What's the point of having CEOs and executives in a functional and established corporation?

What's the point of having CEOs and executives in a functional and established corporation?

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The money has to go to somebody

To make decisions for the corporation?

Face of the company. Compare it to the Queen of England

do you even work?

She looks like a girl I know.

Because it's an important part of a company being functional in the first place.

Let me guess, "they don't pay me enough I am worth more and nobody else can do (fill in the menial task blank here) because I'm special"

What's the point of a ship having a captain once it's left the harbour?

She ruined Yahoo yet the left doesn't complaint about her golden parachute because she was held up as example.

Oh wow, you found the chink in capitalism's armor! Its all over, comrades! We revolution now!

I mean obviously "the workers" actually know how to run the entire company. Its not like they only do what they're told by by a hierarchy that divides labor efficiently.

>What's the point of having CEOs and executives in a functional and established corporation?

They respond to market events, technology, political ecents etc... To steer company into cost saving and profit.

Why do you need a government in a functional society?

>why cant I stay at home all day smoking weed AND get all the gibs like a hard working CEO too??
t. Communist

why does a car need a driver?

>They respond to market events, technology, political ecents etc...
So can a collective of workers at 90% the cost of one CEO

Oh can they?
Are they going to vote on everything?
You think a collective of assembly line workers can function at the same level of an educated person with a business degree who knows the market?
Who is going to be held responsible for the company failing when poor decisions are made?

Hierarchies are natural, people form hierarchies within their own interpersonal relationships. An egalitarian collective without a leader is not natural, and cannot function in a competitive environment.

Oh shit, this nigga checkmate all y'all faggots!
>tfw you can be a shareholder too and not just a worker


>The money has to go to somebody

Classcucks will defend this

t. Leaf

Someone has to lay off the workers and ship the jobs overseas

They can. The business can function similarly to a parliament and democracy has been shown it is the least corrupt and contentious forms of government.

>You think a collective of assembly line workers can function at the same level of an educated person with a business degree who knows the market?
Your point about the lack of business acumen is plain wrong. Veteran workers have a deep understanding of their trade and business after being in the industry for so long.

90% of large organizations would collapse overnight if handed over to sandwich artists or baristas.

Oh of course! A guy who does nothing but operates a pneumatic screw gun totally knows how to make business decisions. A stockboy at Walmart knows the ins and outs of international trade and manufacturing.

>A Communist still thinks that removing the hierarchy and profit incentives of ownership are good ideas
Your ideology is empirically wrong.

What did her laugh sound like again?

If all those workers know so much about their trade, they can open a competing business and do the job for even cheaper or at a higher quality. This happens all the time. People work for company X doing a job, they learn about the job, how to do it well, what customers want, what customers don't want, and then they do side work and/or open their own business providing that service to someone else for less.

Or, they approach their managers with their good ideas, and negotiate a better position or salary based on the value they bring to the company.

What all these Gender-studies degree baristas don't understand is that you are a business in yourself. Your time, expertise, and knowledge are the product. Instead of just showing up and stirring coffee and doing the bare minimum and bitching about not making $15 an hour, why don't you find a way to make your time more valuable to the company, and then negotiate a pay increase? Got a good idea that you think your bosses are overlooking? Put a plan together and present it to them in a way that they can accept your offer to increase your value and therefore your salary.
Just stomping your feet about how you have a degree and you're only making $8 an hour isn't going to get you anywhere, because you're probably only worth $8 an hour (and realistically, most likely less than that, it's just illegal to pay you less.)
Most bosses and managers actually really appreciate people who are forward thinking and who genuinely want to increase their value to a company. ESPECIALLY in minimum wage jobs because the bar is so fucking low and most of the people they hire are absolute idiots who can barely even show up on time.
I never went to a university, never got a degree, it's really not that hard to just find something that someone will pay you to do.
And fuck the millennial "I want to do something I love!" Meme. Do what you love is great advice for someone who wants to make 35k a year for the rest of their lives.

100% of organizations would collapse without the workers. Workers of the world UNITE!

Anyone notice that a lot of companies have trophy-slut CEOs these days?

But who will liberate you from all your money?

Well Yahoo certainly doesn't anymore.

