Hay. I was disrecpected by a fucking nigger in 711. In Staten Island, NY. How do we take this cocksucking nigger down?
Hay. I was disrecpected by a fucking nigger in 711. In Staten Island, NY. How do we take this cocksucking nigger down?
Make a complaint to head office like a normal human being o.O
Does it work there or just a random nigger?
Not go into ghetto trash stores like 7/11?
If you get bitten when you put your hand in a snake pit,I dont feel sorry for you.
>Corporate merchandising 2017.
I love Sup Forums's report function. Did you know that sage goes in the options field?
Last time I went to 7/11 I swear there was a cockroach in the soda fountain. Gross!
He legit got on rascist shit with me. I want him fired. Immediately, and I don't want to have to drag him out of the fucking place and put him in the hudson. What do I do.
You accept the fact that you're a worthless human being and kys.
this is a legit complaint. 7/11 is a franchise. if they have disrespectful niggers working, the profits go down cause ppl will avoid those locations.
Grab a gun and smoke his head of nigger
Shit on the floor in the bathroom and piss all over everything.
is 711 ''that store'' where all nigger kids fathers are at?
he works there, has a name tag. he's just a fucking goddamn nigger of the niggerest degree. i don't know how or why he's even employed but he needs to go. now.
interestingly, no. i'ts where all the single mothers with 4 kids (all of which have different fathers) work. and then you get your run of the mill ghetto trash nigger who wants to act how he does. i have no idea why people have not firebombed this location because of the nigger infestation that's employed there, but i understand the owners reasons for having them be literal slaves. they're still niggers. they need to go.
what a cuck you are topkek
One time a paki disrespected me so I went into there bathroom and defecated all the walls and floor and piss all over the sink, toilet flusher, door knob and ceiling. I then left the place and returned half passed midnight when the shitskin was closing his shift and threw balloons filled with shit piss and cum at him.
go back there and mumble 'nigger' while he is serving you.
>uses disrespect as a verb
You are the nog.
You're in Staten Island, you sure you're not the nigger yourself?
I work at a 711 ama
fuck off, leaf.
that's funy. but it's not like that there; theres no bathroom to the public.
anyone wanna take these fuckers down? no? well, go die then.
why do they only hire niggers?
Stop being a whiny bitch.
>There's a start.
Call him a nigger to remind him he's a nigger. Niggers hate nothing more than being reminded that they're niggers, except for maybe filling out job applications and raising children, but that's why they don't want anyone to say nigger.
Say it with extra nigger.
Are you under some sort of illusion that Sup Forums is a place for formal speech? If so I suggest you reformat and resubmit your post without using the word "nog".
shut up bogan. you should be so lucky as to have convenience of what is a 711. you don't. but when i go there, i don't want FUCKING GODDAMN NIGGERS THERE.
instant way to lose business forever.
Man up and stop bitching.
Egos are for niggers
>anyone wanna take these fuckers down? no? well, go die then.
Based on your childish posts why should we do anything. You have not stated what he did, his name, the store location, or anything.
or maybe in your case Sup Forums is too grown up. try that's where the 12 year olds learn how to shitpost