>Mfw you will never spend time with someone special like that on a beach
Indian PM Modi and Israel's PM Netanyahu spending some quality time on beach.
>Mfw you will never spend time with someone special like that on a beach
Indian PM Modi and Israel's PM Netanyahu spending some quality time on beach.
What are they even doing?
Here you can see the nerdy beta Indian and the alpha ex-military Harvard graduate superior son of Abraham
>Choose between China and India
>Netanyahu bets on India
I voted for Bibi but god this is retarded. China is the future
>tfw the pm has to poo and forces you to take him to the beach as thats what he is accustomed to
Maybe they just enjoy the beach
You'd understand if you lived by a beach
wtf does the jew know if he is betting on india over china?
Kek. I miss playing that.
Because China doesn't need Israel, India does.
China doesn't hate muslims, India do.
>Bibi showing king poo the benefits of not shitting where you swim.
Are they both going to poo in the ocean
You tell me
Pfft, regardless who you think the future is with, the ovens will be full. One plague, one virus, a single uncontrollable epidemic in either one of those shitholes ends them and likely most of the world. Whatever's left will likely be blaming you kikes for it.
I want to see them play in the waves and splash each other like the end of the Rocky 3 training sequence. I bet Bush and Putin could have really pulled that scene off.
I don't think that faggot whore of a fascist Bibi the wonderkike understands the implications of allowing a poonjabi onto an unshitted expanse of beach. Then again, what the fuck does he care? It's an ethnically cleansed former Palestinian child-drowning station, anyways.
This is close.
You are welcome.
Don't you know? It's the local designated shitting beach.
Good for them!
See? This is how "Jesus" walked on water.
That's why we had him crucified.
Based BiBi teaching Indian how to wash his hand after he wipes.
Israel is more than anti Islam.
R&D, hi-tech, innovation ect
>R&D, hi-tech, innovation ect
And India needs it, China on the other hand don't because they have their own R&D, Hi-tech and innovation.
I think India is kinda better than China
You can't buy us with compliments.....
But it might get you a discount though
We like buying from you guys since unlike US, you guys let us buy the technology with the product.
Check the stats bruh, China is way more developed and influencial, they have tons of investments in Israel. India has a bright future but what is certain is that you should put all your money on india
>You can't buy us with compliments.....
The Jew greatest weakness is that you can easily buy us with compliments..
They both look quite similar, desu. Your Jew worship is perplexing.
You need to be smart like Sri Lanka, they did a gentle dance with both China and India and got themselves a fat check from China buy doing that
Is this guy's superpower to make friends with everyone?
China's political interests lie more in Palesetine than in Israel. About trade, China does billions of dollars of trade with every country on the Globe.
India on the other hand is very selective on its diplomatic and trade stance.
Also, we are the biggest buyers of Israeli weapons.
did they poo side by side like the native savages?
It's in his country's best interest. China is getting increasingly hostile on their border.
Dude what the fuck, thats gay
tfw you dress just like the man you hate
*Should NOT put all your money on India
I've seen loads of pics of indian males holding hands like they were butt buddies
WTF India voted against the formation of Israel.
Then see this.
Just two guys plotting world domination is all. A real down to earth Saturday for the Poo n the Joo
Friendly male hand holding is the true path to peace.
>"our chosen people, goyim....we do not shit on beaches like yours"
shut up kike
you are really stupid
incase anypleb missed it, its no street but modi is standing next to a pile of shit
This just got gayer, never held hands with a guy.
This country is superpower tier in diplomacy. Israel and us are best buddies even though we were against its formation.
India is anti-muslim yet has good relations with gulf countries including saddam.
India tested nukes yet is doing fine and buying Uranium without signing CTET.
Who are these mudbuckets
either way you're stuck on a shitty subcontinent inhabited by faggot dumbfuck savages surrounded by jihadists and chinks
I can't think of a shorter straw in life
You have to be smart bro. China and india are in conflict, you must walk gently between the drops
I like Modi. He seems like a guy who could fix your problems by hearing you out and giving good advice. I don't know anything about his politics though, but he did hug my President.
