KEKISTAN EMBASSY; Ambassador - Oswin of Sehlaris

Notice: I am not a Redditor, never been there. Much less have a profile there.

Purpose: I in my offical capacity serve as a liason from Kekistan to Sup Forums. Information retrieved here will be given to a choice select whom work in seclusion to take on CNN. Any such information brought forth by said select agents can be received by me personally under the premise you are not a shill/larp/etc.

Notice: Kekistan much like these boards are diverse in that of function. I do not have access to every Kekistan agent/citizen/superior information.

I am here to serve in my function, and to cooperate and collaborate with Sup Forums agents.

RED ALERT MEMO: The Shills are out in Force. Attempting to shoot themselves in the foot and tossing the gun at our feet saying we condone violence against reporters!


Other urls found in this thread:


Another Report. INFOWARS Meme Contest at an end with the Hulk - Trump / Loki - CNN gif as the winner in this gladiatorial competition.

Ignore him. Some shill from Calais who supports a Globalist agenda

I'm from Calais too...or are you referring to me.
If not why isn't this information sound?


Alright...I've read all of this and I've yet to find ANYTHING globalist about what I said.

But please by all means rattle the examples away, after all what would an American know what it's like to have Migrants have a go at your neighborhood while you're helpless, government is helpless and any means to defend yourself is considered racist.

Stop spamming this thread, and kill yourself.

Thanks for reading the advisory and have a wonderful day.

Is this supposed to be professional? If you are the or an ambassador, I don't know who will take you seriously. Kekistan needs to die already.


I don't have time for this right now. I just watched a drone fly right over my house.
I need to find more information STAT

Noted, you can take your compliment/concerns to the offices of "Diddle yourself." On "1447 So Original Lane. Pickle Jar Up Your Ass Wisconsin."

what't the point of kekistan?

i hope this board gets deleted again. fuck it there is no hope

To a hell of a lot of people. Were considered cancer. If you were to ask me, some actually are. Those who actually keep things civil are people who have comfortable homely ideas that began the "Red Pilling."

We used to be a large part of Sup Forums here until a schism of philosophical issues arose. Not sure if that's a compliment or an insult to the both of us but frankily were just here until the Meme War ends, then it's back to business as usual.

It got archived, not deleted. Although nice try.

Go away faggot

>Go Away Faggot

Cmon man. Try harder than that.

Since I'm stuck in Commiefonia, I apply for the role of Kekistani Ambassador of California.

What where the primary philosophical issues that caused the split?

praise kek

hail kekistan


Oh...Christ that's a horrible posting. You have my deepest condolences. Please for god sakes don't make it another Benghazi issue.

Some believe that Kekistan is much too centralized for the standards of Sup Forums. Others believed it to be a stale meme that needs to die. Some don't approve of it's founder (aka; Sargon of Akkad)

I'm not the best source of information to judge against Kekistani people. I would instead refer you to make your own judgements as you will. See what were about. Listen to what people say about us, inconvenient or beneficial to our cause.


Shills are jealous that Kekistan has power over multiple formats so they're trying to divide us from places like reddit and pol to destroy us.

>Oh...Christ that's a horrible posting. You have my deepest condolences. Please for god sakes don't make it another Benghazi issue.
I'll do my best.
I used to live in Nevada, but the isn't much work out there that pays well unless you're a miner or a rancher. Cali has work, but literally everything else sucks.

Namefagging, fuck off cunt go to Reddit or start a YouTube channel.

dropping oc

It's shit and in original

>Oswin is a faggot.

Know the difference between how I'm a faggot and you're a faggot?

Because this guy sets the bar and you don't quite measure up ass clown.

I'm glad that shills like you don't like it, means its good.

You do realise you cunts are no fucking different to gay forks maskers that came from operation chanology dont you. Let the meme fucking die.

Think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Kekistan is a fucking dead meme. Grow up, kike.

Ignore this sad cunts threads. When he continues to spam the threads, just report and get him banned.

Last I checked I didn't have a little bitch for breakfast. Degenerates like you won't last once your Fake News Network is in ashes and we piss it all on your face!

The fact that you think anyone here actually watches CNN says a lot..

Just stoping by to call out op as a gigantic fagget

Sarcuck did not invent the flag which wasn't even a Kekistan flag at first

The nigger probably watches Sargon all day.

>Commie Flag
>Calling me a Kike
>You think I watch CNN? Psh

Shill. Such shill telltales my friend.

Mhm. Thank you very much.

I said he was the FOUNDER. Not the inventor of the Kekistan Flag. Big difference.

I happen to disagree with some of his ideologies. Wat do?

wrong, sargon did coin it and deserves the credit

Sargon is fucking great, a senisble centrist unlike most larping shit on here.

Fuck off retard

>bUt CoMmUnIsTs AlWaYs WaTcH CnN
Fuck off. CNN is Liberal trash.

>Sargon iz god
He's probably never been on Sup Forums in his life, and doesn't seem to understand that memes die. He's also bringing newfags like you along.

