Was Bill /ourguy/ all along his dad is a known eugenist.
Was Bill /ourguy/ all along his dad is a known eugenist
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He's a tech nerd... a true OG software pirate.
He's red pilling had to come eventually.
>tfw you will live long enough to witness Bill Gates' Redemption Saga
>President Donald Trump's budget proposal for 2018 includes a 31 percent cut to the U.S. foreign-aid budget, which currently accounts for less than one percent of the $3.8 trillion federal budget.
>Such a budget cut "would be a terrible mistake," says the software mogul. He argues that not only is giving money to other countries the right thing to do, it's also good for the American economy.
No you fucking retard, he's not redpilled.
How about no
56d Solitaire
Not necessarily eugenics, just way of life.
If migrants want to exploit our way of life and usurp it with shariah, then they have to go back.
really though he should be known for how ruthless the motherfucker was at business, instead of just a tech nerd that is
He's right though... foreign aid isn't the problem.
If that money was dumped on U.S. citizens, it would just cause a mass of inflation.
That's what socialists don't get, is that upping the minimum wage will do nothing but cause inflation.
The real issue is culture in America.
These nigger nests of cities are not suffering because they are starving to death.
There is no real lack of medical aid in the U.S.
There is no lack of transportation or job opportunities.
They are suffering due to their own degenerate culture which is being assisted or steam lined into their lives by the jewish media.
They are born into the ghetto and that's all they will ever know unless they somehow an alien feed outside of the frequencies that surround them 24/7.
That wasn't his argument for foreign aid.
The fact is... Bill Gates brought a solid system to the home user for a low price.
IBM wanted computers only for the upper elite classes of people.
A big difference between paying $2000 for you first pentium system and $25,000 for IBM.
Apple was always shit. Windows 3.11 is still better than nearly every OSX even into past the new millennia. That's how shit OSX always has been.
He's not redpilled he's just an intelligent human being. Literally anyone with any semblance of intelligence can see that it's going to be an issue when you import tens of thousands of people from markedly less civilized countries into more civilized countries.
No, you are right. His argument is to bring about stability and better quality of life in other countries.
This is definitely good for the U.S. economy.
Trade is good... It's only bad when it's a one way system.
You have to understand something... China wouldn't allow imports from the U.S. for a long time while they exported masses of product.
That's not a fair trade deal.
Exactly... He's a humanitarian.
He's been advocating the development of third world countries, not the mass importation of third world countries into first world countries.
He's for helping out other countries. He's against helping them by importing their populations to our countries because that is a lose-lose situation.
Why do people with Irish blood often get that slightly hooked Jew-looking nose? I'm almost 100% Irish with a bit of scottish and anglo and I've got a big slightly hooked nose
Not if we genuinely want to replace ourselves.
>almost 100% Irish
>big slightly hooked nose
whatever you say shlomo
You should listen to Everyone remembers the noise. For some reason no one cares to learn about the mean and aggressive side of success
Gates doesn't have a drop of chosen blood in him but look at that schnoz
Because you irish are all like jews.
> sneaky
> exploitative
It's why irish were regarded as shit in the early immigration peroids of the American industrial revolution.
Nearly every irish person I know is a shifty, shady, drunk who lives like a jew but less coordinated and not as rich.
Bill Gates a liberal but he is also a smart guy -- smart enough to understand that mass immigration is destructive not only to the host nation but also to the nation of origin. Mass immigration is actually anti-humanitarian in the greater scheme of things.
Bill Gates was a ruthless, cutthroat businessman who made his vast wealth by using every dirty trick in the book (and inventing a few new dirty tricks along the way) and then using Microsoft's success to effectively hold the computer industry hostage for 20 years.
He viewed any successful non-Microsoft software as a threat, even if that software was for Windows. And if that software was cross-platform he viewed it as an existential threat, since it lessened people's dependence on Microsoft.
Internet Explorer? Microsoft didn't make it. They completely missed the boat on the World Wide Web, and with the popularity of the Netscape Navigator web browser (which was available on almost every computer, from $20k SGI workstations to Macs to Windows PCs), Bill Gates & co saw a threat to Microsoft's dominance, so they rushed to get their own web browser by buying one from a company called Spyglass Software. Now, since Netscape Navigator cost money, everyone assumed Microsoft would charge for Internet Explorer, and Microsoft's contract with Spyglass Software promised to give Spyglass a cut of whatever money they made from Internet Explorer sales. So what did Microsoft do? They released Internet Explorer for free, which was something none of their competitors could do since Microsoft had such deep pockets. Spyglass Software was ruined, and so was Netscape eventually. Once Internet Explorer was available, Microsoft threatened not to sell Windows to any PC manufacturer that bundled Netscape Navigator, which would later get them in trouble with the Department of Justice and the EU.
