Why don't we recolonize the world in the name of liberation

What's stopping the West from sending 10 million or so troops into, say, Africa and setting up courts and a justice system and just imposing America's rule of law in any country we deem too barbaric for self governance? Elections would remain unchanged with only current American citizens and their posterity being eligible to vote and run for office, but the entire rest of the world would fall under our legal jurisdiction.

That way American citizens could safely live in any country and do business and develop uncultivated land. With the enormous gain in real estate, housing prices would plummet eliminating all homelessness worldwide. We'd also see an economic renaissance like never before as all the idle resources that are currently in the hands of incompetents would be made available to whichever individual or firm can bid the highest, thus ensuring that they're put to good use out of the investors' self interests to see as a return.

And don't forget, this would benefit 3rd worlders the most. We already live comfortable lives that will only get much more comfortable. 3rd worlders, on the other hand, are in a state of suffering. Freeing them from the violence they inflict upon each other will allow them to participate as productive members of the economy as well, and while it's obvious they will be much poorer on average than us Westerners, especially early on in their liberation, we must remember what is important is that their standards of living in absolute terms will improve immeasurably along with everyone else's.

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Fuck off bourgeois scum

it would undermine the world order the usa set up after ww2, human rights and all that. the people in charge make more money this way than through colonialism

>Israleli colony
>why don't we recolonize...

You exist only to fuck shit up for Israel as they see fit, you don't have will or goverment of your own.

What's stopping us? Desire. Why the fuck would we want to spend american lives to impose our laws on fucking africa? The whole world could burn. As long as they leave us out of it, they're welcome to it.

we should start in the middle east.

There would be minimal causalities and the boom to the economy would send the Dow into the millions

Because the American way isn't good enough for us. America has bad leadership, and if you refuse to follow us there shouldn't be a United States any longer.

It prevents societal collapse. Whenever a nation can't find something to keep it spinning, like expanding spheres of influence, growing alliances, colonization, or conquests, they collapse. We've just about hit the first three to the max.

You know Hans, if this were 1957, you'd be going to prison for saying that.

Because niggers can't maintain civilization. Anything we set up would be breathing through a tube until we decide it costs too much and pull the plug.

You are a faggot.

that is why we need multiple colonizing efforts from different countries.

are you crazy? we need africa to rot so that we can sit around in our cars driving everywhere, speaking on our mobile phones with rare earths that little african children dig up.

If Africa becomes civilized we are doomed

The goddamn Kraut has the balls to lecture us about bad leadership when his guys have made destroying Europe an art form.

I just fucking hate you.

Don't complain anymore about getting fucked in the ass by Jews, if you think this shit is good only when you, anglo scum, do it.

So the jews can spread more degeneracy around the world like is doing it in your country??? and get more terriotory for it??? NOT A GOOD IDEA AMIGO

Didn't work so well in the Middle East senpai. Americans have a ridiculously simplistic view of the world and the complexities of the struggles different places on Earth are dealing with.

Like in Afghanistan you guys just sided with whoever called someone else a terrorist, and so you were running around basically killing people in everyday tribal conflict because every tribe would lie about every other tribe being Al-Qaeda and you just trusted what they said because you assumed they considered you liberators.

You can't just pave over the problems of these ridiculously complex regions with "forced democracy" and drone strikes. The most success you had as an imperial power was rather installing local dictators that catered to American interests, you should keep doing that, rather than trying to flex your biceps all over a region that you don't understand and get your ass kicked.

don't worry, paco, your country's first

May be of interest

>babies first i can save the world just listen to ME

we tried to install a government there. Those people are incapable of governing themselves. Therefore we make the laws and enforce them on everyone. They try cutting someone's hand off for stealing? bam. cruel and unusual punishment, lock them up. No more needing 5 male witnesses to confirm a rape, that don't fly no more. etc, etc, etc the liberals will love it

>What's stopping the West from saving the world

yeah, first on dominating your country without war :D

Yeah, the ((US)) tanking the housing market always does wonders for the world. Flawless logic cup.

Look at the half-century history of the Middle East for reference.

Purge of retars Ameri-posters when?

Cause americans/jews have a more sophisticated colonialism nowadays

that fine, actually. Your women leap on the cock of any white man above 5'10, and white women think mexicans are short, smelly, and gross

>What's stopping the West from sending 10 million or so troops into, say, Africa and setting up courts and a justice system and just imposing America's rule of law in any country we deem too barbaric for self governance?
Law and people.

If you understood Afghanistan you'd know the country is incredibly decentralized, whoever is in charge in Kabul is irrelevant, you need to support local warlords too, who will actually have some level of control over the countryside where all the radicalism stems from. You just need to make sure they are in agreement with American interests and not fucking radical Islamic terrorists like Al-Qaeda for fuck's sake, be sure they're a group that at least has an official pro-American or at least pro-democratic stance.

Yeah, thats why hispanics are the second prefered group for white girls, makes me think

The American strategy in the Middle East could have worked if they supported the right people and remained otherwise totally uninvolved, like giving funding to Saddam and other nationalists for instance rather than radical Islamic goat-fucking retards from the mountains. A nation needs to undergo a process of (often painful) national unification before any democratic process has even the slightest chance of success.

Some people don't want to live free. It's best to mind our own business or else many North Koreas will spring up and generally be a disgusting waste of humanity seeking to cut away our liberties and turn the only worthwhile civilizations into smoldering ashes.

