Lol democrats

Linda Sarsour at Hamas Fundraiser
> Fighting Trump is JIHAD
> Muslims have "NO need to assimilate"

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We need to promote this bitch as much as possible. Get her to run for office even

I wonder how all the Jewish soccer moms inclding Scarlett Johanses who were at LE PUSSAY MARCH are going to shuck and jive now

fauxchohantus/jihadijane for 2020

Daily reminder that Hamas/Hezbollah are not le based muslims xddd

They're all members of the sick mohamedian cult, they cannot be trusted.

>NO need to assimilate

Then why the fuck are you coming to the Western world?

they never attacked america tho so why obsess over them ?


nothing wrong with them, if you are not jewish puppet

Conquest is the name of the game

to make money

They're all saracens, making them all enemies of Christ. They're just as bad as the jews.

Because its their country now. If we dont let them freely move here they win.

she sounds like a typical nigger

you fucking idiot! all muslims are indoctrinated to push islam that is why they are so hated

NEVER trust a muslim and NEVER give them power

Christ doesn't know shit about Muslims they started existed after 600 years of his death so they mostly were not his enemies

where did hezbollah or hamas push Islam besides their own shitholes

>Implying Christ permanently died

Fuck off fedora, this is a Christian board.

Cedric gets it, neither muslims or jews can be trusted in any capacity. Give them a finger and they'll take the whole hand.

no thanks , not a fan of the religion of gay orgies and pedophilia

Atheism is one of the biggest promoters of faggotry. One of the biggest names in atheism sodomized himself with a banana.

But muh out of context speech
Muh peoples ignorance of our religion and the word jihad

yeah sure some random fat YouTuber can be compared to the pope's assistant

And gravy or something, right?

>nothing wrong with muslim terrorists
Maybe the demorats are right, and Russia *is* trying to destroy civilization.

Ok you also have a few so called scientists who promote shit like there being 70+ genders, comedians and a drunken philosopher all promoting faggot garbage.

Yeah something like that, sick shit.

Shuck and jive is a great turn of phrase, gonna use that more thx vodkanon

we will kill you and remplace you retard
white got 1 baby, we got 4 ratio

you know how this work in 30++ year with population dying ??
shariaw law for you !!
well will own the whole world
you deserve it you killed so many peoples in
others country... you think because you accept us we will end it here ??

we will not follow your life style but destroy you.

thank to justin im now in canada and many more are coming.

we already got europe.

you will die cuck

Day of the Rake.

"Sarsour" is literally "cockroach" in Arabic

this, we need her to lead the hell.

Linda Soursour is kebab.
Removal pending.


you can't made that shit up

A fucking leaf

This this this please my bday is coming up an thisll be awesome cuz i never celebrate it...ilil get popcorn

1/10 larp you irrelevant maplenigger

Said the native americans

To take over. And if you disagree, you're a fucking bigot, goddamn white supremacist and jihad should be declared and we should not have to assimilate whatsoever. If you don't like us or accept us in everything, we should jihad the entire nation, world and every community that doesn't like us and jihad everything that is different than us in appearance and nature. There is no need to try to fit in or try to get along, it's fucking war if you disagree with us and so jihad must be declared upon those who don't want the jihadists to get their way as jihad is good and disagreeing with us bigotry and racist and so thus we need jihad to jihad those anti-jihadists because jihad is the law and assimilation is bad.