DirectX? Began life as an OpenGL knock-off that would (Microsoft hoped) lock-in developers to Windows. Hell, Microsoft was so afraid of OpenGL (since it was cross platform and the industry standard at the time) that they offered to partner with SGI (creator of OpenGL) on a new, cross platform graphics library called FireGL. Except that Microsoft had no intention of actually releasing FireGL. They hoped working on FireGL would distract SGI from advancing OpenGL long enough to let DirectX (then called Direct3D) catch up to it, and when their plan worked Microsoft just up and abandoned FireGL.
When 3D accelerators were new (which are now called GPUs), there was a much larger number of companies developing desktop GPUs than the nVidia/AMD/Intel tri-opoly we have today, and many of them were too small to afford to create their own full OpenGL implementations. Since most PC GPUs at the time only implemented a small subset of OpenGL in hardware, Microsoft wrote a full software OpenGL implementation and then offered it to GPU companies, so those companies could just replace the parts that their GPU implemented in hardware and still have a full OpenGL driver. Once they had all spent a good deal of time doing this, Microsoft actually refused to license any of their OpenGL code for release, effectively guaranteeing that smaller GPU companies would only have support for DirectX.
Video For Windows? VFW (now called Windows Media or whatever) only came into being because Microsoft literally stole the source code to QuickTime For Windows. Both Microsoft and Intel were having a hard time getting video to play smoothly on PCs, when Apple surprised them both by releasing QuickTime For Windows, a port of their QuickTime video framework for Macintosh. QuickTime For Windows could to smooth video playback on ordinary PCs with no special hardware, and Microsoft and Intel were caught completely off guard by it. Apple had contracted out to a 3rd party company to do the Windows port of QuickTime, so what did MS do? They went to the same company and gave them a ton of money to develop Video For Windows, but an insanely short schedule, knowing full well that the company would essentially have to re-use a lot of the QuickTime For Windows source code to get the project done on time.
When Apple found out (their contract with the other company stated that Apple owned all the QuickTime For Windows source code), they went ballistic and sued Microsoft. Microsoft had been caught red-handed and knew that Apple had them by the balls. So MS settled. Remember when Microsoft "bailed out" Apple in the 90s by buying $150 million in Apple stock? Despite what the tech press reported, that's not what actually happened. The $150 million in non-voting Apple stock that Microsoft bought was part of their settlement (Apple was no longer on the verge of bankruptcy by that point, and didn't need to be bailed out). The settlement also had Microsoft agreeing to port MS Office and Internet Explorer to Macintosh.
>common core proponent
yeah no
>upset about how business works
good to see he looks like shit and will soon be at the mercy of his own death panels and eugenics program
Anglo noses arn't a Jewish feature
It's an entirely different shape
Having a roman nose is not the same thing a a rounded no bridge kike nose were the tip goes below your nostrils
Not /ourguy/ and not redpilled. Just a traitor that sees which way the wind is blowing.
Calm things down let the current shit become normal and then start it up again. That's his game.
Most true american progressive traditionalists are not part of the jew authoritarian regime.
It's why so many liberals voted for Trump this past election. They saw that the democrats were not as progressive as they were authoritarians preserving their throne.
His wife supported catholic charities that do work in Africa on the condition that they don't use birth control.
You can take that however you like.
wtf I love microsoft now
>The bottom floor will always be the bottom floor.
Kill marxist retards.
He's right. migration crisises are caused when countries are shitty and people try to escape them illegally.
Literally the more foreign aid you give the less migrants you have to deal with back home plus 1 dollar on african soil stretches alot farther than a dollar on US soil meaning its cheaper to treat the problem at the root.
His ancestry is british
Bill gates is basically trying to buy Africa with his (((charities))). He can't have his workers leaving their shifts.
He's right in the full picture. Trump is just one step forward. Eliminating welfare and social security is 1488 mode. We can't possibly know what Gates or Trump are up to, though.
I got the nose too senpai.
It's not quite the same and there are subtle differences. see Lucky the rest of the facial structure is usually way different, we tend to have more rounder faces. Thankfully I have that perfect mix of anglo and celtic so I have a nice jawline.
Alot of Catholic churches didn't and still don't support birth control until very recently anyway.
The Gates support alot of charities.
Why is it our responsibility to treat African problems at all?
Let them rot if they can't help themselves.
>The real issue is Jews in America
you're entire system is completely unsustainable.
Or you can tell them to fuck off both times.
Do you have the actual source?
>dude responsible for the zika virus and also for software that the nsa uses to spy on you (((Redpilled)))
Bill Gates is like George Soros but on our side.
I wouldn't say they're diabolical, don't get me wrong. But /ouranything/ is off the table for me with this couple
Thank you for your insight Jamal.
