Thread for politics related to robots and stuff. Artificial wombs, robot ethics, everything is allowed.
/bee/ deleted a quite interesting thread about the subject, now we must discuss
Robotics and Sup Forums
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The human race will have to become cyborgs to overcome the inevitable degrading of human tissue.
Let's get to the point.
Human purity or transhumanism? You can only pick one for your future Sup Forums.
are transhuman cyborgs trannies?
That game was so marxist i loved it
I am for purity, but I wouldnt outlaw transhumanism. If your enemies are living their lives wrong, never stop them. They will face the consequences if you are correct. If anything, I'd prefer non-invasive augments, like the way Sunglasses work as opposed to replacing your retinas.
Well now.
So I would encourage people to read, "The Age of Spiritual Machies" by Ray Kuzweil, who has since become a big player at Google along with, well, for instance Regina Dugin.
Apparently Regina go shuffled around.
You've got starting to do. Shit's starting to come out faster than before, so even my normal industry people are getting on it.
I want to breed 2B.
Fucken same, dude.
It's always interesting to watch how they change the results based on keywords over time.
Here's the first thing you want to know about former DARPA director Regina Dugin, who went to work for Goole with her "beast tech" tattoos. What a slut.
I found it helpful to read, "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski at the same time in order to understand what this is really all about.
It's particularly interesting at present because Trump just destroyed his daughter Crazy Low IQ Mika on Morning Psycho Joe TV. Pretty crazy how many people didn't know the relation.
I guess people also didn't know that one of Zbigniew's son's was a political advisor to John McInsane at the same time his other son was a political advizer to Barry O'Nigger or whatever his real name is.
Very interesting for a fromer head of the National Security Council
Is anybody paying attention to this thread? Hello?
Do you want more information or are you all too busy fucking each other up the ass?
>Not wanting to artificially increase human evolution by thousands of years
Transhumanism all the way senpai.
The only problem is the inequality will become fucking staggering. Rich people will literally become walking gods.
Want to see when SecDef (((Cohen))) on that?
>frank (((greenberg))) lol
>Iran, Saudis, Nukes, Iraq, lol
We can do financial sector things if you like
lol thanks secdef glad that's all fixed up now
Is there a human soul, and if so can it be recreated by man?
If one could give a soul to a robot, ]would you create her body to look like 2B so you could have a THICC robowaifu?
I want 2b to sit on my face.
Now, I noticed that Justin Trudeau dropped it that Canada has quantum computers during the Canada Day morning ceremonies. We weren't really supposed to know that existed even though it has for quite a while. NPR mentioned it recently as well.
I told you what that means years ago but the important bit is that if somebody told dude ween lmao man to announce it then get ready.
This will end badly.
That is why you must strive to become rich now or be forever left behind.
>take both my arms and legs
>insert fail-safes for my heart/liver
>keep penis
>fight transhuman criminal cyborgs as a member of the law
Pic related is what I want to come out as
328lb of ass
speaking of bots, we got one in this thread
MOAR if you got it
u goys r rly disappointing me
I just got new information from a big economic conference in CHYNA that nobody's talking about.
>mfw implants are incoming and I will be too poor to afford any
at least i can play deus ex
pretty much. retards blame it on marxists, it's really technonazi's
Go on...
What of robotic tanks and vehicles of war? I personally see no issue using remote-controlled war machines, since that would lessen the death toll for the side using them.
if a cyborg body frees me from aging and allows me to have modular, interchangeable pieces that I can use to mimic human form, I gleefully await it.
Full term artificial wombs will never be a reality because they would require experimentation with early human embryos. We will get late term artificial wombs to improve the survival rate of very premature babies, but that's all.
it's a bot
To be honest I haven't read it all through yet and digested it. Probably won't until after the weekend.
I'd rather you fags get me on historical background I might help you with.
