Zuckerburg 2020!!!!

Zuckerburg exemplifies everything a great American should be. Intelligent, industrious, a true visionary, and relentless in his pursuits. He has the knowhow to build the largest network of information and shared experiences the world has ever seen. Geopolitics and social medias honestly have many similarities, and Mark has had to deal with international affairs since his launch. He has the experience and the knowhow to make America a truly modern global country

Other urls found in this thread:


ZUCKERBERG2020 - "He's Our Collective FACE!"

Why to vote for Zuckerberg 2020:

>a brilliant programmer and entrepeneur who developed the single most influential website of the modern era in a dorm room
>a genuinely funny, charismatic, and altruistic man who has the best interests of both America and her allies at heart
>experienced in negotiations with very hostile parties, always securing his position in the end
>compassionate yet rational and science-backed policies


low energy

Low energy.

Diseased autist.


He's singlehandedly ruined an entire generation of kids with his unholy creation Facebook

Who cuts his hair? His mom?

Married a gook. Fuckin Trudeau-tier beta.

He's a robot jew

America will never vote for a manlet.


This is a CNN shill thread to gather anti-semetic comments.

Yeah let's let the world 2nd biggest private intelligence company control our Country.

Suck a dick faggot.

shill saged hard.
ive seen a bunch of these threads.
he is going to try to shill his way into the presidency, but it wont work because he is fundamentally unlikeable, just like clinton.
the dems are going to repeat the same mistake.

>being this blue pilled
I'm not even going to waste my breath. Lets go with no because he's the literal embodiment of everything that is wrong with my generation

Cant wait to watch him sweat a puddle at the first debates,

Zucc is a successful white business man I don't even think he's a religious Jew. They don't have any sway over him. I think zucc represents what the American dream is all about.

ZUCKERBERG2020 - "He's Our Collective FACE!"

Why to vote for Zuckerberg 2020:

>a brilliant programmer and entrepeneur who developed the single most influential website of the modern era in a dorm room
>a genuinely funny, charismatic, and altruistic man who has the best interests of both America and her allies at heart
>experienced in negotiations with very hostile parties, always securing his position in the end
>compassionate yet rational and science-backed policies

The 2020 Dem primary will be a complete clown circus, there is only one man who could remotely challenge Trump and that's Biden. He will never defeat incumbent Trump, but anyone else and the party loses more ground.

Retarded and pedophile

YOUR votes don't count. The Electoral College win's always.

You know what is a Jew really? Zuckerberg is a successful white business man and I don't even think he's a religious Jew. They don't have any sway over him. I think Zuckerberg represents what the American dream is all about. I agree with OP everyone. Zuckerberg represents us.


Zuckerberg is a child who literally JEWED HIS WAY INTO BILLIONS.

Look at Bombards Body-Language analysing Zuckerberg. He is an AUTHORITATIAN BETA MALE CUNT. Hes like that female small framed cop who tases men just because it gets her wet. He and facebook should be shipped to N Korea where they belong


Zuckerberg has a certain intellectual prowess that I am certain will "trump" Trump. Can't wait for the official announcement that he's running.

your forced meme is weak

Hahaha a leaf talking about the American dream, go kiss a shitskin retarded leaf

his wife is asian HOW COOL IS THAT?

Why do you people think Zuckerberg is even a good idea.

Trump would DECIMATE him.

Is that really the best you've got in ur plan for kingmaker?

Jesus Christ you guys are so stupid.

Fucken BASED

Has there ever been a Jewish President before?

Seriously can you put more effort in? That's weak sauce famalamajam.

not sure if you're trolling or 100% genuine retard.

Look at this man, and than look at yourself... what do you see? I'll tell you what I saw. I saw myself and I was weak but Mark looked to me as a beacon of hope upon the desolat wasteland that is my entire persona.

THAT is why i will be voting for him in 2020, not because I agree with him or share his political views... but because I want to put the nations best and brightest in charge to lead me into the valley of milk and honey of what is American politics!

dude he's 12. I'm not sure if he can even legally run.

Zuckerburg has created NOTHING but ingenuity, and knows the greatest future for our country. He knows politics very well, and is supported worldwide, except for in china.
>why the fuck are you talking about this shill
Why the fuck aren't (((you)))?

Pretty much all of them are now.

Look at this man, and than look at yourself... what do you see? I'll tell you what I saw. I saw myself and I was weak but Mark looked to me as a beacon of hope upon the desolat wasteland that is my entire persona.

THAT is why i will be voting for him in 2020, not because I agree with him or share his political views... but because I want to put the nations best and brightest in charge to lead me into the valley of milk and honey of what is American politics

Is this intentionally bad bait or are leftist shills just that retarded?

His woman is ugly and he looks scared of her.

>unholy creation
not even his creation, was stolen

Fuck finally someone with some sense anti Mark shills are honestly handicapped disgusting how does it feel anti mark boys knowing you'll have to admit your wrong when he saves the world

Cool. Fuck the jews and their noses, fuck zuck the cuck, canada faggs, socialists, and commie cunts. Go ahead and delete my comment douchbags

You're a technocrat voting for another technocrat. At least admit it mate.

