Why do we hate Neoliberalism when we love Reagan, Thatcher, etc and the free market?

Why do we hate Neoliberalism when we love Reagan, Thatcher, etc and the free market?

Shouldn't we like it because it's eliminated any political opposition to the free market?

>Loving Reagan
Only retards love Reagan. He is the poster child for why the country is fucked completely.

>when we love Reagan, Thatcher, and the free market

I don't. Don't assume Sup Forums has a single ideology. NatSocs hate Reagan. Gave amnesty to millions of wetbacks. S

Red pill me

Literally never seen any hate for Reagan here. Most people were praising Trump for being so similar (outsider who BTFO the party and was the reason why they won)

"We" don't love Reagan or Thatcher, we just dislike the people they butthurt more than we dislike them

Most of Sup Forums hates Reagan and I'd guess they aren't exactly fond of Thatcher either, especially the British anons.

Reagan was more ideological; Trump was populist

I'd be cautious with assuming this place is /trumptown/ anymore. Ever since the election any sort of ideological consistency has gone away.

Hes essentially the reason califonia's blue he granted amnesty to a bunch of illegal spics hoping they'd vote republican he also was a total democrat on gun rights

Go fuck yourself with this "we love Reagan" bullshit. Fuck him and the horse you rode in on

I dont know a lot about thatcher honestly any britanon wanna redpill me

What he did might have been necessary at the time.
It's starting to take a toll now though.

He guaranteed Mexicans amnesty. Regardless of his economic policy which actually was good, he basically ensured that a population that is overwhelmingly dependent on welfare and therefore always votes Democrat/leftist, would just flood the country to no end.

That was Jodie fosters fault

Just read his book Palestine Peace not Apartheid and you'll see he's just another moral relativist, Muslim sympathizing cuck. He does a really good job of hiding it and pretending to be unbiased, but it's clear from his writing he has a bottomless out of forgiveness for sand niggers, and while it seems like that's good - fuck Israel, amirite Hans? - but he's not anti-israel either really, he just struggles to suck Jewish cock and sympathize with the oppressed all at once.

Who the fuck said I loved Reagan?

*bottomless pit

Because Sup Forums is made up of retarded high school dropouts. Reagan is the guy who initiated the transformation of USA into Brazil

This isn't NRO, retard.

Thatchers goverment was full of jews and they turned their backs on the Rhodesians infavour of the fucking commies

>Why do we

Stop trying to reinforce your stupid circlejerk think.


Most of Sup Forums are leftists at their cores and have sucked at the teet of every leftist meme since they were toddlers, having incorporated all that into their newly come by politics of being against the ugly face of the the outer edge of leftism.

Which is how our politics keeps trending left; the questioning of all they knew before begins and ends with an initial reactionary backlash against the excesses of thoughts and philosophies they still hold dear.

Sage or report spam.

The people labeling themselves neoliberals today are just neo-Keynesians who think that progressive democrats have gone too far.
They're not actually pro-Reagan/Thatcher/Friedman/Hayek/Pinochet...


Well for one, Thatcher is partially responsible for the housing crisis in the UK today

neoliberal used to mean people who were somewhat libertarian and pro-business (although still corporatist)

now neoliberal means a corporatist who also pushes for leftism to divide the population

neoconservative is somewhat similar; now it mostly just implies pro-war corporatists


Thatcher was an atheist, globalist liberal.


Reagan was a Big Government open borders neocon puppet.

eh california turning blue is only partially his fault. Other stuff happened too.
Not defending him tho. Neo-Liberalism is cancer.

lol. You don't seem like a shill... but your post is not correct.

Because of Reagan and Thatcher, Conservatism in the west is dead. Any "Conservative" major party is hardly right wing, just globalist and neoliberal.

So now populism is on the rise to replace it, and while I wouldn't necessarily call the movement conservative (Trump is pro lgbt, for example), it's right wing on the key issue the globalist neoliberal cucks pushed under the rug: immigration.

There's basically nothing one can find to distinguish David Cameron, Theresa May, Malcolm Turnbull, Angela Merkel or any other conservative politician from their opposition. They are philosophically and ideologically the same.

Consider also that much of Sup Forums has a memeish understanding of things--history, politics, economics--and doesn't know much beyond buzzword detractions.

Consumerist '''culture''' is fucking cancerous.

Neoliberalism just helps it. In fact all reletively unregulated capitalism does.