SeeWithout these trophy sluts, the companies would collapse

>"100% of organizations would collapse without the workers."
>believing this in the age of automation

You might be able to "unite the workers of the world," if you'd stop also importing massive amounts of unskilled and cheap labor in the form of refugees.
The minute all you white millennial retards start your revolution, thousands of hard working Mexicans are going to swoop right in and do your jobs for HALF (or less) than what you get paid to do them, and probably will show up on time and be twice as productive as you were, and then you're all fucked.
Workers uniting only means something if those workers have actual value, and if there aren't replacement workers flooding the country willing to work for less. You guys really shot yourselves in the foot on that one.
I'd love to see a millennial uprising in California. We'd literally rejoice that we could get rid of our HR departments and we'd hire a bunch of beaners to do all your jobs for even less, if we didn't just replace you with screens and robots.

This is why we need communism now more than ever

But if the workers own the company, and there are no workers, who owns the company?
Checkmate, Tovarish.

Also, have you ever noticed you never see successful people waving communist flags and preaching their bullshit? It's kind of like how you don't see good looking Chad dudes talking about MGTOW... or how the people posting all the "inspirational" #blessed #onmygrind #stayhumble bullshit on Kikebook usually haven't accomplished shit?

>Zero understanding of business or economics in general
Color be surprised..

Depends on what the corporation does. For example, with a government contractor (our military industrial + intelligence backbone) you could have a huge company, but certain major initiatives set by the CEO can make or break things over a long span. A large established company won't come crashing down overnight, but if the CEO allows people to go after idiotic contracts and trade volume for profit percentages, the company will begin to decline. Decline can be sensed at all levels of an organization. It will cause your churn rate to rise, you will have a harder and more expensive time retaining your talent and you will lose your prestigious reputation. This causes further cutbacks at certain levels which again increases churn and diminishes outside interest in joining, etc.

In some cases, when the stakes are high you need a guy like Alan Mulally who took over Ford and basically saved an iconic American company that employs a lot of people from death, and guided them through the recession without taking bailout money and buying back shares of their own stock. He sold off bloated brands Ford had acquired, and brought an extreme focus to improving quality which he had learned at Boeing. His first meetings at the company he walked into the room and stated that Ford has been going out of business for 40 years and it needed to turn around. He cut labor costs an incredible amount...I don't think Ford motors would exist in the same form if it hadn't been for him.

Likewise, other companies need a figurehead who stays out of the way and tampers with success as little as possible. Still, I'd say many of these business will stagnate or fail when faced with bumps in the road or real adversity/competition. Leadership at the highest level really can determine the success of a company over the longer term (5+ years).

Circular logic fascista

They literally do classcuck. You have people like Zuckerberg wanting universal basic income and most of hollywood wants more social safety nets. Zuckerberg was saying without other people, he would never get where he was. They either realize how bullshit and corrupt the system is and want to change it or they don't care about the immorality of capitalism because they are literally making a killing and want it to stay that way. Then you have the dumb classcuck sheeple defending them. Communism is the only way forward.

Ugly hambeasts are more likely to complain about sexual harassment than a 9/10 in skimpy dress.
Middle aged single feminists are more likely to whine about toxic masculinity.
People amplify their own failings in life. Communism is no different.

Nobody will let you apply your nonsense in real life. At least, nobody that is not a useless piece of meat.

Who do you think runs the company? I'm going to guess by your flag that you're a retard and you think that "CEOs get paid millions of dollars for doing nothing" and that because you sweat at your job you think you work harder and deserve more money than them, but you don't. These people are in charge of running and managing the entire company, that's what makes them worth so much. If you think a company can run without a CEO, then why don't you try starting a company and not having one? Or since (((they don't do anything))), why not just become a CEO yourself? I mean it's the easiest job in the whole world, so why not do it yourself?

Read up on the rise of NPM. You need a leader to set vision and mission etc and then a governance structure that sets targets measures and evaluates performance. Hence the CEO phenomenon

A business ultimately needs a dictator.

I almost want to shitpost about her because she deserves it.

But I guess I'm too much of a nice guy and she's going to tank it on her own anyway.


