and paying an EU military with it?
I fail to see how this is bad. Why are Brits against making Europe Great Again?
and paying an EU military with it?
I fail to see how this is bad. Why are Brits against making Europe Great Again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because economic cycles aren't in sync across all the EU members.
What's good for Germany might not be so good for Greece. It happens a lot with the interest rates.
Says the german getting literally all the benefits by being the dominant controlling member of said super state
Look if you guys want Merkel to be the Fuhrer that's fine, just come out and say it so we can kick your asses again.
Why exactly does the EU need an army?? Nato exists already.Why another layer of tax payer funded bullshit??
Let me guess so the EU legislative brunch can strong arm any nations within the EU into conformity, mhhh
>What's good for Germany might not be so good for Greece.
Doesn't change the fact that a unified EU corporation tax at say 15% would make sense. currently you got all kinds of percentages, which means corporations end up having their headquarters in Malta or Cyprus, while their operations are located in Poland, France or Sweden... just to avoid paying corporation income tax there.
Not sure how this makes much sense. The EU already successfully combated the attempts to move profits untaxed outside of the EU, but inside the EU there are still all these tax havens for corporations. Why not just make it uniform?
P.S. Greece has a pretty high corporation income tax.
Which nation will have most control of this army? What language will all the soldiers speak? Will all the countries honestly share military secrets to each other?
more like the EU is making europe brown and subservient so the aristocracy can abandon all pretense of giving a shit about anything except lining their own pockets and cheap labour
That's precisely the point of it.
You think Poland would be giving the EU the middle finger on refugees if Poland's territory were literally occupied at every level by an EU military force?
Polish politicians would be in jail for even thinking such blaspheme.
>Why exactly does the EU need an army?? Nato exists already.
NATO doesn't fund any armies. NATO is literally just a building with a few conference rooms. In those buildings, countries meet up and then discuss shit. NATO does NOT help with building up armies, does not help with procurement, does not help with standards setting for battalions, does not even coordinate military missions. NATO literally is just a meeting place for militaries and politicians.
Not to mention there are several EU states which are not in NATO.
>Which nation will have most control of this army?
Germany, France and Italy as the largest countries in the EU will contribute the most.
>What language will all the soldiers speak?
Each country will retain its own military. The things that changes is that each military unit will be required to meet certain standards. Also, certain duplication would be eliminated - if Europe lacks e.g. airforce capabilities, then countries will be urged to build them up while reducing surplus tank military units.
> Will all the countries honestly share military secrets to each other?
What secrets? We already share military intelligence in Europe.
So what you are saying is that each nation should take care and fund of it's own defense, Mmhhh you've given me much to think about germ-cuck.
Why have an army when nukes exist?
What do you need an army for user? Someone you plan on fighting soon?
Why is it always Germans posting this kikery?
to solve problems that are a threat to the entire EU zone that singular states can't solve
Such as?
>>plan on fighting soon??
Yeah why the sudden military build up, shouldn't all diplomatic options be absolutely exhausted before violence is even considered??
ha hah fake news.
>to solve problems that mama Merkel and monsieur Macaroni deem problematic regardless of other members' wishes
Fixed that for you.
>EU military
That part right there.
>Doesn't change the fact that a unified EU corporation tax at say 15% would make sense.
Yes it does. A country being able to control it's own financial system allows them to react to fluctuations and changes in the global economy, as well as regionally and the local economies place within that. Being tethered to what the "EU" (read: Germany / France) want means they can't react quickly to changes.
>Why have an army when nukes exist?
We are building up our EU nuclear warhead depots and ICBM capabilities too. Germany just finished an official legal research paper on it, which will allow the EU to take over the French warheads and Germany to fund ICBMs and build up the warhead numbers.
As to why you need a conventional army? Look at all the conflicts and power projections since 1945. None were resolved with nukes.
>NATO does NOT help with building up armies
Holy fuck you are retarded! Are you fucking 12?
Please do tell us what the "Threat" is. Is it hostile economic migrates?? or perhaps criminally incompetent politicians
I don't know why but the sudden call for an army, the large pushes for women to join the workforce in western countries and many other factors don't bode well.
>hey Brussels, we're thinking of closing the borders to refugees
>hey Brussels, we're thinking of buying some more oil and gas from Russia just in case.
