe, but to also stick someone if she can't.
Go into a public toilet with one of these and hold it to the metal urinal as someone pisses against it. Especially funny with a nigger.
never let her drive with any of her friends until at least 18 (or 2 years of driving time). almost all teen accidents are with other teens in the car distracting the driver or encouraging stupid behaviours.
and show her some revenge porn site screen caps.. emphasizing the fact those girls images will always be available because they thought is harmless and "he loves me dad."
Stun guns are garbage. You want either a real tazer (does not work with thicc clothes) or good old pepper spray.
it was a joke ;v)
my wife's daughter wont carry anything phallic in her purse. She says violence is a tool of the patriarchy.
I think a .38 revolver is a great choice for females. I don't think my GF could ever operate a safety or cycle the slide on a semi-auto if she was in a panic. I just tell her over and over that with the revolver all she has to do is pull the trigger and it will go bang. But she won't ever carry it. Plus she is a horrible shot and flinches like crazy.
Not sure I can ever make her a competent shooter. She really has no interest in guns whatsoever and just feels pressured by me. I try to break her into guns gently by having her fire a .22 rifle at first and even that is terrifying to her. Very frustrating. I don't think she is prepared to fire a .38 without hearing protection on. She will probably piss herself after the first shot even if her life is on the line.
But again, that is if she would ever even carry the fucking thing.
You let your gf out of the kitchen?
Numale queer
Not all girls could handle a gun
Having pepper spray in your purse is not "carrying", even if it were empty.
If you have to open a zipper and reach somewhere undefined it's not ready to be used in a situation where every second is a second too much.
>raising a daughter
Is there anything more cucked than this? You are literally taking care of a whore until she develops enough then you give the keys to the nearest Chad.
Some of the closest calls I have ever had in a car were when I was a teen with other teens in the car. Both as driver and as passenger. Amazing I'm alive now that I think about it.
I remember being in the back seat of some shitty sub-compact hatchback goofing around and the driver wasn't paying attention. A semi-truck missed us by inches and we just laughed about it. I don't think I realized how that truck would have just flattened that piece of shit hatchback like a bug.
Females have a harder time reloading revolvers than using a gun with a 19+1 magazine (why would you need to "pull the slide", what's the point of carrying if the gun is not loaded?).
This thread has a sickenly high self defense meme density.
Oooh weeee that spray check
unlike roaches, we hominids are birth from females who were likely raised by a male father.
Instill good values, and they'll pass the same on to their kids.
The breakdown of the family relies on you being a poor father.
start her off on a 22lr revolver of similar size, have her shoot it for a while to get rid of that flinch and get fundamentals down, then move her up to the .38. the 22 isnt ideal by any means but its better than her not carrying at all, put some velociter ammo in it. she will move up when she gets comfortable with it at the range.
Living in a town with only Svens.
Holy shit! Thank you, Oz. Off to JewTube to see if that's been done...
What the fuck does that mean? You had a mom therefore you have to have a daughter?
What good values? Only thing she'll be learning is how many cocks she can fit in her cunt at once.
I just don't see why you'd take care of a whore in training when you can have a son and actually teach him to be a man.
I will give my future daughter a Luger.
>I think a .38 revolver is a great choice for females
Depends, I use to work in a gun shop and chicks hate the heavy double action pull, Not bad to have around for the simplicity. tried that with my wife when we met, was a no go, her first pistol was a Beretta PX4 it worked for a while but she ended up with what is now her favorite sig 938, it's a mini 9mm. I thought it would kick her ass but the single action was simpler for her and she likes the crips single action trigger. And light enough for her to carry every day.
my cousin got a v8 mustang for his 16th bday and weeks before I said I wouldn't get in the car with him if I was being chased by zombies. Sure enough the first day he rolled up and picked up my brother for a quick test drive around the block. Then after he promised me he'd only drive around the block I got in the car too. 5 minutes later while going over 100mph into a turn on a bridge the car became airborn after hitting the dip and whiplashed 90 degrees, flew over the center median between two giant palm trees into on coming traffic. The gap between the trees was just wide enough to fit, if it would have been 5 feet further 4 of us would have been brutally killed. Car was wrecked underneath and his dad "believed" the lie he told him that "some car cut him off while he was driving normally".
I don't know how you can teach your kids to listen to that "feeling" but never stop trying.
in human biology as in the insect world, you don't pick the child's sex at birth. If you are blessed with a girl, than you are blessed. I hope your baka bazi son pleases his husband.
No, because I live in NY, and they're super illegal here.
take care, I wish your family protection and success.
No. Defending yourself is illegal in my country.
It's perfectly legal
If you're in public, you have the duty to retreat, but if you can't, you can use force to protect yourself, up to lethal.
My scout knows that if she's cornered and can't flee, then she's going to make people bleed with her knife.
