Some Slovenian posted this webm in a thread. Makes me wonder if Trump really knows the truth? Does he know about (((them))) Sup Forums?
Does Trump Know?
never trust a Jew, not even a friendly one
He's a big goy...
Read his books and find out.
Yes. Trump likes Israel as a country and its people, but he knows what lengths they'll go to for Greater Israel. Never forget.
4 jews
Does he know that America in under Jew control? I wonder if they talked about it in their meeting.
for jew
He's been in the game longer than us, and he lived in New York City. You don't get as far as he did not knowing.
And that made him like Israel?
If all you're after is power by any means, it's better to have the Jews on your side than against you.
They shook hands 5 seconds after this clip.
He probably did that intentionally so someone like your Slovenian friend would post it and he could keep up appearances with the Neo-Nazi Alt Right.
He's a politician, and he is happy to have your unconditional support in exchange for pandering to your pathetic paranoias.
Have to keep up good appearances I guess.
They told him to do it. Imagine the shitstorm if he would have openly denied it instead of just not saying anything.
Also why would the media cover up the video of him not shaking it like they did?
>what is CNN
What's the point of having power if you're working for the Jews? Power for the sake of power?
old man get's up too fast
Kek. I don't mind him making these mindless gestures. It's the extent to which he allows them dictate his politicies (especially abroad) that's (((shady))) af
Yeah, he confides in his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law and appears to prefer him to his own biological children, and then goes and hangs out with Saudi Arabians in white robes, but deep down he is a rabid anti-Semite like you.
I don't think so.
The media might have covered it. I don't know. It wasn't a big deal, so probably didn't make big waves. I'll tell you this, if CNN had aired the shorter clip, the Daily Caller would be all over their asses for issuing false or misleading reports, and they'd be right to do so.
This is great, didn't even acknowledge him.
noticed how ivanka and jared have disappeared from trumps side the last few weeks?
Donald trump would have grown up seeing and hearing about his dad dealing with jews. since trump got in he has probably wanted to go along with it for a while and see if these things about the jews had any basis to them.
I guess he's realised that they are as deceiving and nasty as he always thought.
trump doesnt trust jared, i think he's disappointed in his daughter to be honest.
see his face the whole time, he's pissed off.
its the face of "i've known all along about you people"
I mean, its almost like he is intentionally being one sided. For the first part of presidency so far, he seemed very pro-jewish and pro-arab. But this week he has suddenly not been taking Ivanka around with him, and tweeting things like "SAVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION!". Aswell as being far more nationalistic than usual. Whats happening?
really gets my head thingking
You're an idiot. Jared is being investigated for his dealings with Russian banks. That's why they're keeping him out of the spotlight. And Ivanka is a daddy's girl. She wouldn't marry someone without Trump's full endorsement.
That's called projection. Or do they not teach that in countries that are literally composed of European criminals and borderline non-human aboriginals.
I gave it a tweet.
SeeScandal brewing re: Kushner
trump said in a rally last year that he hadn't planned for ivanka to marry a jew. but "he was happy".
no cunt, your a idiot. the whole russia thing is bullshit. democrats tried to throw a spanner in the works because they lost, and were throwing a tantrum
your a smug retard.
you dont know anything about australia. hardly anyone here were convicts. 161,000 over 65 years, in 1861 there were 2 million people here.
yes abo's are not human. but some of them are really nice people if they stay away from alcohol.
He knows. The fact is a lot of people in and around government know this shit.
You can't do anything about it. Nothing sudden and dramatic certainly.
Jews are very much entangled into the elite governing class. They are married into it, they are economically intertwined. You just can't do a thing.
The best you could hope for is a populist movement that lessens the power of the elite class entirely. but that isn't happening soon.
If anything, elites are hardening into a full blown oligarchy. They maintain a patina of legitimacy by having their children go to 'elite universities' which supposedly means they have 'earned' their positions. Like Kushner... his dad made a donation and he get admitted. Even the teachers at his own Jewish day school said he was a poor student.
Oy vey. Yeah, the Israelis masterminded 9/11, but chose to send some agents to film it, just to make sure everyone knew they had advanced knowledge.