>He argues that not only is giving money to other countries the right thing to do, it's also good for the American economy.
He is right and redpilled, unless redpilled for you is only ''gas the kikes racewar now''. Giving money away would mean foreign economies can flourish and eventually buy more American shit, thus boosting exports and own economy. Yes economy is a bit weird.
> microsoft stole our stuff
> but our stuff is still available
> but microsoft's stuff is better
> it's microsoft's fault we failed
OpenGL is still shit
Quick Time / Apple / OSX has ALWAYS been shit.
Macs have ALWAYS BEEN PIECES OF SHIT!!@#$!$%~!#!~
Apple and OpenGL didn't fail because big bad microsoft may have sampled some of their source codes.
They failed because comparing DirectX and Windows to OpenGL and Mac OS is like comparing a Porsche 911 GT to a Pontiac Grand AM.
>1% of a budget
Should cut it all and use it to fund tax cuts/pay off bonds abroad while increasing national competition.
Britain needs to do the same.
hol'up you telling me millions of black people flooding into the EU isn't a good thing??
You can't really if they enter illegally. You have to spend money on walls, police, border patrol, investigating agencies etc.
And the more that try to enter the more you have to spend. Let's take Mexico as an example.
Imagine if Mexico admitted they had a problem and let america sweep the country clear with their army. Tanks trucks and drones targeting the cartels.
Mexico would also recieve the equivalent of the ICE budget to spend on community programs, employment and law enforcement.
Illegal immigration would plummet over the next decade and you would now have a stronger trading partner and ally.
Attacking the problem at the root is always cheaper and more effective.
It's kind of a catch 23 situation
You arent helping africans by letting their country be shitty and letting them migrate to Europe. But if you make Africa better for them they fuck it up AND their birthrate increases, thus causing more of them to want to migrate to the first world
Bill Gates wants to be a philanthropist....but it's hard for a guy like that to realize that the solution is to let Africans fend for themselves with no foreign aid so their population can stabilize
Foreign aid is heavily abused by the governments who accept the help. They just sell any supplies and pocket the money that is sent to them instead of helping their people. The corruption is too high, and it's only a temporary solution.
t. mad salty macfag
The software industry is all about underhanded bullshit. Everything that brought forth in the era of personal computing as we know it was stolen from Xerox PARC. It's a dirty game, don't be salty because MS learned how to play it better. If not them it would be someone else. You can put the Hacker Ethic on a pedestal and hell I even agree it's an admirable ideal but it was never going to shake out like that in the real world.
That isn't how inflation works.
Holding all that money and trying to direct governments while never being elected leads to epigenetic change.
TL,DR; he is turning into one.
Yeah, he's still a piece of shit.
The richest man on the planet chides Western countries about overpopulation while spending tens of billions on creating an unsustainable population of niggers.
Spending that money on nothing but cocaine and tranny hookers would be more fucking honorable. Remember, this is the guy who virtue signals about how he plans on leaving nothing to his own flesh and blood.
>if the money being taken from americans isn't taken anymore, inflation will go up!
solid argument my dude
If I were Bill Gates I'd be pissed too. Bill spent billions fixing Africa just to have niggers flee to Europe? Fuck that
Let me know when he sponsors some right wing death squads.
>Apple was always shit. Windows 3.11 is still better than nearly every OSX even into past the new millennia. That's how shit OSX always has been.
Alright Wincuck, enjoy your archaic OS based on a decades-old registry system that is falling apart. An OS that freezes and crashes all the goddamn time. An OS that is now absolutely INFESTED with advertisements.
And I'll enjoy my rock-solid *NIX power machine.
Yeah he's alright, the Jews wan't to flood Europe, North America and Australia with kneegrows, Bill just wan'ts to kill pretty much everyone with mosquito's.
>Not if we genuinely want to replace ourselves.
>people who think like this actually have voting rights
Maybe donating all that money for mosquito blankets in Africa was strictly to immunize himself from accusations of being a raysiss.
Now he can talk sense.. and if they say 'raysiss!' he can ask them how many mosquito blankets THEY donated??
Could be 5d chess.
Do it up Bill. We need you now.
I still don't trust Gates he just said that because he knows we know he is a POS
He's a vaccine killer
When will he release Windows as Free as in Freedomâ„¢ Software?
>What the fuck are you doing faggots? Don't you see that the plebs are woking up and turn to the far right? SLOW IT DOWN, the frog realizes that he's boiling.
That's about it
absolutely not, don't forget he threatened us all with a bio-terror attack at the beginning of this year
This means one thing and one thing only:
The white population replacement program has served its purpose for the time being and can be disposed of now.
>tfw Bill Gates will lead us to the promised reich