Fuck off sarcucks. Kekistan is a shitty normie meme
Alt-Kek is the true meme religion!
>pic related

Refer to --

>Kek comes from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums made the flag
>some cuck comes along, takes both of these, adds -istan to the end of kek

You're just like libshits. Absorb other peoples work, make some tiny changes and claim it as your own.

report and move on fucking retards

I'm from America...we did the very same thing from the most powerful Empire in the world. You think we give a shit?

>newfags like you along.
retard, ive been here since january

You faggots do realise the Sup Forums flag has been around for years dont you, the kekistani flag is just the latest iteration. It was created here dragon didnt create fuck all. In fact his stupidity in forcing this stale meme may actually be the thing that ruins him. Pic related earlier iteration of the Sup Forums flag.

*Sargon not dragon

>CNN is liberal trash
Yep, you seem to drag that shit with you where ever you commie kikes go.

>Sargon iz god.
Please, tell me where I said that. Please.

Long live kekistan

>Comparing Liberalism to Communism.
The only commies I can compare to Liberals are Anarcho-Communists and Antifa, all they care about is idpol. Fuck liberals and antifa.

>Please, tell me where I said that.
You give a very strong impression you still enjoy watching Sargon, even if you disagree with some of his ideas.

Sargon is not my issue. You think that the Founder has power over the Board. Well I'm sorry to tell you but that is not the case. If you were to actually realize that infact we are not a cult who worships a man. We are a people, a generation I should probably specify that have been red-pilled from the Millennials and I was almost one of them. might hate the Keks now. But it's better than the alternative.

>hurr durr sargon is bad
stop shilling, you're super obvious

>Hey you fellow conservatives hate Sargon right? Why aren't you attacking other right wingers?

ehh Sargon is a dead end as far as politically and philosophically but he does act as a first redpill for a number of people. Still not a big fan of him. Otherwise kekistan seems rather pointless as just a banner term for a mixed group of reddit fags and /pol users.

Garbage is worth more than you and your thread.

Pathetic roleplaying cringeworthy shit OP, well done i guess.
Can i be ure kekfrog ambasadore in norway? xDDD

Sargon has done more than you ever will to bring kekistan to the masses. The more people he introduces to Sup Forums the better the world will get. If you don't understand that then you don't belong here.

Sargon didnt coin shit, faggots have been larping here as people of kek long before sargon found it. Pic related is where kekistan is right now for the rest of us. It's a stale meme let it die.



>Comparing Liberalism to Communism
Here you go since you clearly don't know what communism is.

>Gave a strong impression
As an Authority on myself, I'll dictate the terms and precedence of my beliefs. Not you, thanks.

We all need a starting point and Sargon isn't nessicarily my first choice when looking for complex material or a quick follow up on events.
Louder with Crowder
Tucker Carlson
Black Pidgeon (ALBIET RARELY)
I try to keep it a mix.

>newfags like you
I've been here ever since 2015.

This shit is so cringey. I'm going to go watch that video of that guy choking a dude holding a kekistani flag until he passes out to cleanse my pallete.

>you clearly don't know what communism is.
Have you even read any leftist theory? Why are you using a 6 minute propaganda video as an explanation for communism?

>I'll dictate the terms and precedence of my beliefs
In that case, I'll decide whether or not I'm a liberal, not you.

>Louder with Crowder PROPAGANDA!?!

>I'll decide whether or not I'm a liberal, not you.
Fair enough. I however can tell you. Whether intentional or not. Your beliefs by proxy, or intentional, caters to liberal ideals. You support Antifa with your rhetoric despite the fact you supposedly "despise them." Despite the fact Communism is a revolutionary movement in the first place, made up by a JEW.

Don't get too much of a hard on over asphyxiation.

I don't think you read my post correctly.
I'd take Sargon over Crowder any day; he needs to stop trying comedy he is absolutely terrible at it.

>Communist obviously support antifa
No. No. Antifa is an Anarchist group. Ever seen the 3 arrow symbol they use (the symbol of the Iron Front)? The third arrow is anti-authoritarian communist.

>Don't get too much of a hard on over asphyxiation

It's impossible to not get a boner seeing these kekistanis physical assaulted.

fuck off shill

SAMANTHA BEE Needs to quit comedy. Not because I disagree with her, but because she's not funny. Crowder gives me a chuckle but that's not why I go to his Radio Show. It's because it's a perception. An angle to look at it from. Without contrast we look at a completely biased.

John Oliver is funny, but I disagree with him. These are the lines people need to realize.

As opposed to that ye' ol excuse. Democratic Socialism is a different kind of socialism. "That's not real communism do it this way."

Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You think Antifa would be out in arms over Hillary Clinton, the biggest Socialist Progressive ever? Or Bernie Sanders? Oh sure, they're down with destroying any government so long as it curries to a Socialist, if not an inevitable Communist government. It's bullshit, all of it.


>Hillary Clinton, the biggest Socialist Progressive ever
Fucking hell. Think I just developed 3rd stage cancer.