An Israeli cell got a tip, was told to collect intelligence.
How did Israel plan the war games? Make Dick Cheney order a stand down? Tell FBI to back off?
A bunch of rich and patriotic WASPs did 9/11 to make sure the US military was standing on top of the world's remaining oil supply when peak oil hit.
>im definitely not an abo guys
learn english first before you try to fool anyone nigger
Trump is saying, "fake news". Read his lips. He's obviously upset at the media there.
>being this dumb or a kike
the democrats have the most jews. hardly any jews in the republican party,
what needs to be done is to replace them in their positions of power.
e.g courts, government.
separating them from banking is a whole other ball game.
Just because he wasn't planning on it doesn't mean Trump disapproves. I know Russia is bullshit, but Kushner did lie while signing some documents under the penalty of perjury. It's just politics.
I'm just fucking with you. But leave the Jews alone. All they've ever done for you is science and tell good stories. The liberals in LA/NY will be gone in a generation. They're not real Jews and their kids will assimilate. Religious Jews are quite conservative.
Faggot detected. It's not about democrats or republicans, you idiots. Both, left and right are controlled by the same jews.
i write and speak better english than you ever could,
Fucking yank. Try that attitude over here and you'll get your teeth kicked in. We don't tolerate bullshit.
Israel attacked the USA on 9/11, The proof:
maybe in germany they are.
germany has a long history of jews running a monopoly in certain area's, politics is one.
hitler liked israel too.
all jews should fuck off and go to israel.
You're quite wrong. There are liberal ethnic Jews who don't know anything about their religion and who have only the nose and funny (usually German) name. And there are conservative Jews who are basically neocons that don't believe in gay marriage or abortion.
With the exception of Manhattan, it's mostly an East Coast / West Coast thing.
shut the fuck up you drunk inbred piece of shit, you're a fucking pussy just like your human trash ancestors.
>your a smug retard.
>your a idiot
>hardly anyone here were convicts
Did not seem very happy about it.
>Daddy's girl
>social liberal and democrat
Alright man.
>The liberals in LA/NY will be gone in a generation.
i hope its that easy, but in the meantime, we still have to deal with them. The future may seem safe to you, but it's not my future (it's the children's)
oy vey
hardly anyone here were convicts only 9% of the population are related to convicts (95% petty theft).
The fuck would you know about anything fuckface, go to bed sunshine you got school in the morning, another fun fulled day of being bullied and trying to act cool.
Doesn't matter if he knows. If he doesn't know, he's retarded. If he does know, then he is willfully allowing evil to permeate our world. Lose lose. This shit is simple retards. Just map out all possible scenarios, see them converge on one outcome. Do it like a white man. If you're a nigger, just pretend to be white in your nigger head
Fucking off all jews to Israel and cutting off their free money/weapons would b cool but overkill. Jews are fine as long as you don't try to censor anti-semitism. It is there for a reason just like nigger caution.
>and both jews aren't zionists.
Doesn't matter if liberal or conservative, both are zionist jews. We even not talking about the jews behind the scene.
Those are also not true jews, they are the ashkenazis or khazars who originated from east europe. Especially poland.
The christmas market attack last year in berlin was plotted by an ashkenazi jew. The truck was from poland, surprise, surprise...
Tired of dumb people who follow blindly the shekels, because the shekels tell them what they want to hear. Traitors.
OP must be a CNN employee
Trump has a habit of wandering off like that. I don't really thinks he knows what he's doing...
Yep, in germany it is worse. Both left and right are infiltrated by jews. The party AfD firstly talked critically about jews, but those members who talked bad about jews are fired short handed. Now see what the shekel slut talk now, pic related.
Not saying there weren't some American Jews and some Israelis who helped the CIA, or even that they did so based on a common motivation of wanting to fuck up some Arabs. Strange bedfellows, as they say. But the state of Israel is a client state of the USA, not the other way around. Neither the nation nor Mossad would be so stupid as to attack the US like that. The US supplies most of its weapons and intelligence capabilities. Even if they were that duplicitous, they'd never get away with it.
Israel spies on Arab militants all the time and they do a ton of intelligence gathering on Muslim media. See MemriTV. There's a war on for your mind, and Israel wants you to side with them. But they're not creating the videos.