The only way it would be feasible would be to do it Trail of Tears style and displace the miserable wastes of space, or better yet end their misery once and for all and just take what they can't handle without the possibility of revenge.

All in all, I'd finish what we started in places like Iraq and North Korea to kill off the hateful hellbent from causing us problems, but I'm no fucking neo-con so I'd stop there and let the rest of the world's idiots tire themselves of stupid ideologies. I'd follow Ron Paul's mentality at that point.

Because the west has trouble enforcing the rule of law in the west.

How the fuck are you going to enforce the rule of law on low IQ savages who burn people alive for stealing mud cookies?

Simply because people have different ways to "be free" in their own countries.
Only America has libertarianism as a religion.

Being free isn't a spectrum cuck.

Also, have you seen what SJWs do to our military, there's no way 10 million of these would do much other than take more bullets. Maybe if we had more automated killing machines.

>Being libertarian
>Calling other people cuck
Okay dude

The only people less cucked than libertarians are ancaps because they basque in absolute freedom.

The real uncuckery is absolute state controll over everything.
Oceania from 1984 looks too much libertarian to me

>absolute state control over everything
>is fascist
>ignores nazi Germany being more powerful than Italy because they were smart enough to not have absolute state control over their economy
Okay cuck.

I haven't taken a look at Oceania regions economy wise, but I doubt they're "too" libertarian.

I was being ironic there, but if you bring it like this.

Nazi Germany had a war-fueled economy, italy was a peace-time economy.
Italy had Corporations, unions between CEOs and Workes controlled by the State, and our economy got far better that how it was before.
Also the point of fascism isn't to "woo go richey" but to build a great nation thus making every poor people have enough welfare and money.
And we managed to do it, you libcuck

>war feuled economy
>nazi germany disallows war profit from companies
I don't see who benefits other than the parasitic state because of war.

>the point isn't to "woo go richey" but give poor people welfare
Sounds terrible. If you want to help the poor there's plenty of voluntary ways with charities. Also, the point isn't to let a few horde the wealth with state based monopolies and regulations but to let it naturally spread out so many get rich, since to get rich you have to intrinsically work with the community, and eventually everyone else gets rich over time.
Don't confuse me with a liberal.

Because I want to focus on my actual people and my country and you proxy faggos should do the same. Wow, imagine a world where we all mind our own business!

Because the comfy soccer moms have to watch the process in meticulously exploited, bloody detail and then virtue signal about the horror of it all until nobody can stand it any more and we pack it in. Suburban soccer moms leveraged by modern media would have been Hitler and Hirojito's most productive allies and would have sealed the victory for the Axis powers.

"Our cities have never been bombed and our mothers have never been told to SHUT UP" - Charles Bukowski

>Why can't we just empire the world?
Well I doubt that could be done without a WW3.

Because it is far more profitable to do like china is doing and the powers that be don't care about getting more land, only money and resources.

I agree, colonization would lead to vastly increased quality of life over there but no one is going to spend the money, time, and lives required.

America already is an empire, but is smarter than the british were, as they don't try to physically conquer and control a country. That'd be too costly, and honestly it is the reason they shit everywhere - destroy a stable state, put a illegitimate puppet with no true support, the entire region burns. Rinse and repeat.
Also, a political American empire could turn into more white guilt as the years go by, see how blacks and arabs are so butthurt about the europeans today, it'd be worse on the long run.

>What's stopping the West from sending 10 million or so troops into, say, Africa and setting up courts and a justice system and just imposing America's rule of law

Africa is literally owned by Communist China you moron. That's why.

Also, aside from having nukes your army if fat and weak. You stand no chance against Vietnam or even Syria in real war.

Nah, Tzetze flies and malaria would fuck up this entire plan. Burgers can't into discipline.

>What's stopping the West from sending 10 million or so troops into, say, Africa and setting up courts and a justice system and just imposing America's rule of law in any country we deem too barbaric for self governance?

The Jews. We don't even have rule of law in our own countries.

That and there's nothing in Africa worth wasting troops on we can buy from warlord niggers anyhow.

>Sounds terrible
It may to you since you're libertarian, for me as a fascist it sounds perfectly good.
>I don't see who benefits other than the parasitic state because of war
I never said privates got benefits from war in Nazi Germany, I was just pointing out how their economy would've died with war, unlike italian one.

Why not finish what we started?

Being somewhat short of 10 million troops.

>Be american
>See a country in civil war/with a "dictator"/troubled
>Side with the first people that seem to like you
>Start killing everyone
>Destabilize the country by making your friends go to power even if only a minority supports them
>The old order in the country is destroyed because with the previous victory in the civil war other revolutionaries think they can form their own government
>Civil wars never end
>Constant social troubles
>"These people just can't govern themselves"

Only if we castrate or genocide the natives

>to Africa
So you want to reunite with your fellow people, amerinigger? Go ahead.

This. These countries were a lot better under British governance than under amerimutt power fantasy chimpout.

Our foreign policy is monkey-tier
>find a state that isn't democratic
>bomb them into the stone age and murder their leader
>bring in some corporations
>leave the country with a weak government incapable of ruling
>threaten to go back in if they don't obey our (((democracy)))

kekked hard

Says the country that's behaving like niggers because political leaders are in town.

today west doesnt have 10 million soldiers to fight in shitholes.

in the past west had colonial empires and started cold war against ussr
ussr sold Kalashnikov to niggers in colonial empires
millions of niggers and asians with kalashnikov rifles killed 2-rate colonial armies