>faceburg AI datamining algorithm in action

>tfw finally marry an aznqtpi and she weighs more than you

kek.. nah. He's too ugly. We're super shallow, mate.

Look, Mark would bring nothing but zuccsess to the US. Do you want Trump to create global drama for another 4 years? Or do you want someone like Mark who understands how things work and have great connections and an even better reputation around the world? Or even worse, do you want some corrupt DNC candidate to do sneaky shit with deep state for 8+ years again? There won't be a modern day Hitler coming to save the west. Elect the person who would do the best for our modern world

He is the world's foremost Data Jew

He has perpetrated a scam against the global population

There should be a law, the Zuckerberg law, that social networks which serve as a Facebook or Twitter like public forum must interact seamlessly with competitor products - clones of Facebook and Twitter respectively - made by competitors. Just like a phone network provider can connect you to a phone on a different network. Zucc has stopped this feature he has also blocked people from taking their data elsewhere to a new platform instantly with one click of a button which should be also enshrined in the Zuckerberg law. This way real healthy competition arises and conservative people aren't forced to use a platform brainwashing them with leftwing content and blocking any right wing topics

Facebook is the most Jewish thing to happen to the internet and not only must we ensure Zuckerberg never becomes President (He is doing this to stop Zuckerberg's law from being passed and his website having to compete fairly) we must completely destroy Facebook with Zuckerberg's law and right wing competitors to Facebook springing up no later than 2018.

Zuckerberg is a data hoarder. It is like if Bill Gates made it impossible for you to email or interact with users on the internet who don't run Windows and then claimed that Bill Gates owns your data - which of course if Bill Gates was Jewish would have probably happened.




Zuckerberg looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt as he enslaved people to the matrix. Very very disrespectful.

>President Trump
Do you fags seriously still care about what that fuck is doing he's not getting reelected
You know who is gonna get elected tho right?
That's right Mark Zuckerberg an actual leader Mark is a self made man unlike dinglesworf getting million dollar loans please mark built his multi billion dollar empire off nothing but a laptop and the sweat of his brow wow this guy never ceases to amaze me you want the same do nothing government go ahead vote trump retard I'm voting for real change Zuckerberg 2020

If Zuckerberg is serious about running for President then we expose the Holocaust as a religion to the world and expose Jew World Order tyranny just to stop it happening


He would get raped even harder than Jeb.

He is a hacker
a Data Jew
He has hacked people's minds into thinking that HE built a billion dollar worth company. The people did because they own the data
right Jew in the right place at the right time Jewy enough to not let healthy competition take place

Most Jewish thing to ever happen to the internet, we have to personally vow to decimate it

>Make America a truly modern global country
the only thing we need to make America is GREAT AGAIN and that's by instilling Nationalism into the ignorant Democratic consumer.

He doesn't want any of that for the American people. He aims to become the next Maduro and blame the white racists and misogynistic males for when his socialist utopia fails within his first term.

Are you tired of Drumpf shilling for Israel? Are you just waiting for the political messiah that will renew and advance this great nation? Well with the succesful based entrepreaneur, who founded the greatest social media platform in mankind what do you have to to lose? I will be checking off Mark Zuckerberg's name on the ticket in 2020. Hail Victory!


read this

stop worshipping a kike

Really, (((guys)))?
Is this how you start (((his))) campaign?
By hanging with "the cool kids"?

Your campaign will crash and burn before it even takes off.

Christcuck are inferior to Jews,

Trump married a slavik shitbtier carpet bagger.

At least he's not thin skinned and easily triggered as our Current Cheetoh in chief.


sucks to be so rich and so well known but still have the disease that cripples your social ability.

For sure this guy is a chronic masturbater and wishes he was cool like a rapper or football player.

This jew fuck count actually win because every normie will vote for LE EPIC FACEBOOK MAN without second thought.

This could be a real problem if he ran for real.

Fuck zuck

Moot 2020!

>when the dog consents

This kike again...

Sweating profusely under scrutiny when questioned by regular TV hosts? What is he going to do when he isn't able to control the narrative like he does on fb?

He stole an idea and funding from wealthy individuals, sold customer's identities to the highest bidder, and sweated profusely when given softball question by regular TV hosts. Please run this guy against Donald. I'd love to what that shit show. His only defense will be stories pushed on fb about how Donald is mean and Zuck is an introvert and it's not his fault that he can't stand up to Donald in a debate.

Is this an actual homework assignment?

H wil gt vn ls vots than hillar

1 he stole facebook
2 hes a bullshit artists youtu.be/nXrKKwHmPz4
3 hes a jew and cant be trusted

Typical leftists further advocating the election of weaponized autistim pedophiles.

Have any luck forcing those residents out of Hawaii so you can build a bigger house with a large wall around it?

>one post by this ID

protip: dont explain your reasoning behind this guy being a joke, as they are farming responses to gauge how to tap into the "market"

just laugh.

Fuck niggers and fuck CNN


I think Zuck and Macron would be great partners on the global stage as delusional tyrants.

>Hail Victory
I see what you did there troll