>Shitty subcontinent
>Inhabited by faggot dumbfucks
Technically no
>Sorrounded by jihadist and chinks
Only jihadist
>Cant think of a shorter straw
Try africa
Only a poo would actually brag about being best buddies with kikes. Your existence must be truly pitiful
"Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about poo on the streets?"
Modi and Trump are kinda very similar in ideology.
When your cunt becomes best buddies with Israel it means you are pouring your money into it, when India became best buddies with Israel it meant they are pouring money into our country.
Why are niggers better than whites?
africa does not apply, being barely subhuman, if that
your homeland at least manages some housekeeping regarding the infrastructural legacy of former masters, and is able to keep a semblance of order and stability
Why Modi is always holdings hands and hugging everyone ?
Is being gay normal in India ?
>Infrastructural legacy
Please those are just memes, India's condition was worse during the colonial times, reads stats on reputable websites. Also India has had its only famine during the colonial times.
edit : read
Kikes like yourself hate Iran, and Ondia hates Muslims. Closest power is India as Pakistan can't do shit in regards to India.
Rot in hell Jew
Speaking of niggers, Pic related.
Its his power move. Pic related.
Or that faggot is just too frail, inbred blood
> Israel is pouring money
He reminds me of these Indian Daddies meme
I guessing this gem
China >>>>> India
Why do you have this kind of shit on your computer ?
Who's the gayest the indian or you ?
>Who's the gayest the indian or you ?
Good, instead of visiting western countries he just headed to visit their master instead.
Why are you shilling so much for China? You know that your big daddy USA has issues with China too. You can't sell all kinds of weapons to China that you can to India.
Plus China is causing trouble for all its neighbors and messing with US interests in South China Sea.
Stay away from China. Otherwise US will have to kick you away.
He's in awe that beaches which aren't caked in Indian shit actually exist
Based malyali like me
That was a different government, a government which was pro muslim.
Times have changed now, and so does the government.
He's stopping your leader from shitting on the beach.
>No no Pajeet. We don't poo on beach here.
Now your government funds your potty training pajeet.
why cant they shit IN the water? you know dig a small hole in the sand for the waves to fill and shit in it?
So when does the pajeet pm squat and take a shit on the Israeli beach claiming it for India ?
LOL I thought it would be common knowledge there that the US vetoed any deals with China so you had to go to India and Modi had to not visit Rammalh this time
This is why the satellite on Elons Falcon 9 was a big message sent to Israel right?!
Modi confused on where the floaters are.
>This is why the satellite on Elons Falcon 9 was a big message sent to Israel right?!
Why not both?
>Jews went to make diplomacy with China
>Weeks later
>Ooops your billion dollar satellite went boom on the launch pad, must have been a glitch
why is indian patriotism so cringy
you guys always choose the cringiest shit when talking about how good india is lol
Now I get that.
Well the satellite that was on top of the Falcon 9 rockets that exploded in strange circumstances had a $500 million wifi satellite that was going to give wifi to Israel and Africa.
The Israel Aerospace Industries( who made the satelitte) lost the most and they are recouping that money now through India in their next satellite/defence deal and the insurance didn't cover and SpaceX has not officially contacted them I don't think which is even stranger.
China had partnered with Israel for the satellite on the Falcon 9 but after it exploded it fell through and I'm sure has hurt trade relation.
The Falcon 9 rockets launched in the last few months will be carrying wifi satellites for UK and US Navy.
atleast they have something to be proud of leaf lmao
Hmm. It makes sense since 3 out of 7 recent Indo-Israel deals are related to satellite launch.
Everything you said is new to me, care to explain brother?
Not following much of India-China news
Man, Hollande was really an embarassment, I hope Macron doesn't end up looking like an assclown like him.