Lmao there were mass scale anti-capitalist protests in Germany over G20. Revolution is coming soon whether you like it or not cuckistani.

Looooool musk is husked!

Communism is fucking terrible, because workers are retarded and handing control of the means of production to retards will lead to terrile results
See history

t. person who lived under communism

You forgot your fag flag.

"MUH ZUCKERBURG!" Why hasn't Zuck given away massive amounts of his money then? OHHHH that's right, Communism/UBI/Socialism/etc is always about what OTHER people should do.
Side note: I met Cuckerburg once, in San Jose at a concert, I was in the box suite with my company and we walked passed him with his friend/bodyguard while we were on our way to the bathroom. I'm sure Facebook has a box suite there, all the tech companies do.

I don't remember zuckerberg buying everyone's tickets to the concert for them.

>One of the biggest jews that's contantly involved in sketchy shit and the puppets in Hollywood who are so rich that a revolution won't effect them want universal income
Really convincing me there famalam

Because then we wouldn't have Carly Fiorina, a living example of women's failures in decision making.

>there were literally hundreds of other unemployed/underachieving/uneducated broke retards just like me throwing rocks at police in Germany! The Revolution is coming, one bottle at a time!

>Look at all these Bolshevik Jews who want to force America to accept Bolshevism
Your post is so ironic it hurts. I can't believe you actually thought you were making a valid point. Its like the super rare and extremely well thought out meta post on Stormfront. Top notch.

What would collapsed organizations bring you?

Any organization without leadership always fails.

Actually most people who lived in the former soviet socialist republics WANT communism back. Their capitalism experiment failed them miserably. 25 years and still living like shit


Please archive or screenshot

You can't have a functional organization without a hierarchy to organize it.

I absolutely guarantee, that if you put one half the effort/time you spend reading Marx et al and posting about the coming revolution into learning an actual skill, you'd be making at least $25 an hour somewhere in America and would be on your way to earning more and having an actual career.

>Face of the company
>Face of the company
>Face of the company

Communism sounds fair but it doesn't work. History has proven that. You were wrong. It's okay. Move on with your life.

Decentralized adhoc peer to peer, you don't need a hierarchy to organize just a basic algorithm for mutual decision making and sorting like pirates and gangs.


Peer to peer networks still see hierarchies develop, its a natural behavior. File sharing networks are a perfect example of it.

Scapegoat for when shit goes poorly.

>Peer to peer networks still see hierarchies develop
Peer to Peer is they type of hierarchy.
They don't need further ranking and echelons, the networks function perfectly fine without overlays of ranks.
File sharing networks employ far more than just peer to peer organization.

Pretty fucking much

>Linking to huffpo
Go back to /r/politics
Better yet
Consider suicide

A network where all participants are uniformly equal wouldn't accomplish much. Its akin to marketing strictly via word of mouth. Each individual person as a node has the capacity to communicate with any number of others, but this doesn't pan out in practice. There are some file sharing networks that operate this way exactly. Then we have systems like bit torrent where a centralized actor releases a file, and others download it, then continue to spread it. But even if the original uploader leaves, there is a small centralized minority within the structure who will consistently seed the file. They become static fixtures in the landscape. When these people disappear, even though the individuals who downloaded the file still had it, it is overwhelmingly likely that they will not continually seed and propagate it themselves.

This has been carried out thousands of times over the history of the internet. It pans out the same way because its human nature. Without a fixed hierarchy in place the network fails as its only purpose.

>its a communist can't into business management episode

> people who lived under communism prefer communism
> millennials
> huffpo
Have you considered killing yourself?

>Then we have systems like bit torrent where a centralized actor releases a file
Any peer can release a file, the actor isn't centralized, the file itself is the point of centralization in bt.

>there is a small centralized minority within the structure who will consistently seed the file.
No they are just a bunch of other peers who have full access to the file and decide to upload it, the file only dies if demand for it gets so low that nobody downloads its for days on end, its not the purpose of the network hierarchy to fail its just kind of a ponzi scheme that requires a constant supply of peers to operate efficiently.


Is that macro supposed to be a 'gotcha' of some sort? Corporations are not the government. It makes no sense.

you need someone to take the blame.

Haha. No they don't. It's not even in conversation any more.