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ZUCKERBERG2020 - "He's Our Collective FACE!"

Why to vote for Zuckerberg 2020:

>a brilliant programmer and entrepeneur who developed the single most influential website of the modern era in a dorm room
>a genuinely funny, charismatic, and altruistic man who has the best interests of both America and her allies at heart
>experienced in negotiations with very hostile parties, always securing his position in the end
>compassionate yet rational and science-backed policies

fiva dolla zucki zucki

Look at this man, and than look at yourself... what do you see? I'll tell you what I saw. I saw myself and I was weak but Mark looked to me as a beacon of hope upon the desolat wasteland that is my entire persona.

THAT is why i will be voting for him in 2020, not because I agree with him or share his political views... but because I want to put the nations best and brightest in charge to lead me into the valley of milk and honey of what is American politics

He is the world's foremost Data Jew

He has perpetrated a scam against the global population

There should be a law, the Zuckerberg law, that social networks which serve as a Facebook or Twitter like public forum must interact seamlessly with competitor products - clones of Facebook and Twitter respectively - made by competitors. Just like a phone network provider can connect you to a phone on a different network. Zucc has stopped this feature he has also blocked people from taking their data elsewhere to a new platform instantly with one click of a button which should be also enshrined in the Zuckerberg law. This way real healthy competition arises and conservative people aren't forced to use a platform brainwashing them with leftwing content and blocking any right wing topics

Facebook is the most Jewish thing to happen to the internet and not only must we ensure Zuckerberg never becomes President (He is doing this to stop Zuckerberg's law from being passed and his website having to compete fairly) we must completely destroy Facebook with Zuckerberg's law and right wing competitors to Facebook springing up no later than 2018.

Zuckerberg is a data hoarder. It is like if Bill Gates made it impossible for you to email or interact with users on the internet who don't run Windows and then claimed that Bill Gates owns your data - which of course if Bill Gates was Jewish would have probably happened.





Zucc posting is so cringy. It's like the return of Bog posting.

ewwwwww, there are actual zuckers here on this board as we speak

I really want him to run in 2020. Him VS Trump would be great, the memes would be as good as the Jeb and Hillary memes because both Trump and Zuccc are real characters.

Does the meme war never end? I don't want it to. Trump's election, CNN skirmish, Trump's second election. Being it on senpai.

2008: Cuck Electorate
2016: Zionist Puppet
2020: Literal Kike

What is this shit, Sloppy Zionism: The Movie

Is there really a 666 in the middle?

this is what the succ memes have been leading up to? succ memes were stale before they were even existed

cluckerborg needs to go back

You seem tired shill, maybe it's time to take a quick nap; and then, you can come over to keep your low energy b8.

There's something odd about him, as if demonic.

I don't think you understand user, I don't want Zuccc to win. I just want meme war 2.

He's Jewish.

#1 he stole Facebook..
#2 he is a Jew
#3 he appeals to the SJW's youtu.be/4VwElW7SbLA
#4 hes bull shit artists that lies all the time youtu.be/nXrKKwHmPz4

>"Dumb Shits."
Holding contempt for the American populous is a prerequisite for American presidency

muh freedommprivat property. state force. nooo

What? Of course not goyim. Anti-semite!

He might be rich and shot, but he is more autistic than Jeb!



Normally I would say this nation wouldn't vote in a Christ-killer, but . . . I still can't explain 2 terms of a filthy muzzie.

Whatever happens, won't be as bad as Canada.

>1 post by this ID

zucc pill is the final red pill.

be zucc
build social network.
let "social justice" spread to get the population sick of the degeneracy.
Rise of the Generation redpill
CNN, Buzzfeed, Huffpo all getting called out on their "progressive Bullshit" in the top comment sections nowadays.
Left literally eating itself on facebook daily.

Be a good goy and vote 4 zucc.