Also terrible webcomics thread.
How is THAT racist?
>literally none of their questions are answered in the comic
that comic is indeed terrible
This comic is great. Black people score higher on the SATS that whites. Who would have thought?
I think the comic creator is literally retarded.
Hell is for ever!
I really don't understand the voting one.
Is it about the requirement of having ID to vote? It still pains me that there are states that don't require ID.
opposing voter id laws is racis
Let's replace each of their statement with the anti-White catechisms we're supposed to repeat. Leave the "How is that Racist?"
Dumb bitch can't count. Even in a feminist fantasy world they can't do anything right.
She did this at a conference recently. Nobody said anything insulting to her at all, she was the attacker.
Absolute strawman. The first one should be "I'm suing because black students got into a college that rejected me, and I'm blaming affirmative action because my grades were better than theirs."
It literally doesn't matter if you require ID. California issues IDs to illegals.
You should need proof of citizenship. And proof of income.
somehow I don't think a klansman would deny being a racist
>Please Support these cartoons at typical
I'm an a-rab and im ok with everything in that picture
how is that racist?
Sargon didn't even say anything like that about the whore.
This one was supposed to be ironic, r...right?
Fuck niggers
White students deserve fair consideration for college admissions. The fact that Abigail Fisher may not have been admitted anyway is not a reason to dismiss her case.
lol this one is actually pretty cool
Whatever side this guy is on, it seems I'm on the opposite side.
>Wearing your team's merch is racist
Fuck this gay earth seriously
>Kill and rape mentioned 15039 times
They literally fantasize about these things.
This is really irritating.
The main thing is the idea that these people should ask "How is that racist?" as if they have to defend their views. Who cares if it's racist? Reality is racist. It doesn't mean you HATE other races or that you're a bad person.
1. Oh so her grades were more mediocre than the black students'? Assume not.
2. Blacks commit more crime so "thugs" seems OK to me. And there is literally nothing wrong with saying nigger.
3. How do voter ID laws prevent anyone from voting? Oh because they're too lazy/stupid to get IDs. Hmmm...
4. How IS that racist?
5. They ARE ruining America.
6. They DO have lower IQs. Notice this guy doesn't actually address any of these arguments logically or with data, he just shames them with "boooo, racist!"
7. Liberals are literally the ones enforcing diversity quotas, i.e., saying that EVERYTHING has to include black people
8. Gas the Kikes, race war now
>All 4 caused by the same people
Thanks for proving Sup Forums right I guess, kek.
>girls don't have to wear skirts, have long hair and play with dolls.
>Oh, look, Johnny wants to wear skirts, grow his hair out and play with dolls just like a girl! He must be trans!
Liberal hypocrisy comics
This is genuinely funny, though I'm not sure its intended to be
>Jews are perverts and deviants, don't let them into power
>70 years later, letting grown men in wigs use the same bathrooms as little girls
>slippery slope """fallacy""" proven
Maybe the "artist" is a double agent for the right?
9 why does it only feature whites.
Define racist
I feel kinda bad for people that have trapped themselves into seeing the world like this. It's delusional.
>jews are perverts n deviants
>after letting them in the neighborhoods, the issue with lesbians, trannies, and nogs started
really activates my almonds
The RNC, literally the opposition that any dem would face. Does she want zero opposition? Should we all just bow down and accept this cackling cunt without putting her through a strenuous democratic process?
Wtf I love racism now
There are no laws in Oceania, only thoughtcrime.
is that how they think it happened? there are videos that prove that is not what happened.
Assigned Male is a goldmine.
This is terrible webcomics easy mode
Shut up goy and let us tell you what's good for you.
I meant to post this one. This is not an edit.
I'm half Iranian and I say this exact shit to woman on a daily. They give me awards and shit for being so brave
Wow.. You know i never thought of it like that..
I love Anita Snarkeesian now
If the first one was prevented, the explosive amounts of nigger crime and the spread of aids would have also been prevented. Not sure what sort of degenerancy the trans movement will spawn but we'll just have to wait for that one.
I know.
That should be bannered
Did someone post the webcomic with panel on it
They're saying that it's OK for her to bully/attack Sargon because she gets bullied/attacked by other people on Twitter.
Like how they say it's OK for a Muslim to blow up children because Muslims get killed in drone strikes.
"Sup Forums is not publishing the comic's personal info because he is a private citizen who will issue an extensive statement of apology, showing his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending artwork, and because he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again," wrote Anonymous. "Sup Forums reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."
-- we should do this for everything until something happens to CNN
No, you have to hate them.
Trips of truth.
Hell, he has been going around telling folks to NOT send her messages and harassment.
This is more like a smuggie.
This one? It's fairly recent so was easy to find.
I definitely understand how cute a feminine penis is. I also understand the author is ugly as sin tranny cunt.
Edit "I'm a hate-filled piece of trash who believes" out of the last panel
The author is right, t b h. Boomer-tier not-racist cuckoldry is super fucking gay, and if you do it you should stop. I'm an outright racist; we should deport all blacks to africa, all mexicans to mexico, and all jews to antarctica.
I don't see the point they were trying to make. There's only XX and XY in humans. Everything else is a mutation.
That's critical theory the webcomic right there.
How much does this guy earn via Patreon again?
>men in drag is transphobic
>I would never use use the "N-word". I call black people "thugs" instead
Godspeed, Grandma
>There's no such thing as a male or female brain, women are just as good at math and science as men.
>John has a female brain and is just trapped in a male body, he's trans, not mentally ill.
Liberal hypocrisy comics
This one and the call about psyhic powers are 10/10
but thats literally it. You can look at any poster in a fucking high school depicting all of the chromosomes. getting any mixture other than xx or xy results in retards, which I guess explains a lot now that I think about it.
$586 per month currently.
Sage just because this bullshit shouldn't be propagated.
But yeah, it's fucking retarded.
Respect mutation diversity
Same brother
not anymore... there's new blood, a new talent to assume the mantle.
Keeps on getting worse and worse.
And very few trans people have some kind of genetic mutation. Let's call their bluff and demand DNA tests for anyone who claims to be trans.
Not sure why that one is in French... His English one has more patrons. I saw a screen cap where he was getting like $3k a month I think.
>making fun of the slippery slope fallacy
>while illustrating the timeline of an actual slippery slope
How is it possible to lack this much self-awareness?
Notice how, once the media used transvestites and drag queens normalized the notion of men in women's clothing, you don't hear much about them anymore. Now it's all about transsexuals.
A successful slippery slope is called precedent.
She gets a RNC obstacle but he doesn't get a DNC obstacle??
"The System" was in his favor while she was the complete lifelong DC insider/first lady/senator and he was the complete outsider who had to fight his own party's establishment insiders who didn't want him??
For the left the cutting edge is the lunatic fringe. Watch for trial balloons. They love to see what we're demoralized enough to tolerate.
*Clinton's penis
How old is that supposed to be? She looks 12
You don't hear much about them because drag queens are super bad optics and they've realized this. Even the normiest of normies is instinctively repulsed. If I could pick a single image to represent Cultural Judaism, it would be a full grown man in drag.
somehow I think you're right
Why didn't you post the unedited version?
I think 11 in the comic.
>almost make a good point
>ruin it with obvious strawman bullshit
>Shits on his own side
Leftist scum really can't stand it when ideologies don't cater SPECIFICALLY to their own snowflake views.
This comic is memetically inbred.
Have a Trotsky.
When they run out of stuff to protest about, they're going to protest against each other. I'm sure of it.
How exactly do any of those frames or social issues correlate to one another?
Of course it's a fucking estrogen filled "male" teacher
Someone has some bad circuits.