Meta thread for Civilization

So, the internet-Society is being infiltrated by Marxist-Jewish purveyors, and more importantly, the Colleges have been infiltrated and the Professors are majority shabbos-goy. Communist (Jewish-invented) that (by one generation LEARNED) this...

Russia in the Cold-War days were hellbent on usurping America from within so that no nukes had to go off. They infiltrated all medium-higher ranks and pushed things that ultimately were to be subversion techniques. Now, when they (JIDF) and college (((learned))) graduates push this type of shit, they are continuing a roller-coaster movement that should have ended when the U.S.S.R. fell. Now, it's just Israel in mind this time. That is to say that Jewish people yearn to help other Jewish people. This is evidenced in the latest "CNN" outrage. They own almost ALL of the media/film in the USA.

Look-up Yuri Bezmenov on YouTube. He will explain it in simpleton terms. He's a KGB propaganda defector that knew that Communist ideas led only to bull-shit, millions of deaths, and eventually collapse unless Fascists would take over to correct the problem. This is what makes me giggle about the people here that are being pushed by their various (((collegiate))) classes to 'bash the fash'. Pic related.

What's the new Meta? They are losing grip because the Media is not all controlled via just the TV and 'NPR' radio shows. What moves do you expect them to playout now that the whole game-board has changed? Is it just mindlessly pushing black/brown immigrants into White countries and hoping for the best?

Let's get a brainstorm going here.


Hey rat. When you use parentheses in a sentence, the rule of thumb is: remove the parenthesized content, verify the sentence still makes grammatical sense. Fuck you niggers, can't comprehend the language? Stay the fuck out


You nazis were a mistake.

>Communist that this...
What did xer mean by this?

Sorry hun, your demoralization techniques have already been outed to just about everybody. PewDiePie already red-pilled 50+ Million kids on it.

xer meant plural auto-correct failure in an abstraction sentence.

The basic aim has always been the same user, consolidation of production

So, seize the means in order to consolidate?

Yes as failure is inevitable the means consolidate look at Russia they almost produce nothing even after being a world power

You're so far-gone that you can't see it any other way! You've been programmed to react to stimuli in a per-positioned pattern. Even with real information, you can't see the light. How about you search YouTube for a Yuri Bezmenov video. He was a REAL communist, you LARPing fatty. Hitting the wall soon, or got a few years yet? You'll get a proper education real quickly.

this is what the 'cumrades' life is like under cummunism

Wow, it's like I haven't seen that before Imagine that.

Fuck you. We are all in despair

I'm not paji, I'm content with America, with the exception of the CONTINUAL direction that it's steered towards. Ever wonder why Trump was against the 'lying media' and #FakeNews from the onset? It's because it's all a continuation of Communist (Jewish-controlled) Russia. Only now, Israel is the benefit.

Read the text at the bottom of this, then I'll provide context in pic 2 of 2.

2 of 2

Israel is setting up an oil economy for herself. It matters not what is the truth, but Trump must be OUT if Jewid Kushner doesn't control the chips.

Seems like you are on my side. My apologies. I first stumbled upon the Jewish problem 2 years ago, and since then I've only affirmed it deeper and deeper. This shit makes me so angry. Give my head a shake and I'm at work, no where to vent, no one to talk to. Pried at my friend of 4 years and current roommate, only to have them throw it back in my face in defiant arrogance and ignorance, oh... and mention they have jewish relatives. Imajun my shock. What am I to do, other than commit my full energies to some highly technical pursuit and pray to God I can outlearn the competition that wants me dead. Fuck

Demoralization is Complete.

>and eventually collapse unless Fascists would take over to correct the problem.
yuri never said this

Had a lapse there between your post and mine, so I refer to you reply to your most recent message. I'll take your question with regards to possible subversion, especially since you aggregated your qualms upon a "highly technical pursuit", so have more babies than the projected 15 BILLION (current world is like 6B) Africans by the end of the Century.

No, he didn't. He is not a learned scholar. He's a trained propagandist that specializes in a particular field. Sorry you don't understand that, but considering your 'flag', I'm not going to waste my breath. Actions have consequences, both intended and unforeseen.

I'm not convinced this is a numbers game. I will not play by the Jews rules. We, as a people, must recognize our weaknesses, and play to our strengths. Weaknesses being k-selected in a resource abundance environment, strengths being unmatched capacity for innovation, passion, and unwavering unity as a race in times of bleak existential crisis

If jews are the problem - How do you stop the smartest people in the world ?

Yea, well, despite your digits, I won't check you. I'm a 98 IQ goyim; not even the average White person. Try again, chosen one.

>How do you stop the smartest people in the world ?
Apparently you flood their countries with 3rd world niggers

It seems to be beyond our (regular people) power to stop

115 is arguable in that the 'spoken' aggregation has been contested. Without that, Jews are a sand-peoples with a higher Neanderthal DNA ad-mixture and the 115 Askenazis stole Nordic/Germanic DNA to boost even the other claimed #s.

IQ is but a single, vague data point. We need only discuss why East Asians fail to innovate on par with whites when they have slightly higher spatial IQs

Red-flags abound. OP here.



