>best films in the world >best television in the world >best wine in the world >best music in the world >best sports in the world >best universities in the world >best countryside in the world >best state culture
shitty politics aside, we are literally the best thing to happen to the planet.
Ethan James
>sage everything
David Walker
his skin should be darker
Adrian Barnes
That Calianon pic always rustles my jimmies, though. Why is he a spic? Here's a better one.
Aaron Sullivan
Can confirm, other than our extraordinarily high supply of you-know-whos.
Luis Nguyen
Jason Myers
>best wine in the world >best music in the world >best sports in the world >best universities in the world >best countryside in the world Imagine being so retarded that you would even entertain this thought.
Carson Jenkins
Thank you for the chuckle OP.
Hunter Johnson
hes not wrong about wines and universities though. other stuff is quite debatable
Noah Brooks
I used to believe in liberal politics, and then I moved to California. Fuck this state, cannot wait to leave.
Gavin Ross
New York is better at everything you listed.
Elijah Rodriguez
Although it is pretty unfortunate that the seal and flag of Los Angeles pay homage to the spic coat of arms.
Isaiah Bennett
Berkeley is a great place to get an indoctrination.
Nolan Edwards
I would recommend speaking with a therapist.
Camden Ward
epik meme my friend! sure showed me! >Berkley is the only place to get an education buddy, there's indoctrination in EVERY state.
Ryan Green
Oh dear. >best films in the world Films are made everywhere, California was selected as a place for film making by many because of the weather. >best television in the world Have you watched a show recently? Nothing but talking. >best wine in the world Best battery acid you mean >best music in the world Music is made everywhere >best sports in the world Washington state has better sports teams than California, from Mariners, Seahawks, hell even Sounders. >best universities in the world The east coast would like a word with you about that >best countryside in the world Fucking lol. >best state culture "Bro, drink some natties and smoke a blunt lol! Cali!"
Fuck off, and don't you dare step foot in Washington, Oregon and Texas you mexican fuck, it's liberal enough as it is and the last thing we need is more lousy assholes like you.
Joshua Ramirez
>best wine in the world >California doesn't produce chianti That was easy
Cameron Miller
all these salty non-califonian LOSERS
Gavin Turner
Let's review:
1. The women. 2. The women. 3. The women. 4. The women. 5. The women. 6. The women.
Your arguments are invalid.
Levi Garcia
What city are you in?
Lincoln Phillips
we're discussing wines, not meme juices
Juan Ward
Same. CA is a ridiculous meme
Blake Butler
>best films if you like degeneracy they're grrrrrrrr8 >best TV read above >best wine no one cares >best sports ok Kaepernick >best universities *most expensive >best country side thats true because there are no libs out there >best culture thats why commiefornians are leaving in droves right?
>1 post by this ID
sage but thanks for the exercise
Jason Thomas
LA area. The weather here rules, the scenery is nice, there is some cool shit here. But goddammit, it's all ruined by all the fucking people. This place is overflowing with some of the shittiest excuses for human beings in the world. Reduce the population by 2/3 and it would be tolerable because at least you could get away from these self centered fucks.
LA is like a beautiful steak that is covered in human shit. Could have been really nice.
Zachary Miller
fuck, California is probably the only redeeming thing about North America...
Nicholas White
This fuckin place is so expensive. Whatever federal funding Trump takes away from this God forsaken place will most likely be replaced with even fucking higher taxes. However there is a small ray of hope, there currently is a movement to get rid of Jerry brown.
Aaron White
Sure if you like shitty schools and shitty taxes.
Adam Scott
That movement has been ongoing since the 70's m8
Kayden Richardson
Best universities are found in New England as well as the best sports team.
Joshua Ross
That cucc needs to go. By the time I have a family and live on my own, if he's not gone, I would honestly consider moving. This place is a Socialists paradise.
Julian Wilson
Japan is best countiry in the world.
Luke Campbell
>Californian women >every single one has fucked a nigger or spic >Britney Spears is their role model >all are bottle blondes with heavy makeup to hide their acne
Oliver Bell
Too bad ya'll went commie and took in a million gajilion mexicans.
Jacob Reyes
not to mention more diverse scenery and bioregions than most countries all in a single STATE
the cities and politics are shit but dammit if I don't love what this state has to offer
Brayden Powell
best wine? kek
Samuel Reyes
United statians are niggers and therefore not human. Saggity.
Ian Robinson
Then why is everyone leaving Cali for red states?
Josiah Parker
This, sacramento area reporting in
Owen Williams
>>best sports in the world >>best universities in the world Were you born this stupid?
Brandon Jenkins
That cucc needs to go. By the time I have a family and live on my own, if he's not gone, I would honestly consider moving. This place is a Socialists paradise.