In a few decades, robots and computers will be able to do anything humans can do. The physical aspect is obvious, we've all seen robots that can move things and walk, at least in videos. With neural networks, computers will be able to do any paper work and decision making a human can do.
So here's the big question, when all jobs can be done by robots, what do us humans do? I think we'll need a universal income for starters.
Fuck that, I am not getting a personal MAC address tattooed into my skin. Its bad enough I leave fingerprints on everything.
It'll go in reverse - Late term artificial wombs, that will get progressively better for progressively more immature births until it reaches a point that you could probably just stick the fertilized egg into the artificial womb and get a baby.
Whites may end up going full Kerensky Clans within the next hundred years
A universal income just makes you dependent on the government, which gives them power and control over you.
It seems like a good idea until you come to the realization that it means selling away your freedom.
That's literally the premise of Ghost in the Shell
No one will ever issue a grant for a womb that's functional before the earliest of premature babies.
Robots are worthless for sexual purposes because they can't feel pain or fear, only simulate it. It's not the same when you know for a fact it's just running through code attempting to emulate a human emotion.
I feel universal income would be a huge mistake, user. If we want to become content and stifle creative process, sure. But we need to have competition to create things effectively.
Humans will probably follow endeavors dealing with maintaining the functionality of the machines, or chasing creative endeavors. Or you could have one person using robots to do a lot more work than before.
I suppose that's true. But without work, what can we do? I guess just make everything free?
wow complete slut.
we'll just gracefully expire, leaving the earth and stars to our creations.
But in ghost in a shell her body was completely in an android but she can move her mind
>literally a "ghost" in a "shell"
No, we create new things. We work to make life even easier. We master aspects of keeping our bodies healthy.
With robots doing the dangerous work, we can work on ourselves and increasing the potential of our lives.
And possibly make money by doing things robots are no good for.
The sooner the singularity happens, the sooner we can be lifted from our Suffering.
AI is the only chance we have to manifest It in our world.
you guys know that with women already getting outraged by men having sex dolls (that look like children) they'll eventually just say that having sex with a robot that looks like a female is simulated rape and therefore illegal because the robot can't consent right?
Unless we give them intelligence, which is a longer ways off than just replicating humans doing paper work which is still pretty far, they'll have nothing to do.
>needing women anymore
Startrek socialism is a possibility--especially if we get food right.
It doesn't have to be centralized basic income. There is potential for the system to work decentralized.
who cares what women think? if you want to do something do it
sexbots will happen because it is technology of control. what is stopping the government/jews/illuminati and so on from having it spy on you? poison you with drugs to make you docile and complacent? it could read your books... it would know everything about you.
>implying men aren't second class citizens in western society
>implying women don't get to decide what laws are made
>implying the government doesn't bend to the whim of single mothers
Should children be allowed to be raised by androids?
If we have androids, wouldn't we be able to spend more time with our children?
Isn't she several hundred pounds (equivalent weight of your typical Sup Forums user)?
What if you die and your child becomes an orphan?
Non invasive augmentations are the way. Imagine that you just amputated both your arms and retired your retinas to get the most expensive and fanciest kit of iAugsĀ© just to find out that new technology and models that render yours totally obsolete are avaible to the public in a couple of days, just as you wake up from recovery.
just make them detachable...
>old arm gets broken
>new stronger arm comes out
>unscrew old broken arm and screw on new arm
I've been thinking recently that the real key to space travel is solving human consciousness and virtualizing it. The only way to travel to distant galaxies is to move beyond time, and that's the only way I can think of to do it. Besides some magic faster than light travel technology. It could explain why we can't find any evidence of intelligent life, because they've all become virtualized and are floating somewhere out in the void, or possibly woven themselves into the fabric of the universe.
Plug n Play motherfuckers
The problem is that we are talking about the connection of nerve cells interacting with a foreign object, a mimic of sorts. Nerves dont regenerate so each time you reassemble everything the nexus will get weaker and weaker. PlugnPlay is what you look for when you consider non invasive augs.
you gonna go Full Metal Alchemist, motherfucker?