>hey Brussels, we're thinking of leaving.
As a career soldier with experience on the functions and maintenance of a SINGLE nation's military, I can humbly but professionally declare that an "EU-army" whatever the fuck THAT'S supposed to be, will be a logistical, cultural, and national security nightmare at nearly every conceivable level.
That's assuming it's staffed with disciplined career soldiers currently enlisted in the member nations military organizations.
>who pays them?
>settlement of rules of engagement?
>centralized rank structure?
>cross-national authority disputes between personnel of similar rank?
>application of uniformed law?
If your governments demand "diversity" in this clusterfuck, it only gets exponentially worse.
>increased language barrier hurdles
>deep cultural divides on what a military does, and can or cannot do
>lowered minimum standards of fitness, intellect, and ethics
>how to incorporate the dindus and hadjis
>what happens when they decide they don't like it
Look, I can kinda get what they WANT to do, but actually DOING it is going to be a fucking headache at best, at worst it may be the final straw that destroys Europe.
They want to remove national armies. Everything national has to go. Flags, hymns, currencies, armies. Our norwegian currency just removed old currency with historical people and changed it with a fish, ship and a building
the current "refugee" crisis for example
an EU army could replace Frontex, which is the entity managing the borders, and be more efficient at it
it could also allow for more pro-active actions like helping Libya stabilize and stop the migrant fluxes that use it as a hub to move to Europe
Why would you need an EU military when there won't be an EU soon? Or do you think your idiotic and inherently unsustainable political and economic union is going to last forever?
When the Euro collapses, everything will collapse with it.
It makes EU authoritarian dictatorship and can force member states do do eurocrats bidding with "brotherly intervention". Basically turns EU into USSR.
>So what you are saying is that each nation should take care and fund of it's own defense
No, what I am saying is that a federal Europe with a central government in Brussels needs a united, streamlined military. It does not make sense that Poland flies MiGs and Greece flies F-16s etc. Or that Finland uses certain American infantry equipment and Italy certain Russian equipment.
Just like America, ALL crucial equipment used in Europe needs to be European made and European sourced.
Then there is power projection. The European navy lacks nuclear powered aircraft carriers (we got 1 French nuclear powered one), while China is building up a fleet of 6 aircraft carriers with the next gen aircraft carriers being nuclear powered. Also, the number of battleships, u-boats etc. is too low.
Generally speaking, we got too many cooks and too little streamlining. We got dozens of standard assault rifles in use in EU armies, while America has only one standard assault rifle for most of its soldiers. We got dozens of light battle tanks, while America got like 2 or 3 different variations. We got a multitude of fighter planes from various areas and sources. We got nearly 0 ICBMs, while Russia, China and America got a shitton.
We are finally getting a European GPS system, but that isn't even fully operational yet.
And lastly, when we go to war, it is obvious we cannot mount a full scale invasion with 400,000 soldiers. We got the soldiers, but they are not coordinated on a European level and most are not battle ready ... with obvious deficiencies in deployment logistics, training, equipment etc.
>military is exclusively funded by corporation tax
>military is loyal to the corporations that pay them and not the citizens or politicians of the EU
yeah what could possibly go wrong
Because this military will only be deployed to crush Euroscepticism and those that protest against migrants.
You know this, we all do. Why is it Germans are the only pro EU people on this board? You've turned into the leaf since Brexit. What gives? If you don't care, if you want us to go, if you're happy with it, then that's great. At the moment you look like a very angry, crazy ex that keeps calling/texting saying "I HATE YOU, COME BACK TO ME BABY I'M SORRY, I KILL YOU!"
Can you like sort your shit out please? Thanks.
Because the EU is a scheme set up by Germany to force 26 other countries to comply with Germanies will. It's set up so all it's rules and regulations funnel money from other countries into Germany.
This is pretty disturbing news. Germany is now saying they're just taking money directly. No more engineering the EU to benefit Germany, just straight up robbery in the name of "taxation".
They're even setting up a fucking armed force which we all know will have exactly one use. To enforce the EUs will on member countries.
>Holy fuck you are retarded! Are you fucking 12?
NATO does NOT help with building up armies. Provide some argument against it. NATO has no authority, it just issues "joint statements" which include "guidelines" which are completely unenforceable.