>ye' ol excuse. Democratic Socialism is a different kind of socialism.
Democratic Socialism is socialism, but Bernie isn't even that. He's a social democrat.

...Are you...retarded?

>the more cunts he introduces to Sup Forums the better the world gets.
Cunt Sup Forums is a place you should discover not be shown. The world not get better with more Sup Forums users it will only make Sup Forums shit exemplified by this fucking thread.

>pol is a secret club
no, pol is place that should be spread and be everywhere

You're making dumb claims about leftist theory, something which you seem to have no knowledge of. Please, give me evidence to suggest how Clinton was a socialist.

This thread is not even here to cater to Kekistan supremacy, it's here in regards of gathering and distributing information regarding CNN. You people are all up and asshurt about nothing but a flag.

You seem crazy

*Cracks knuckles* Here we go, this is going to take awhile.
1. Hillary Clinton is a supporter for Bigger Government. A cliché` attache` for requirements to running a socialist communist state. The more is dependent on the state, the more everyone contributes to the "welfare" of others. This includes and not limited to; Abortions, Gay Marriages, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Non-profit organization.

Taxation of the Rich eventually leads to taxation to everyone else. Know it or not the Wealthy in America aren't even that rich to fulfill the needs of everyone. (SHOCKER.) So when she discovered that you can't squeeze all the money you can out of the wealthy what does she do? TOP OF THE BALLOT HALL OF FAMER COMMUNIST! TAX THE BOURGEOISIE!!!

3. The Editorial of the 2nd Amendment.
"Because these guys don't need guns, soldiers need guns, not citizens! Not upstanding ones anyway whom my opponent's voter base is empowered compared to the military I might command. Noooo~!"

Could be you never know. Stick around for some tea and somewhat civilized banter?

Content and board quality come first if you want Reddit go to reddit

You're a faggot. Kek was, more or less, a creation of Sup Forumstards. This is what happens when Milo and Sarcuck reference you all the time. You band wagon fags.

True. And with that logic...we influence of yourselves. What does that tell you?

It's vendetta all over again. A massive influx of normies followed by think my way threads followed by the cancer that kills a board.

Good lord I hate you fucking Kekistan redditors so much. Do you actually believe memes accomplish anything? We need action, not dumbass "le dank maymays xdxd" shit.

How are you faggots any different to anonymous legion cunts? Tell me.

Sup Forums is even a bigger piece of shit

Same tired old image, fuck i miss the pre campaign Sup Forums

You stole a pol meme and made it unfunny.

You are shit tier losers.

It tell me that if you're anything, it a bastard child who took our creation and made it cringe worthy. This thread started with know not knowing a pretty basic thing about this place.

>Inb4 don't punch right
I was cool with letting you jackasses do your thing, until Rebel Media and Cernobitch threw a fit over NPI and IE because "Muh Nazi, muh racism". Doubt you know what I'm referring to though.

Usually we'd just have to wait it out, but in pretty sure this place is permafucked by these turds.

Sup Forums was permafucked by chanology

I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I'm not a hacker. Not particularly skilled in anything within that field. What I am is an analyst. I see things that other people miss. Politically and information-wise. I don't pretend to hide under the guise that I am particularly for a higher-cause. I'm not. I know the ideal can't be obtained simply because we deem it to be right.

This is me making a world that I deem comfort/knowledge sufficient. That's the only dog I have in this race. Nothing else.

That day of the rake meme still relevant though.

Or it was started in defiance of your expectations. I'm not here to salve your issues over a flag when the goal is the same. It's not my aim, it's not my issue. Bringing it up to me won't change one thing.

You're still at this? You must be pretty dedicated to whatever the hell you're doing.

not even that. "Kekistan" was first used as a suggested name for Sup Forums colony island thread.

Hey dumbass. Kekistan was a Sup Forums meme. Who the fuck do you think you are? Larping as the "leader" of a meme that the collective community created duri g the trump campaign for shits and giggles.

You're and embarrassment.
You speak on behalf of nobody but redditors
Sup Forums did it for the lolz and you look foolish taking a meme seriously.

Nobody would ever want to be associated with you or "kekistany" redditor filth. You retards already tarnished a once lame meme and turned it into pure cancer.

Who the fuck do you tuink yo are kid?

Newsflash! You aren't shit. What have you done? Unlike you, i've payed my dues posting daily sincee 2005. I've been apart of history. Ive posted on Sup Forums PRE web 2.0. I've posted BEFORE the fucking captcha, kid. Did you even know that was a thing? Do you know all those epic raids kids like you grew up hearing about? Guess what? I was on the front lines for all of them. I was fucking there. I battled. I stormed the pools of habbo. I spammed gaia online. I fought viciously against boxxy fags claiming her as queen. I opposed project chanology. I fucking FOUGHT for this site and all of you little shits were still in diapers sucking on mommies teets as i defended your freedoms. I made memes. I wrote copy pasta. Ive checked em. I got singles, doubles, now these are triples. I failed at the triforce. I succeeded. I knew better then to fuck with football. Fall out tree. NEDM. Brbsoup. I went to the old man's birthday, etc.