Man, why can't we just join fuckin team up with Russia. Nuke all Muslim majority countries that aren't our allies, and then force China to pay us homage.
You wish, Dwarf watanabe.
>Man, why can't we just join fuckin team up with Russia.
>Nuke all Muslim majority countries that aren't our allies
Meh I like Persians and Syrians we need to figure out how to make them love Israel with Lebanon and others, not bomb them. Trust me.
It would limit Isreal to a vassal power. Israel would literally be irrelevant at that point.
China comes later.
Instead, Trump will backstab Putin.
>Israel would literally be irrelevant at that point.
Maybe that would be a good thing... if Israel becomes irrelevant maybe they can finally expand to Greater Israel and all the fighting about Israel can end.
>Russia systematically interferes with US election
>"Why can't we just team up with Russia, they'e such good bros"
>Instead, Trump will backstab Putin.
If he did that, Sup Forums would freak out and go against Trump. A Trump/Putin partnership is this board's dream.
I see no reason why this will not be a marvelous meeting.
According to the left, these guys have known each other since they were toddlers
Drumpf will suck putin off live in front of millions midway through his speech.
Anybody got the kid shooting the ISIS prisoner?
Haven't seen anyone meme that yet.
I can't contain all my diamond cummys for this. I want to see a manly handshake. But preferably putin wearing 6" lifts in his shoes so he looks just as masculine as Trump
only got this one
I'm looking for the one where a 3ish y/o kid shoots a man who's handcuffed to a fence
huh, never even seen that video before
Shit, that RAMBO movie is realistic... :D
Gets posted here from time to time.
I don't usually save gore, otherwise I wouldn't be asking. Guess I learned my lesson!
anyway, here's a some OC while I track it down.
>posting articles on faceberg is systematic interference
Nice proxy CIAnigger
Fucking redditor.
Might want to turn off the LARP flag before you try to divide and conquer, brainlet.
Them 'murican faceberg articles or not!?
shit bate mate
Because Russia doesn't want to "team up." Something Trump doesnt understand. Its economy is a competing regional power in alliance with China and trading partner with North Korea.
This is a geo-political situation not a buddy comedy. Russia has, with the use of soft power, and intelligence, to undermine the US and the West at every turn since yeltsin stepped down. And to an extent it's been very succesful.
People like you however are cuckolds. Your nation, your lady, has been infiltrated, fucked, and your reaction is that guy is so cool. Cuck.
> this board's dream.
And Trump has surrounded himself with a bunch of kikes. It's the boards dream for a reason. Putin would be a fool to trust Trump completely. And Putin has seen presidents change. So he knows how U.S. foreign policy rolls.
>nuking their muslim overlords