Do you think the US president sits together with the 50 state governors of the US and then releases a "joint statement" with "guidelines" on building up the 50 state armies?
Jesus, Americans are beyond retarded.
The European Union has a flag, an anthem, a treasury, parliament and much more. Having it's own Military serves to further it's claims to becoming a Nation State. That's what it all builds up to.
Honestly however they're rushing everything and it's causing unrest. If I was a proper Europhile in politics in Brussels it'd be a slow burning process to sneak it into peoples lives. But recently they've been going all out and it's just pissing people off. Bad strategy overall to me.
Honestly if Europe allows this to happen then let them have it. To quote the Luxembourg motto "We want to remain what we are"., why should we have the headache of all these languages and cultures smashed together and be told to expect them to think of each other as a fellow European? Granted my views are based off of a good couple of European friends (dotted about from France, Germany to Lithuania) they do not see the other countries as a fellow "european".
A question I'd ask right now is what happens to Monarchs in this new Europe? The Benelux nations, Spain etc still have monarchies and unless they're much unloved I don't see them just suddenly going to disappear with nobody getting pissed off about it. Unless they suddenly have a Monarch as a head of state instead of some politician they've never heard about I doubt people will warm to some random political drop-out from Luxembourg as their new glorious leader.
The EU will never have an army. Ever. It simply cannot afford one AND pay for all the social services it provides.
>Because economic cycles aren't in sync across all the EU members.
For corporations they are. Thanks to free movement of capital they always divert their profits to tax havens like Luxembourg and from there to outside EU. With EU taking control of corporate taxation that loop hole is getting shut forever.
This. It's like a corporation attempting to set a level price in every single one of its locations regardless of local economies.
>As a career soldier with experience on the functions and maintenance of a SINGLE nation's military, I can humbly but professionally declare that an "EU-army" whatever the fuck THAT'S supposed to be, will be a logistical, cultural, and national security nightmare at nearly every conceivable level.
You don't know anything about Europe, do you?
You have no idea about what level of cooperation there already is and what there isn't.
As to your questions, if you are interested - google the answers. 90% of them are already addressed as of current year.
They pay you chuckle fucks to maintain your armies and participate in joint exercises.
Attempting to merge dozens of nations that have developed over centuries into a single political bloc
>What's so wrong about an army that our countries don't actually own?
>What's so wrong about an army that will police all of us?
>W-wait, who is telling these armies what to do?
>Why are they here? What's going on?
>Where's OUR military? What's happeni-
They need army to fight future polish and romanian army.
EU vs Intermarium war when?
>pro-active actions like helping Libya stabilize and stop the migrant fluxes that use it as a hub to move to Europe
Wasn't it German and french lead airstrikes that destabilized Libya to begin with?? mhh i could have sworn that merkel and sarkozy took delight in having killed the only man holding back the tide of religious extremists and economic parasites.
No i think that the EU should have no function outside of it's own borders, I when i say it's own borders i mean a small building next to a septic treatment plant
It can afford it, it just won't have any real projection power and it will be a meme army to crush dissent inside the EU and maybe do a few token missions overseas that will end in failure because Germans will go in armed with broomsticks instead of guns.
>The EU will never have an army.
We already have an EU army with an EU military headquarter - it is just that the extent of the streamlining is still pretty bad. Come back when you know something.
The problem is people are appointed for life to government positions and are held to no accountability.
it would be an easy war if you look at how many cucks there are in western countries
>Wasn't it German and french lead airstrikes that destabilized Libya to begin with??
We're partly to blame, but we proposed sending a joint task force to the Libyan ports to arrest smugglers and destroy the boats.
The EU refused and instead have paid a bunch of NGO's to hoover up migrants off the coast.
I'm literally on a nato mission to help build another countries army
Every general in 50 years was an American, every weapons bought was from USA. What EU military? ARE YOU A RETARD? SURE YOU ARE, ALL CHRISTIANS ARE RETARDS.
Soon the situation will be normalized comrades, all is well.
>They pay you chuckle fucks to maintain your armies and participate in joint exercises.
What? NATO doesn't pay a dime to anyone. NATO is a freaking building. Look it up. We are talking about a few million - mostly to pay NATO staffers and buildings. There isn't a single tank or military aircraft owned or funded by NATO.