Hunter Evans
I only hear california is immense shit. Also, it's warm there. Warm places suck.
Nathan Collins
Meme juice is all that napa produces
Caleb Hill
shitty Californian wine has long been a thing of the past, buddy.
Jeremiah Peterson
Don't even get me started with the amount of thottery that takes place. I cannot stand modern trends. And it sucks because they originate in Cali
Dylan Morgan
Kurt Eichenwald loves your culture's art
Aaron Reed
Decadence You don't have everything, user. I still have my mind and thoughts.
Charles Hall
Still not the best
Ethan Taylor
Something that is very nice though is that High School football here is among the best, however that only pertains to a certain group of people.
Tyler Sullivan
Ryder Campbell
I have a degree, and the taxes suck but the pay is more than worth it. It also helps that I can go snowboarding, hiking, camping, brewery hopping, and so much more within a relatively short distance from SF
Dominic Butler
>Shit gun laws >Libtards everywhere
Carter Mitchell
Californian wine is literal piss
Benjamin Davis
>best music in the world New York has always been best. Everything that comes from California sucks big time. Bebop >>> West coast Jazz Velvet Underground >>> Hippie crap Ramones >>>> Eagles
Only good thing from California was Beach Boys.
Caleb Murphy
virgin alert. Shut the fuck up and cry yourself to sleep you worthless beta. Your mom would fuck everything under the sun given the right circumstances. Hence you.
Matthew Turner
I'm in High School rn and the reason I have such a piss poor taste in my mouth about this place is because they constantly complain about how taxes are so damn high and how their retirement could be in jeopardy. And the thing is, is that both my parents have great degrees.
Ryan Gomez
If this state was red, it would be perfect
James Brown
This, I'd move down there in a heartbeat
Easton Diaz
>Because of the weather. Holy fucking shit. Read a book you fucking retard. Thank god this is an online board and not somewhere public.
Nicholas Ramirez
>too hot >too expensive(although food is rly cheap) >thots everywhere >shitty gun laws >mescan invasion >rly bad crime rate/murder capitals of the world, stay as far away from oakland and fresno as you can >DIRTY 90% of cities 100k+ are absolutely FILTHY
Sure the sierras and up north are absolutely beautiful and the state's public University system is arguably the best in the country but staying here past your 20's if you're not rich is such a bad idea
Kayden Taylor
I think you meant whines.
Bentley Gutierrez
If you arent from California I pity you but we don't need you. We don't neex your land either, we got beaches, lakes, rivers mountains and desert. Nuke literally everything and everyone else; nothing of value will be lost.
Hunter Fisher
>best wine in the world Firstly if you knew anything about wine you'd know there is no such thing as "best wine". Secondly American winemaking is throwing together random blends and proportions of different grapes and hoping for the best. Finally there are maybe a half-dozen wineries who produce something above shit-tier in your state; the rest of the crap is literally fit only for drunks who consider the ABV the most important quality. You wanna learn how to make good wine visit Argentina or New Zealand.
Christian Moore
California is literally the whitest state.
Joseph Peterson
Is this bait?
American wine can't even compete with Spanish or Chilean wine
pls stop
Zachary Brooks
>too hot Only in LA it seems
Asher Allen
The heat sucks, in Socal we are getting consistent 100+ days.
Nolan Nguyen
California is definitively a blight on the world. Not being hyperbolic. It's the root of all vapidity and nihilistic romanticism. It's the epicenter of relativism and anti-human social structures. It's disgusting to be quite honest and hopefully North Korea takes it out. I'm genuinely hoping they pop one off and hit the bay area.
Chase Morales
>that pic >is this the civic nationalism thread?
Dominic Jackson
It's been over 100 and well into the 110's north and south of the grapevine constantly these past 2 weeks. Hit 120+ in the deserts too
Luis Hernandez
Best place for a upper middle class job after.
Adam Howard
Why is SD always cooler than so many other part?
Hunter Brooks
Replace "best" with "worst" and you would have it right.
Samuel Price
>Argentina or New Zealand You forgot to mention countries that actually have a long wine tradition.
Josiah Butler
They were never in the running. It was French wines they surpassed. You haven't even surpassed the French yet. Do that and we can have a wine spitting contest.
Parker Myers
>films you just so happen to have the entire US film industry there. >Television Debatable... I liked BBC before they got ultra cucked. Also see above. >wine I figure Mediterranean wines are better >music Debatable >universities Got any that aren't liberal cespools? >countryside Debatable... >state culture you mean no guns, tons of drugs, and lots of mexicans?