That's the Department of Defense with a British PR firm, if anyone. Google it. We spent $500 million making fake videos in Iraq.
Left/Right means nothing.
The major divider is Nationalist or Globalist.
Virtually all Jews are globalists. For jews there should be only a single nation with borders and ethnic citizenship: Isreal. All other nations need to meld into a global polyglot.
It's so hypocritical and so utterly bizarre I can't trust a Jew - it's just not sane the way they think, and their insanity is worrying.
There are no Jews left in Poland, you fucking pig. Your country killed or displaced them (didn't get my family motherfucker). That's why Zionism exists.
The Jew paranoia in this thread is almost worse than a Jew's actual paranoia. The fuck is wrong with some of you retards. Have you people ever dealt with Jews beyond goddamn pol memes?
Niggers I can understand stereotyping as retards and destructive but the majority of Jews want to be left alone. It's not some all encompassing thing and every single one is out to get you. There needs to be some distinction between people in positions of power who are Jewish and general Jews. You're just gonna victimize them further.
I think some of you faggots are looking too deep into this shrugging off the Netanyahu. Trump doesn't even look like he noticed him, it's a gaffe. You're reacting like the retards at CNN when he does something "BREAKING TRADITION!!1!!1!1". Wait and see if anything comes from it
he looks tired
A light to all nations. Not a light to the goyim. Besides, being a goy just means you don't have to follow as many rules. Want to convert? You can if you want. It sucks. That's why we don't prosthelytize.
He's a real estate developer from NY. He knows the jew
I think like lots of people he decided to join the winning team and have jewish kids.
Watch the whole video. Search "Trump I never mentioned Israel"
And yes, people would be wise to learn the difference between Zionist (Jew Nazis) and normal Jews. These guys exist. God bless them!
He is aware of the JQ that much is for sure. What his answer to it is conflicting and its difficult to tell what his angle is. I can accept that from Trump, politics is a game and at the very least he is not some cock sucker.
You be causing to much problems again schlomo.
You could just chill and enjoy a cozy life in the US and other nice places but....nope.
you - well perhaps not you personally - but the Jewish powerstructure wants IT ALL.
You may even succeed you bastards! but there will be a shitload of upheaval for us little goys.
Think of the goys man! we're almost human too!
this. also very self-involved and easy to bore, Trump was just thinking: "let's take a leak and get to the hotel pronto", not even aware of Bibi. Would do it with anyone
And here it becomes critical. Do even know WHY they want a greater israel? Most people think it is money, power, military force or fuck up a ethnic group. It is far beyond you can imagine.
Think about you and your people, why support they insanity? Because it is easier to support the mainstream?
Traitors of worst kind.
I honestly think trump is a lot smarter than people give him credit for.
He is on a goofy show like the apprentice and he seems like a tacky rube.. but he's playing a role.
He know what's up. Whether he can change things I'm not sure. I'm not sure anyone can at this point.
Israel didn't exist when Hitler was in power, it was a British territory named Palestine
I'm of the belief that there are forces, mainly military and cia, intentionally causing this reawakened awareness of the jewish problem for national security reasons. Sup Forums is in good hands for another decade at least.
Hi Wayne
Ah interesting, gonna give it a look. Maybe there's a rift going on behind the scenes we don't know about.
And yeah, people should learn the difference between zionists and the general populace. Zionists are fucking out of their minds.
T. Paranoid like a jew.
You might make some headway and progress if you didn't immediately call anyone that didn't agree with you a Jew
"Berlin Attack Truck Owned by Israel Supporting Jew Ariel Zurawski"
You dumb shekel supporter.
Yes, I have dealt with Jews before and they fit their stereotype worse then any nigger could. Their religion and family values make usury and trickery moral acceptable things to do. I understand if someone makes a deal and they fail to oblige they should pay the piper but its different if you mislead someone on a deal or outright lie. Jews love lying to the point where its embedded in their DNA. They have far less shame then niggers.
what would the pic be abou
ti tend to agree. while the jewish mafia is real, the renewed attention might be distraction. jews as lightning rods
Nick Berg was a mossad agent. An email was sent from his laptop by one of the hijackers. Why was he in the small town that they were taking flight lessons
Yes, Trump knows about the jews. How? Ivanka is married to a super jew who Neta openly said was a good friend of him. Ivankas husband is also close with Soros. Trump is just jewish trickery and a controlled opposition.