>>central government in Brussels needs a united, streamlined military
narr, I tell you what we will issue the EU with wooden sound makers. How does that sound personally i feel even that might be to much.
Actually, one of NATOs guidelines is member countries spend 2% of their GDP on building up their own defences. Which most countries, including Germany consistently fail to meet.
Literally the founding principle of NATO is all member countries have a strong military so they can come to the assistance of any other country in NATO if it's ever needed. But this is ignored by most countries because the US is part of NATO and they feel like they don't need to build up their own military because America has their back (until Trump told them to stop fucking leeching anyway).
The whole reason for this EU army is because with Trump as president the EU knows they cannot just leech off of America anymore (or the UK).
who's in charge of this army? Germany? What language will they speak? How many units, size, composition, infrastructure... NATO countries don't hit their 2% of GDP funding as it is, and now the EU wants an army?
>I'm literally on a nato mission to help build another countries army
It has a NATO sticker, but it does not have NATO generals, NATO armies, NATO tanks, NATO airplanes etc.
Again, NATO is just a building with conference rooms. It may issue stickers, but that is that. All the command structures are still in the hands of the countries that contribute. There are no NATO soldiers, NATO tanks, NATO jets controlled by NATO.
>Make Eu army
>Standartization of equipment ( America has a few douzens systems Europeans have more than 200 )
>More effective
>Because of working together they will be better in every regard
Because Germans know the EU is their ticket to finally controlling and ruining Europe for good.
I'm just saying, it's going to be a clusterfuck, much moreso now that instead of trying to grow it organically, they're trying to force one together.
A military is a culture as much as anything, it isn't just a bunch of people with guns. Treating it as something you can 'build' like a housing complex or something is a mistake. It won't work nearly as smoothly as you like to think it will.
Looking at your disparate nations militaries, even the subject of regular equipment maintenance, examined in a vacuum, fills me with doubts. Standardizing your equipment would beggar any ten nations, and not doing so makes it a logistical nightmare.
But fuck me, what do I know?
Keep at it, Germany.
I'll be keeping notes on your progress for posterity.
Free movement of capital, products and people. People only seem to remember the latter two but forget that corporations have gotten away with their taxes for decades now by diverting them to Schengen area tax havens like Luxembourg and London City where they've been diverted to offshore tax evasion economies like the Caiman Islands or Bahamas.
>Actually, one of NATOs guidelines is member countries spend 2% of their GDP on building up their own defences. Which most countries, including Germany consistently fail to meet.
That guideline was passed in 2014, retard. And applies from 2024 onwards.
Look up the Wales summit statement.
You know it's bad enough getting European nations to share intelligence on terrorists.
Allah help them with military intelligence sharing, dissent, non cooperation and the things you've just mentioned..
The history of Europe is resistance to tyrants who wanted to unify Europe.
>What's so bad about giving up our freedom and our money
>and paying an USSR military with it?
>I fail to see how this is bad. Why are Brits against making Europe Soviet Union Again?
kys fag
Germany is surrounded by friendly nations, they don't need army. Only countries on the borders of EU need military, the stronger the better. Also last time countries like Poland had german tanks on their soil it was disaster.
>joint exercises
I never exercise without one
>There isn't a single tank or military aircraft owned or funded by NATO
No shit. It's like you read what I said, but didn't understand it. Except for the funded part.
They don't want to deal with EU fags that want to basically control their country. Sovereignty is what Brits want.
>NATO is just a building with conference rooms.
NATO is actually a military alliance, not a building with conference rooms. look it up.
>all armies are just a front for corporations
Looks like Kojima was right once again.
>on building up their own defences
No, you are spending money to build American military outposts in EU, where Americans decide 100% when to use those missiles on Polish borders and they also decide 100% of times what the codes are and where to send your ass in next war, like for example Afghanistan. There is nothing own here, we own nothing.
>Lose all your time trying to get your point across in a foreign language
>End up doing nothing anyway since nobody can agree on anything
>Nobody is motivated because nobody cares about the EU
It sure will be more efficient.
Unification never ends well, especially when it's Germany up to their old tricks again!
Where are they going to get the soliders for this army? Sand-niggers? Feminists? Euro cucks?
