Just a little discussion about defending your homestead from the commies. My way of doing it is grabbing a gun and shooting the fuckers, preferably automatic.
How to defend your property against communists
>watch a RangerJesse video
>find fellow men who I trust to have my back
>go out well equipped and fight the commies on their own turf
>don't stop until they're own dead
We don't need your built improvements. We'll happily destroy you in them just to get the land and rid of you.
>implying an undisciplined unarmed minority is going to defeat a well armed and disciplined majority
If you think we'll fight you on your terms, you're just daft.
You won't be deciding the terms of the fight, you don't hold the initiative.
>implying you won't get starved out in the cities.
Kill commission with bombs and gas not bullets they won't get back up.
The most important thing is that you find people you trust to have your back. That's one thing the right-wing has over the left, there's far more men to fight alongside you.
we'll take your weed away and then your starbucks
He probably works at Starbucks, if is any indication.
>tfw this skinny
Young Republifat larper detected.
40% of the USA doesn't like you, either. The people who count the votes simply choose not to care. You, on the other hand, won't have that luxury.
Not me, but that guy is pretty based as far as I'm concerned.
I could literally take on like at least 5 of you and win.
And I'm a basement dwelling NEET with some basic survival skills and guns.
Go ahead and try it you fucking commie losers.
You will find nothing but hell when others like me let loose 25+ years of hatred on you from their dark loli caves.
Conventional warfare is for cucks.
Anyway, time to leave you NEET larpers to your fapping. Maybe you'll figure out who the (((real enemy))) is.
>implying that commies are the only ones who know how to fight guerrilla warfare
Actually, scratch that, commies don't know how to fight guerrilla warfare, they don't have any outdoors or survival skills necessary for it.
You faggots are the ones to die first, becauseyou are soldats to (((them))), useful idiot.
Just start the revolution already. I've been waiting years to blow some commie's brains out.
K then
the only unironic commies i've seen here are stupid old faggots who can't fight for shit and young numale faggots who i can snap like twigs
you people are just lazy cunts who want to make people equal because of your own shortcomings
die in a gutter you poor stupid fucks
>shooting them
communists are too weak to be a threat