Did you guys see what the skeptic/anti-SJW community (Blaire White, Shoeonhead, Andywarski, Bunty King...

Did you guys see what the skeptic/anti-SJW community (Blaire White, Shoeonhead, Andywarski, Bunty King, MundaneMatt and whoever else was involved) did to that one autistic chick (CrazyHair)?

Check this out, in order of importance:

CrazyHair's account:
Bullying stream (CH part):
Bullying stream (entire):
AoD's take on things:
Jeff Holiday's wife's take:
Wooly Bumblebee's take:

Basically they bullied the fuck of some chick who thought everyone would want to hang out with her because she was also a youtuber, but didn't realize that they have a highschool clique and she's not in it, and she went to their "private party" where they (Blaire?) were allegedly on drugs, and they got all paranoid that she recorded it and was going to release it, so they ganged up on her to ruin her credibility in advance. Jeff's wife even says that she didn't want to talk to CrazyHair because she was afraid for her life, and they fantasize about CrazyHair poisoning them because she offered them drinks (seriously).

Here's a new interview with CrazyHair:

This is the "community" that wants to "take on the alt-right" soon because it got too popular.

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally no one cares. Fuck off and die op.

In before delet

Hi Blaire.

Shouldn't you be gassing Serbs?

>I'm some faggot ladybug

I bet that transvestical has more balls than you though. Any faggot who cares about this type of YouTube drama can in no way be classified as a man.

dude that shit was pure fake drama for super chat shekels
they could have call the lobby of the hotel or some shit and leave it there
also put this shit in bant not pol


>A bunch of random videos
Explain what you're trying to say in words, preferably a short paragraph

Get your fucking tranny and attention whore shit out of here.

>le epic e celeb drama
Fuck outta here

>drama about left leaning anti sjws
fuck this

Serbs are wonderful, magical people.

>also put this shit in bant not pol
Fuck, I forgot that board existed. Hopefully it'll be moved.

Read the short paragraph after the videos. In addition to that they accused her of hacking Andywarski's computer, ruining his "two years in the making" chat with Franny, hacking Sargon's twitter, and posing as Blaire at the reception desk. There's more but I forgot, basically everything "bad" that happened at Vidcon was her fault.

Don't know any of these people and I don't care. Stop trying to rally a personal army.

ecelebs are a bunch of cliquey fags, big shocker

Ah my bad
Alright, but why does this matter
It's just Sargon and co, nothing important

Nothing really matters.

Interestingly, Sargon doesn't appear in this at all, it's just his shadow looming over everything. Just like the Candid drama.


Graduated from the "skeptic/anti-SJW" community, your still part of the problem.
Either you 1) Name the Jew or 2) Serve the Jew.

I wanna fuck the shit outta that tranny

rocking that banner, doesn't change the fact that you are a faggot

>Closed shoes to hide those big feet

You're a faggot if you wouldn't fuck that

Show us your leaf, faggot

>closed legs to hide massive cock

LEL no I'll pass on the whole wanting to fuck chics with dicks delusion, while thinking your straight

No one cares about your community Sargon.

>tfw they'll never do porn with eachother

Maybe when the "skeptic" community dies they'll be strapped for cash.

Blaire only likes dick. And not even other chix with dix

>thinking anyone cares about your youtube drama

Lol, let me just watch these 30 videos so I can give my opinion on this dilemma involving people nobody has ever heard about, fuck off.

These guys started with opinion channels and now are devolving into YouTube social drama. What a disappointment. I don' t fucking care about their life.

damn rip, I need more shemale on female porn in my life

she's some crazy bitch that they didn't know who showed up uninvited to their suite and then wouldn't leave

I don't care who the fuck you are, you don't do that.

At least Lauren, Faith and Brittany are pure

Lauren is an avian slut

I-I would Racemix with Brittany. No degenerate.


>giving attention to all these e celeb degenerates neocons

is it still race mixing if it's with an octoroon?

Whatever you say, faggot


Do you think this little hedgehog's cold nose touched her clit?

> weird person fails to fit in with the cool kids

Cliques always form in communities, dominated by the same types of personalities as anywhere else. If you're surprised by this then you're horribly naive.

fuck off with this garbage dickhead


>you will never marry Brittany

J-just stop showing me pics of her okay? I don't want to remember her ;_;


shoe has a great taste in wigs

no because i don't follow faggoty youtube personalities who adhere to whatever belief system currently has the most momentum, widest audience and greatest potential for growth

>Blaire White, Shoeonhead, Andywarski, Bunty King, MundaneMatt

Chicks with dicks


what a skeptic community? fuck off with this shit already
bunch of liberal fucks


go watch blair's early videos. i hope you like stubble.

fug Brittany looks super fertile here

you forgot Livelife's 12 HOUR autistic stream on the subject, he has Blaire and others on


Bullying is good for your. You will not be bullied of you act like a normal person. They are trying to teach you to act like a normal person. Be thankful.

>Blaire White, Shoeonhead
Go back to with these degenerate pseudo intellectual attention whoring opportunists. Faggot.

Reminder to report, ignore and/or sage e-celeb threads.

>Wow that girl with jew tits is pretty hot
>Listened to her voice

Literally a bunch of ecelebs.
Anyone with half a brain would stay away from any YouTube cult regarding the "alt-right" or any political movement for that matter, they don't represent Sup Forums.
These individuals might share some of our views, but they could never cover the whole spectrum of ideologies that sum up to our beloved hell hole.
Take this useless shit to reddit, I'm sure they love being a collective mind with no individual points of view.
>inb4 muh secret club

Good, the "bullied" creep looks like a fucking jew anyway.

So crazyhair is the only non-jew out of this group, basically?

I like Jim, but that's because he's kinda funny and doesn't fellate himself too often

You know pizzagate rattled your cage when youre more concerned over the rope tying those kids to their chairs than the straight up spread eagle roasty. Who the fuck would eat stuffing out of a cunt anyways? Why!?

Yeah CrazyHair only showed up uninvited to a private hotel room.

Thats totally the sort of person you want to have around you.

Also did you see her making accusations on the skeptics doing coke?

Laci Green doing coke seems totally likely amirite?

>Sees Wooly Bumblebee

Why in the fuck would you take her word, she wasnt there, she has an extreme grudge against the people involved.

>youtube celeb drama
>""""""""skeptic""""""""""" community drama at that

Jesus fuck Sup Forums has really fallen down.

Sounds like a bunch of unprofessional alt-lite eceleb faggots attracted a hanger-on and over-reacted.

Yeah but where's the tape? Showing uninvited to a party isn't that bad, they let her in. Blair looks extremely manipulative, look at how they're dogpilling her video. They're just hurling accusations at her, it even feels coordinated

Nobody cares, you fucking autist.


Been listening to the second video. This is actually a highly entertaining total breakdown of a sociopath forced to confront reality.

Is that Sarah Ryder?

3rd video 1:41:12 in. not disputing that the bitch is crazy. but, i think she recorded audio of blair and someone else talking after she left the room that they are desperate to have her delete. so, i kinda think that's what this is all about.

You, them, and everyone who watches them should be shot. Never post about this on Sup Forums again.

>i think she recorded audio of blair and someone else talking after she left the room that they are desperate to have her delete. so, i kinda think that's what this is all about.
I think this is why all this is happening, there has something highly incriminating on that, you can see that it pops up as the main point of contention all the time.

Everything else is "this person that we didn't want around us (but didn't say so and in fact allowed her to do all of it) did something and now we're spinning it as a bunch of terrible things ex post facto" and I suspect it's purely because of that last video/audio/whatever.

>has something
*has to be something