I bought me and my girl pic related for summer as it's easier to carry a small pepper spray when you don't have any pockets
For winter we both have a regular sized pepper spray for our jacket pockets and at home I have a pepper spray gun
I want to get a real gun but you would need to keep the gun in a safe and store the ammunition somewhere else and in extreme situations there is no time for this nonsense
explain more. We dont have castle doctrine? you cant defend yourself from a home invader can you? If you hit them don't you get charged with assault?
stun guns literally do jack shit and are the memest 'self defense' item there is. you are a literal cuck and retard. if it doesnt shoot wired barbs to stick in skin its useless
while i agree, you dont know what their methods of use are. im sure purse carry is fine for traveling in the car, how do you know she doesnt remove it from the purse and hold it in her hand when leaving the office building to find her parked car at night? you dont have to be at condition 0 at 100% of the time, for most people its not practical and the odds outweigh the fatigue and discomfort
no you don't, you're an idiot.
I do it anyway and I've been in jail for it.
Judges are all women and cowards.
I stand my ground and it is my religion and culture to do so and although I got a light sentence I still got a sentence because the judges just keep arguing with you about nothing.
Nobody dares not retreat so it's not going to change.
how in the world would an austrian of all people know anything about how this works
Wife wants to carry, but it's shitty Canada so dog spray is as good as it gets.
Need to smuggle me up an LCP or P3AT from the states, for dat deep concealment.
he will probably enjoy that
Because stun guns are banned in my state. Fucking Illinois, man.
it depends on the personality. some 'kids' stay like that their whole lives, other kids are cautious and mature before even becoming teenagers
knives... we're poor.
basic redpills and situational awareness
The fact that thay are living in one of the safest country on earth
>country full of paprika niggers
I fucking hate you Magyars
>the wife
I wish people would stop saying that
No excuses.
I've not even read the thread yet, but it's obvious this is b8. Even if it isn't, you're going to get shit on.
Pretending it's not b8, good for you m80. It might not be a gun, but you're doing something, which is a hell of a lot better than nothing. Good on you for trying to arm them.
U just jely coz i dont have a dindu shiting in my lawn
You can use equal force if you have no ability to flee.
If someone breaks into your home and is coming at you with a knife/club, you can shoot them, for example.
If said person breaks in, sees you and runs, then you can't shoot them.
If you're in the street, and someone corners you and attacks you, you can defend yourself back.
It all uses the reasonable person test, which has zillions of precedents set.
stun guns are fucking toys, they're good for security on homeless or other undesirables as pain compliance since it causes no damage and just annoyingly stings, I wouldn't dare to use one for self-defense, if not gun then get at least expandable baton or pepper spray
If that's true, then it doesn't sound that bad aside from your gun laws. That's more or less how the average American state is.
>and just annoyingly stings
Have you ever had one used on you? It's far more than that. Given the choice I'd use something more lethal, but they are typically very effective given the lack of muscle control over the person you use it on.
Our justice system is pretty much the same as yours.
We don't have stand your ground anywhere, but we have proportionate force and reasonable person test.
I did a subject almost entirely on self-defense in my criminal justice course.
Our gun laws are shit, but you can get a break action shotgun or bolt-action rifle with some paperwork and time. They'll work in most instances of home invasion.
O, and you can generally carry a knife.
SAKs and non locking folders are fine all the time (at least in my state).
Locking knives and fixed blades need a "reasonable excuse" (camping or work).
Not great, but a trapper or stockman style folder can still stick and slice if you need to.
it's literally pain compliance, it doesn't 'paralyze' you, it may surprise someone who doesn't know how that shit works but those who do will just smack you in the head, push you away or smash that shit piece of plastic, for actual paralysis you use taser as it covers large area of the body, stun gun just causes localised pain between the prongs which might scare nigger but piss off someone who already got a can of Big Shock once and if the opposition has any kind of weapon then that shit is doubly useless (same reach as fist for less damage) unless it's 2v1 with peppers spray like pic related
I didn't expect you to know the difference between a taser and a stun gun, my mistake.
A stun gun fucked me up for a short time dicking around with friends. Short term muscle control loss, but localized as you said, plus I'm not a big guy.
Taser however wrecked my shit, along with a buddy that weighs over twice as much as me. He flopped down like a fish and couldn't do shit, rough estimation on him would be slightly over 6 feet tall, not fit or fat but big.
and the localisation is the problem of the stun gun, you hit him in the left arm, he will hit you with the right, you will hit him in the torso, he will hit you with both, as I said, dumb nigger who thinks that only zeus can wield lightning will probably run away, but something closer to human will wreck your shit, if you can't get gun then hardened baton with pepper spray is good enough, spray (buy jet or foam, actualy spray is gay) for crowd control and baton for beating (I recommend little rope around the handle, if niggers give you two seconds to pull it over your wrist they'll have 1000% harder time to disarm you and use it against you)
Bump for interest, you're right though. Too used to people thinking stun and taser are the same thing. Tasers hurt like a motherfucker, the one I was shot with had barbed hooks.
Why have the barrels all been bent? Some way to try and stop people firing them?
Does it's effectiveness change bear to bear? I knew a guy who had some mean scars from a black bear that wouldn't stop after one spray. Had to spray it again after he took some damage. Could have been he missed or something.
Yeah the cops bend them. I used to work at a scrap yard and the cops would bring in weapons to be destroyed. Fucking heartbreaking having to cut all the guns in half. Some would be wrapped in plastic, they were from suicides and murders.