Evan Ortiz
Jesus, your head is up you ass. Wine is best, stanford makes the most millionaires per capita, Berkeley is a frontline of nano research, and microbial while we are at it, etc. east coast is good and all, but come on. I saw dice clay and bobby lee for 20 bucks the other night, just cause I felt like doing something. met them too (comedy store) California is great
Cameron Reyes
Near the coast, ocean breeze/humidity help cool temps
Blake Perry
settle down carlos
Jordan Torres
>tfw all the California punks rail on Trump and not on Jerry Brown It's so fucking frustrating
Julian Green
It's still great as it is, you just have to put up with seeing and hearing some stupid liberal shit every now and then, can't be worse than Canada though.
I was on the walk of fame tonight and some mexican holding his 3 year old daughters hand starts sperging out and stomping on Trumps star and his daughter looked scared as shit lmao.
Jack Long
op you forgot to mention. most communist, most liberal, most gay , most expensive
Leo Perry
I visit California once or twice a year every year si nce I was a spud. It's a beautiful state filled with top tier degenerates. The smog is fucking horrible, it's sad. NorCal is based and the desert is cozy but theres just too many fucking people.
Christopher Anderson
California is actually really nice I hope it gets saved soon this is why I voted Trump
Josiah Lewis
I also forgot to mention how non-white the state is. I saw a fieldtrip of kids and ONE was white out of a class of like 30.
Chase Cox
>tfw you literally have to lose body fat in california to not die from the heat I say literally as in we have people getting heat strokes constantly sometimes dying from it
Jose Moore
>roads so shit they need to increase gas taxes by 30 cents per gallon >dams so shit they break after some measly rainfall >every large city infested with crime and ghettoes >every large city governed and maintained by dems >mobilize POC to vote for them but leave them alone to stagnate and rot after election season >supposedly the richest state but has the highest rates of income inequality >background checks for FUCKING AMMO start next year Yeah, nah. Fuck this state. If you really fly the Gadsden flag you should be shilling for the State of Jefferson nonstop.
t. former lib
Nolan Flores
California is a fucking shithole. I went there for fucking anime expo and every street is just broken, ugly and filled with threatening looking niggers and mexicans selling hotdogs.
Carson Hughes
Best universities are in New England fag.. MA in particular.... Ooohhh and who has the best sports teams New England.. NY usually has some pretty good teams too but seriously commiefornia fucking sucks
Joshua Green
>mostly shillary voters no thx
Oliver Carter
Atleast it isn't Islamnesia
William Edwards
God, all I want is an SR/22 and if I get a simple plinker it's a godamn felony. Fucking Commies. And, no, filing off a couple millimeters off the hammer of a Walther P22 isn't the same. God, I hate these gun laws.
Evan Smith
>being so poor you have to complain about California's "cost of living" and demographic problems Just be rich enough to live in a nice, white neighborhood you fucking poorfags. Wealthy California is literally a white utopia.
Ryan Peterson
if you think californian wine is over french wine and northen spanish wine, you have so much to learn my friend
Ian James
people who think california has good schools is fucking brainwashed and retarded
Jayden Phillips
Speaking as a Commie-fornian, fuck this state. All people from out of state see is Hollywood, sunshine, and the various big cities. As someone who actually lives here, all I see is fucking traffic, no seasons, shallow vapid liberals, and just about the worst state government you could ever create. Small businesses are literally being driven out of the state because they tax and regulate them to death.
There's a reason people are fleeing this state in droves, it sucks. I've got a job lined up in New Hampshire, I'm counting the days until I leave.
Aiden Sanders
>cherry picks one or two things to fit every category >thinks his personal opinion defines california as "the best state" go back to starbucks you cucked elitist
Levi Hughes
Where white folks act like niggers. Fuck off you inbred fuck
Brody Williams
No, see, to troll it has to be plausible. I bet you're a poo: > attempt at wit > failing
Jason Johnson
>traffic Better than living in a Rust belt shithole with a declining population >no seasons 65 to 80 degrees and sunny year-round beats having harsh winters and muggy summers like most of the rest of the country >shallow vapid liberals This part is accurate, but there are a lot of down-to-earth conservatives in places like OC and San Diego >worst state government you could ever create Illinois is slightly worse, but mostly accurate. Just be rich enough for the high taxes and shitty public services to not be a problem.
Dylan Peterson
I was talking with a guy from Michigan today. He was blown away by how stylish everyone was dressed. But I know it's a bunch of low-I.Q. narcissistic assholes who just want to be seen. I tried telling him this, but he didn't catch it. The glitz covers for the human filth if you're new, I guess. Strangely I think on Starship Troopers. Service guarantees citizenship. All these vapid fancy-clad douches should not be granted voting rights.