Implying the kikes wouldn't skew the data in their favor. Is it really that outlandish to suggest such a thing?

They're not flooding Israel with them , They're drowning us .


I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

Collectives are a slow, lumbering animal. A pendulum. Prepare for either an excessive and sloppy swing back, or the death of our people forever

How long will Israel keep up these blatantly Racist policies? This isn't 1950 anymore.

Whites are the smartest and most talented people in the world. I love my people

Israel must take their fair share of migrants. If this were in the EU, they would be punished and/or suffer sanctions. Stop the RACISM, ISRAEL!


Then why are the jews on top ? We complain about them like blacks complain us

>echos around verbs

what the fuck is your problem?

Arent there any powerful Whites to stop them ?

Why is an Israeli more important than any other person? Are they Racist against the African migrants? What a throwback towards the last century. Don't they know that it's 2017?

Fucking Jew racists. 'Jews' claim they are a race, but somehow they control ~40% of the E.U. main positions and say EUROPE is supposed to take migrants and proposes punishment on Hungary and Poland for not taking in terrorists, then when it comes to ISRAEL, they won't take in any migrants when they're next door?

Racist pricks want to import 85 IQ shitskins to breed with the 105 IQ whites to create a 90 IQ mud-race so that the "Racially pure" Israelis (who don't take in migrants) can control the whole world because everyone else is now 85 IQ mean-average.

Open borders for Europe?

Open borders for Israel.

You're not racist, are you? This isn't 1950 anymore, nobody is going to holocaust you.

You sound like you are still wrestling with babbys first red pill. I have no interest in discussing such matters right now.

Don't even attempt the hijack the thread. You've already been called out, Juden.

C'mon, we know what your girls like. You know it too. It's just a matter of time. 25 Billion shit-skins in 2100 will push the nuke-button on Israel and come ravage your "White" neighborhoods faster than you can pick up a nickel.

I know there are. Absolutely. But look at Trump, a wolf in sheeps clothing. Just how the Jew likes to present. And many of us knew 6 months out that he wasn't our guy. But at that point, what do you do?? Given the knowledge of how a collective responds to nuance, changing course is suicide, while staying is just sleeping in a bed of nails. But the fire rises

My dialect is nothing like a Jew, you are diverting and everyone can see it. Expressing my love for white people, MY people, and naming the Jew passes for the classic kike shuffle now eh? Fuck right off

>I know there are. Absolutely. But look at JARED KUSNER, a wolf in sheeps clothing.

It's over. Keep betting your 'bluff'. We've evolved, kikel.

>My dialect is nothing like a Jew, you are diverting and everyone can see it.

Jeez, what's that word?

Gotcha. Rabbi Shekelstein should pay you more to LARP.

What's the going rate? .3 shekels per post nowadays?

I wouldnt be wrestling with it if someone could answer that question , And yes Im 50 so I was taught the jews were off limits

oh wait - The jews are the ones that the blacks think are the white supremacy

Going to go back to the Indian Proxy that I called you out on (and you agreed to) earlier, or do I have to pain you to work towards inputting another set of digits in a field, or give Shlomo another go?

Off to another 'slide' thread on Sup Forums and more amirite? Is it true that only the higher IQ caste in Jewish society get to mate? I guess I can understand your impotent hidden rage then...

The thread is gone. Abandon ship.

>the Jew has never been smarter or stronger than his Aryan foe and now he dares to use the Negro and Arab against his old counterpart....the Jew is getting desperate now.. for his Satanic master is getting impatient with him as his time is running out.

See the real beauty is most of the information you seek has already been written, and to a far greater quality than I could supply you with on a Siberian lamp waxing forum. I've recognized the enemy. It's done. Now the absolute best use of my life is to better the living conditions for my people and my future WHITE children, at the expense of my own. It is not my pinnacle of focus to murder kikes, though I wouldn't mind, but to be aware and vigilant against the most vile of threats

Whats a Shlomo ?

Not quite, the Jew is arrogant enough that he thinks he can command 50 million negroes to fight the chink insectoids.

Anywho, thread is dead. Everyone (like 4 posters who are all Jewish) that has posted confirmed it's Shut-down.

Continue at your own peril. #Brainwash

OP out.

As painful and arduous this process is, we can take solace in that the Jew's hand has been forced, and the nigger bull is kicking before it enters the chute.

Shlomo is an arrogant, ignorant, control freak

Im a poster and not jewish - yer paranoid

says the Nazi, amirite?

Thought the thread was dead and you were out ? Piss off

oh gawd I've been found out!

Oh shit it was the leaf the whole time. Fucking kikes never suspect the leaf

Hey, perhaps 10 posts by this ID and 19 posts by this ID who were clearly Jewish Internet Defense Forces (JIDF) warranted a warning towards our Aus/Kiwi/Eastern brothers, but hey, what do I know...

I guess the JIDF proxy posters gave up when they were named. A solid half-hour after non-stop shitposting attempting to create/change the narrative.


What's that Goebbels quote about recoiling back?



Just to be clear. Here is the un-edited version of the CNN blackmail scandal. Notice how when they call-out the Jews at the bottom, that this part is removed from the original complaint.