How do we get modern """"men"""" to start dressing and looking like actual men
How do we get modern """"men"""" to start dressing and looking like actual men
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Fuck off and let me wear my skinny jeans and Gucci belts you virgins
>men in 300 BC (as depicted by men from circa 2000 AD)
make EBT cards acceptable at Men's Wearhouse.
you're gonna love the way they look
Is trapping still acceptable? I like to wear girls clothes from time to time
Greeks were a bunch of boyfucking sandniggers(and still are).
I wear girls jeans not because I'm gay or trapping but because they have a far better stretch and fit on my body and make my legs look really good. Nothing wrong with that, OP is obviously mad girls don't like his cargo shorts and wife beaters
If you care about how your legs look, you are a homosexual.
Well I wear boyshort panties cause they're more comfy than guys underwear so don't feel too bad lol
This is just hilarious how stupid the posters on this thread are so far. 300 the movie isn't referring to the year it's set in and its just too fucking cringe that you think this
>300 BC
the battle was in 480 BC
So your telling me athletes and competitive lifters are gay because they care about how their legs look? Fucking Turk fag
Dress like a black man
"300 BC"
Excuse me?
Lol, spartans were the gayer ones.
Holy fuck that was gay
Christianity was mistake.
Yeah, I bet you wear girls underwear because it's more comfy too.
Why do you care so much about what other people wear?
>literal boy lovers who wore dresses
Another example of the "good ol days" - *pic related*
2nd amendment
I bet each of them cries while trying to fire a gun. It reminds you to wear clothes for functional purpose and with fashion as a side note instead of the focus. Wear shit that can comfortably hold your CCW, spare mag wallet keys phone spaghetti etc. You know, the essentials.
Also martial arts is the real man's hobby, not chimping out like a nigger.
I like this idea. Bring back the 1910s fashion for men.
Squatz and oatz or stay gay forever
Bah GAWD, King, what will ever stop this man!?!
A dress is fine, but the long shirt looks retarded, so do the heels.
Fashion disasters, those heels are.
OP shitposted a thread unironically
That's odd, I've never actually seen a person dressed like the guys in the 2nd picture. Could it be that this is *gasp*... cherry picking?
Jeans and a button up
Napoleonic is the apex of human male style.
Not a single black man or jew wore it.
you have to figure out whether fat fucks can wear anything that will make us look like real men first.
signed, a fat fuck
Mongrel offspring of white men did though.
is it ANTIFA fashion week?
>A Romanian saying this
How funny
God his pantaloons look so tight. Fucker can't stick a sliver of tin foil between that shit. His legs must be vacuum sealed, preserved for extra freshness.
I don't get it.
Napoleon gave full civil rights to Jews throughout Europe. Fuck him.
The Spartans fucked more men than the people in the bottom.
Dressing like actual men is subjective. Looking like a man could be helped if you encourage exercise and discourage eating processed foods, especially processed carbohydrates.
The first thing you'd have to do is stop putting food and drink In plastic containers that leak estrogen causing chemicals.
>300 BC
Why did latfh every close down?
It's like it stopped just as the hipster scene took off.
Aren't those robes similar to ones imams and Muslim men wear?
Nitpicking your results a bit here, Sup Forums.
Pic related is from a gay club, if faggots can be manly like that, Im sure we're all fine.
As an 8+ year professional haberdasher ... I am officially TRIGGERED.
Boring, bland, and tasteless... fashion should have stopped at 2009 before Hobo-chic and "Express" "H&M" took over.