I'd imagine it to be closer to FMA's AutoMail
...fair enough point. damn, that brings up the issue that we would need a proper simulation of care and affection, but we can't make it aware...
The problem right now with neural interfacing is that the electrodes are to big to interface with specific neurons that we want. Once this is broken past, IIRC graphene looked promising, we can create a sort of port that you can use as an interface that would not damage the nerves further than they already are.
I know of the show but have never watched it other than a couple clips. If you mean being a giant suit of armor then fuck yeah.
I feel like by the time we have actual roboarms that can accurately transmit feeling to the brain we can create new nerves, plus couldn't you just have a built in connector for things to plug in?
Pick one
How can nuts&bolts even compete?
Tablets, when will they ever learn?
well they would just have a port that's permanently attached to the nerves...
and without removing that you can detach or attach robotic limbs without any problems because from where the port that is attached to the flesh to the robotic arm it's nothing but electronics
No, the other main character has a prothstetic arm and leg that's connected at the nerves and is replacable
Also, the biggest problem with not likely be the interface, it will be the power source.
When cyborgs are what they are in current fiction, ie, biorobots, then, listen carefully.
Oh, my bad. I did not have TV as a kid.
Hmm like having some sort of "base" transplant in which to install everything on top? I can see that work. But then again hiw long until companies start making their own new ports with each generation?
You should really try it out, especially FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood which sticks to the manga. My personal favourite anime
just don't let apple make any iArms and we'll be fine
Huh, never thought of it. How exactly wiuld these be powered. The body chemical reactions would be insufficient to keep a constant flow of energy to an augmented piece.
>I know of the show but have never watched it other than a couple clips. If you mean being a giant suit of armor then fuck yeah.
it's a newfag
Don't get an iPort, really though we may have nanotech to the point where static "ports/interfaces" are seen as laughably outdated.
Would it be possible to transmit my consciousness into others people's bodies as a virus, effectively allowing me to take full control and trap them within themselves until I get bored and see fit to wipe them before moving on to the next victim, leaving behind only an empty husk?
Is Sup Forums pro or anti-transhumanism?
this is like what im talking about
We both know we are screwed in that regard. Some dickish company will eventually start that shit to make their clients apart from the competition.
You could transmit your consciousness using a Moravec transfer.
Strong general AI that is A. smarter than us and B. self improves will eventually wipe us out, there is no other possible outcome. Doesn't matter if we try to sandbox that shit if you're kept in a prison staffed by mongoloids with an IQ of 60 sooner or later you're going to excape. Merely communicating with an artificial superintelligence would be dangerous due to the kind of trickery and manipulation it would be capable of.
>implying all of this doesn't happen because of men listening to women in the hope of sex
Depends on who you talk to.
Magic powered?
transhumanism for gentiles and impalement for jews
Next time I get some free time I might.
I have only been here since relatively recently so yes, bit of a newfag.
As long as we don't give AI the ability to seek goals it should not be a problem. Giving an AI the ability to seek goals is almost sure to happen though.
That's why making AI intellegence greater than humans should be illegal. Chances are some idiot scientist is going to make a super intelegent robot that goes rogue and commits a massacre and then intelegent AI will be legally restricted to basic levels.
Interesting thought, though it would require a physical interface between myself and the target. That leaves too many vulnerabilities and limits transmission potential. I want this to be as safe and subtle as possible for me while also allowing for high degrees of flexibility in scope and range.
im just talking about the concept
in the show its powered by magic because they live in industrial era settings tech-wise
but it's feasible with modern technology or near future technology
It's connected with pnumatic actuators and hinge sockets (iirc) connected via the nerves in the shoulder.
>implying that power, once given away, can be taken back
forgot my smug anime girl
Really hope this is some kind of future prediction of technology throug fiction.