Funny how that's what Hitler wanted to do in the first place. Now all of a sudden it's okay.
I'm back. The EU have an army yet? no.
This,god bless
EU army is a good thing also. We need to have a say in the middle east or america will fuck up again while we pay the bills. Stronger navy is required to defend EU and its member nations interests in Asia.
God knows Dutch cant defend his overseas territories against rising Asia. She will end up like Brits if they dont get weight behind their punches
Plus Russia can fuck off.
Its worth noting that EU already has multiple taskforces. Concept aint impossible in any way, burgers can fuck off too to their little island.
That's another concern of mine.
Could you imagine?
Just a RUMOR of it would see Brussels burned to ashes.
>NATO is actually a military alliance, not a building with conference rooms. look it up.
No, it is a building with conference rooms. It may be styled as a military alliance, but on the surface of Earth - it is just that. Some bureaucracy with no power whatsoever. It is comparable to the UN. the UN does shit, it just allows people to grandstand in public.
The argument of "We got NATO, why would we need a capable, streamlined European military" is as retarded as "We got the UN, why would America need a military".
The EU was always supposed to be a superpower to rival the US, that's why Trump hates it so much.
>The EU was always supposed to be a superpower to rival the US, that's why Trump hates it so much.
Very rarely, but sometimes, a British flag poster posts the truth.
This is exactly correct. Americans hate the EU because the EU is a potential rival. So America wants to keep the EU weak and in disarray, otherwise it has to deal with China and Europe.
We always post the truth, and if any American hates the EU it's because they've seen what we've seen.
Don't go mistaking anything you cuck.
Agreed, but it'll still be fun and interesting to watch.
>do everything the EU itself tried to do over nearly a century in less than a decade
>only this time everyone has guns and a history of national pride
It's like watching a live grenade laying on the ground without a pin, breathlessly waiting for it to explode.
This really is the best timeline.
Brits, just so you know, I'm with you if they try any shit.
Germany isn't going to unify the tax system.
>No, it is a building with conference rooms. It may be styled as a military alliance, but on the surface of Earth - it is just that.
are you being autistic about this on purpose? just to be clear, you're making the claim that if a NATO member state was attacked, the other members of NATO would not hold up their end up the bargain and defend that member state? this isn't necessarily outside of the overton window, but it's certainly asinine and would make NATO amount to the west's greatest bluff of all time.
and just to be clear - i think there probably is room and reason for a military presence in europe, but i don't think a "streamlined european military" paid for by a corporate tax is anything close to the right answer. this is not what the people want, but rather what your politicians are presenting as the only way forward in an effort to concentrate more power for themselves.
The history of Europe is resistance to tyrants who wanted to unify Europe.
Americans don't hate EU/NATO, Americans are the EU/NATO, they only pretend they aren't the ones sending us migrants from their wars, written by their refugee laws. Get real, USA isn't your friend.
But I wanna b ur frend. :(
So when are you giving us those Leopard-3s?
not anymore, they fucked up
Since when did the USA have wars in Niger, Angola, Ethiopia, Somalia etc?
You're not getting "Syrians". They are all niggers so don't try to blame the USA for this one, maybe under Obama your claims would have some weight but no longer.
And we have no friends, we're content with that because at the end of the day it's all for one and one for none. You just can't rely on anyone else for anything.
It's a classic good and bad cop bullshit with republicans and democrats, all working for same billionaires. It's the same good and bad cop bullshit with Juncker and Trump. All Juncker ever done was for benefit of American billionaires, all Juncker ever done was to create United States of Europe, all Juncker never done is to benefit any native citizen of EU. Merkel is the same, all she does is deny Trump, but really nothing she ever done that didn't benefit American billionaires. It's American crisis that influences us, it's American products and it's American pesticides they import here, it's American-made refugees, it's American laws. USA is the real enemy of white people and Europe.
I don't see it either, we already have the obligation to come to each others rescue, and besides that a massive interest in defending the entire eurozone (one of us being invaded would ruin the entire economy of the rest).
One thing I would like to see is more direct democracy. Let my province elect a representative who goes to Brussels on my behalf. At least that way we can secure a more perfect monetary union.
Because you very naughty and silly goy, you will be the one invaded by this EU army should you ever DARE put uncle Geert anywhere near your parliament!