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U don goofed

this is free entertainment

Holy shit this timeline

oh boy let's go to war with an unlisted board nobody cares about

they do not know our perseverance, we are like the digital zombie apocalypse, we not not need sleep or social interaction, our main purpose is the pursuit of the truth and too eat all the tendies

what are they gonna do fluridate our water? kek

fake and gay

>authorities in Qatar

They literally cant understand that we are doing this for the lulz

Isn't Qatar about to get fucked in the ass by the Saudis? I'm sure they're going to prioritize this.

>expose our inner workings with the trump administration
He just doesn't get it, does he? Just because your shills and street rioters are working hand in hand with you and on your payroll, doesn't mean we are too. Projection is strong with this one.

>8ch is Trump
Look, I'm all for memes but that shit is just insulting.


These people are legit crazy. Wtf?




>implying (((journalists))) are people
I've got some bad news for you user

Fake. Reminder to verify and provide a link to archives. Any retard can open up inspect element and fake a screenshot like this.

You have to know I hold 2 Master Degrees in Advanced Memetics, one with focus on Pepenomics, and another in Kektosis, and I reached this conclusion:
/pol meme velocity (MV) is off the charts. You'd need 5 entire lulzpanzer divisions to even dent the outer binshields. Containment is the only option, and there's still risk of a quantum memtanglement breach, which could prove catastrophic in this, and neighbor timelines.
There's not much that can be done, other than hoping the QDE II (Quantitative Digits Easing II) program finishes soon.

>This is a war on the media
>We have already made a co-operation task force with CNN and BuzzFeed
>Wasting strategic resources on fake news

I can't believe that everyone is actually lighting such a fire under the medias ass rn

>reputable journalists who blatantly to public

Remember the Hillary polls. They said she had 94% chance of winning.

they are scared shitless

Isn't this everything the posters at cripplechan dream about?

Muslims are ramming trucks and exploding pipe bombs all over Europe yet a Trump gif is far more horrendous to these people

>Doxxers get doxxed

I mean it's still bad but CNN did violate the NAP

Haven't thought of it that way. This is perfect.


Oh boy. Won't he be in for a big surprise.


>Britan, France and Qatar
confirmation that these are indeed islamic nations, kek

got to the end of that article and got pissed off that I had given them a page view, thank you for the archive m8

>Reputable Journalists
>Proceeds to dox somebody over a meme

This timeline is getting a bit too silly as of late. When Trump and Putin meet later today, I hope things get even more silly.

>if you want a war

lol, thats rich coming from these faggots. the minute Trump and his supporters stop taking the constant bullshit those faggots have been slinging, they get offended

How the fuck can they pretend CNN didnt do the same fucking thing Sup Forums is doing? Such dishonest pieces of shit

Is it really fake? Someone confirm

>going to war with 8gag
How will cnn handle the purity spiralling?

I do it for free, ese.

>getting paid to meme


Is it possible to comandeer a drone and have it flyover CNN HQ? Just a flyby.

of course. why not

Comandeer? Yes. Get away with it? Ehh..

This, desu.

Their will to fight will fade quickly after a few hours with no friends and no sex and no time spent preening in public.

Whereas we will only grow stronger . . . AND STRONGER!!!

These globalist kike rats are powerless against the resistance. People are waking up and seeing the truth. Everyone knows they're full of shit and out of touch.

They believe the adminstration LARP threads. Half the fake news stories are from anonymous internet posts on boards like this

I confess it, I'm a high ranked official in the Trump adminitration, and my policies are guided by posts that get doubles

I am the Trump Administration official insider bankrolling this.

this shit is getting old. the left is acting too stupid to fight against.

export the muslims and order the police to stand down and allow militia rule in the cities


you're shit at your job, then

>nu/pol/ has now shifted it's attention towards retarded reporters who are deathly afraid of fucking 8ch

Hello where are the political discussion

>sending pizza
>not live chickens

Wait a minute you fuckers are getting paid?

Where do I apply for compensation for posts?

>being this buttmad
what he tried to say

for payment call +7 495 697-03-49 and ask for vladimir

Can these journalists really not accept the majority of people see what they are and fucking hate them? They think it makes more sense Trump is funding the trolling over it simply being they are faggots. lmao


send them a pineapple every day

I see no problem here

Journalists have no privacy in regards to contact details simply because they're employed in a business


You're a legitimate retard if you think these raids are organic. of course they have backing

>Trumps really poor! He doesn't have all the money he says he does!

>Trump's funding austismo levels of shitposting on a global scale!

Ok ok Cenny, did you take your pills today?

Its fake.

Is no one going to mention that this fb post is fake and is being used to stir you gullible faggots up?

>We have identified this thread which is meant to expose and reveal personal information about reporters, which suspect is funded by someone from the Trump administration:
oh boy, sounds pretty serious
>a link to that other chan
I fucking love this timeline

I've seen no contacts or money in any "raid" on Trump's side online.

It's all been NEETs with too much time that have kicked shit off, with others joining in.


"""reputable""" (((journalists)))

How do we know it's real?

True. I can't speak for others. But Top Men like me are
getting paid by Putin himself.


How do we know it's real? I find nothing on his idiotbook front page.

You guys scream fake news and then believe this shit without even checking its credibility. Most of you are just as bad as the normies your supposedly hate. This is literally fake news. Can't find the post anywhere and the "Al Jazeera Volunteer Network" isn't even a real fb group from what I've seen. Correct me if I'm wrong.

it's a private wall you idiot


Why are they focusing on Muslim countries?


Don't lie, you're a bottom man, not a top man.

Why would he make a post that's seemingly directed at Trump, Trump supporters, and memers in a private group?

>CNN airs footage of that brexit porno and claims it's from the meeting

Besides even if the group were invite only, I would still be able to at least search for it.



Where's my fucking paycheck then you kikes?

This. Im meming 17 hrs straight steven days a wk. One of us is worth 20 of then

Twelve trees were planted in your name in Israel

>steven days a week

>We have already made a co-operation task force with CNN and BuzzFeed to expose you and your war on the media to hide your collusion with the Kremlin.
wow, they're actually doubling down on their delusion

Wait. Someone needs to volunteer. Gain their trust, feed them some fake info, then go full trojan horse on them

just watched katy perry's tour online... i just hope she was giving top secret military secrets in plain sight right before she gave that 8 year old a pizza.

the silence is deafening...

Mein sides

10/10 this guy has perfected the art of shitposting

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals.

In Finland we call that `a power fantasy`

These faggots still don't get that we do it for free because it's funny?
Good luck fellas

Smells **fake** to me

Please tell me the pizzas were ham and pineapple and bacon with pork sausage.