Netty is literally pointing him in that direction and then nudging him along. Trump is not ignoring him if that's what you think
>what the shekel slut does now, pic related
Just helping with your grammar, Ludwig.
And here it becomes critical. Israels border was created by england, france and USA. The big alliance of zionist, child fucking jews. The true jews are not european descent, the thing that people constantly forget.
Shekels Messiah(one world religion) on they new 100 shekel papermoney.
he obv wasnt sure where he is. dementia
He fights them all the time and is attacked by them constantly through the media
Oy Vey Trump is totally anti-jew goyim and has totally nothing to do with jews
for example he totally doesn't have a mega-jew as a son-in-law
Pic related, and the fact that Ivana outed him for owning a leather bound copy of Mein Kampf? He's woke and hamming it up for appearances.
I think they have to throw every one out who speaks bad about jews in public, if they wouldn't do that the media had another reason to attack them. Being able to call someone anit-semetic in germany is an instant win for the left and you lose every argument if you try to show support for the organisation...
germany is so cucked, send me some help!
All of this happened around the same time:
>Visits Saudi Arabia before Israel
>Skips Israel when listing victims of terrorist attacks
>Leaves "note to god" in Jew wall stating it's America first from now on
>Rudely walks away from Israel Prime Minister
>Jew media flips out
>Jew politicians discussing rebuking Trump
And now we have more to add to the list
>Taking down their (((media organizations)))
>Speech in Poland about preserving our race
He knows more than you could possible imagine. Not even memeing
He got further redpilled.
exactly! well said. its impossible that a normal person wouldnt notice Jewish control in Jew york city, where all the building owners, including Larry Silverstein, the evil kike that helped orchestrate 9/11 who owned the twin towers, is a Jew. Now hes at the top of the helm and is surrounded by them. Hes allowed his children to marry into the elite ethno-religious tribe as he believes it will strengthen his family ties, but I tihnk hes realized more so than ever now that hes at the top, how much they pull the strings and if he slips up and doesnt do what they say, he'll be assassinated or impeached.
This would fuck off a guy like Donald Trump, who is slightly narcissitic in nature and that would get under his skin deeply. Plus hes pro-white plain and simple. Look at his polish speech. Talking about Sympanies and historical heroes and strong Polish god fearing identity. Obama would never talk like that.
I think Obama is much more a Jew puppet than trump. Just remember both of them dont really have the power to stop it. But Trump may try testing the waters a little bit. Based on this webm, looks like NetanJewhoo said something pushy or assertive, and Trump didnt like it ONE bit. Look at how shattered and rejected Netanjewhoo looks. ahahahahah he realizes if he fucks off the commander and chief so much, the US tax payer bux will be halted and Israel will be eaten alive by neighbouring blood thirsty vengeful Arab states.
Israel may have a superior military and nuclear weapons, but it cant fend off the middle east all by its self, so it made New York the capital of Israel.
so we can then nuke a small strip of land and get them all at once?
Was the Syria betrayal just an act? Was he truly /OurFührer/ all along? Can i dare to hope?
the only reason (((they))) dont want a state of israel (for now) is because they belive the jews are still exiled and can only return to the promissed land when the masaia returns
Yeah,its not like Trump gave away all of his children to marry exclusively jews.
He doesnt know about (((them))),he is one of them.
>fun fulled
Fuck off abo nigger
They are Orthodox. The True believers are kinda Spergy and retarded at times but they firmly believe in their religious teaching and according to them they were supposed to wait for god to give them the promised land and by creating and settle Israel before god said is was OK was literally a breaking of the covenant that damned their entire race forever.
Basically the Zionists thought they could out-jew god himself and the Orthodox realized how badly they fucked them over.
Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is to let them hit rock bottom.
Doesnt change the fact that Talmudic Judaism is basically Satanism. Its all cancer. ALL of it.