Any oldfags here remember /new/?
Any oldfags here remember /new/?
Back in my senior years in highschool. 10 years ago now. How time passes.
when did the cancer start?
When anonymoose became corporatist shills which was sometime after Obama got elected. As soon as the identity politics scene came around it all went to shit for a while.
Not quite. I started shitting around on Sup Forums just before captcha was added, and didn't venture outside Sup Forums for about a year.
rember chon?
i member chon
That's the secret m8, it's always been cancer.
I got in right at the start of the Sup Forums reich. I miss those days.
>Any oldfags
Yes...and your image is wrong. Newfag dynasty started in Summer 2007 with shit like Chocolate Rain and Rickroll that acted as the invitation to to them...Probably should place a Fawkes Guy mask on that Newfag Dynasty flag too.
I been coming here since early 2005 and in 07-08 I mostly frequented 7chan, 420chan, 711chan ect once Sup Forums became cluttered with newfags. I don't think Sup Forums ever recovered from that incident.
October 1, 2003
same here, good times
wow they figured that out even back then?
i wasn't born yet :^)
I'm aware of the checkerboard post and am not responding to it.
It was supposed to be a place to discuss the daily news.
Then it became beautiful, so marvelous it had to be shut down... twice.
Both times caused the cancer to spread to other boards. m00ts faggotry was enormous.
Habbo raid were the beginning of the end. If you discovered Sup Forums after that, you are a newfag.
Hate to do the always shit meme, but it's true. I've been around for a bit over 10 years and there were always annoying little cunts and dumb fucks on here.
One thing I have noticed recently is the lack of discussion on the Jewish question. Which I attribute somewhat to the Jew meme dying off, the rise of Pepe coming out of fit and r9gay, MAGA Reddit faggots coming en-masse (we always had people migrating from liberal shit holes thinking this was ironic), and these things: ((())) which seem to prevent us openly saying Jew/Kike/Heeb etc.
2007 is when I first discovered Sup Forums coincidentally
I also regularly shitpost
this time line is wrong is wrong and cancerous. /n/ was better
I made my first visit to Sup Forums as part of an expedition from totse in 2003/4
Quickly huffed some raid and walked away
>((())) Prevents us from speaking openly about the Jews
But if everyone know who we're referring to when we talk about (((them))) how isn't it open?
Started browsing here in 2014
Started posting here in 2016
maybe a newfag but better than most of the underage T_D that currently occupy Sup Forums
Sup Forums has fallen into the hands of idiot kids and boomers who treat politics like football rather then having an interest in actually solving problems and discussing how jews are the stem of our discord
There's cancer and then there's actual cancer. The cancer started in around 2007 and has passively remained in a linear uptrend. The actual cancer came in 2014 when Sup Forums started getting namedropped everywhere. It peaked at 2016 when browsing reddit was no longer an insult and shit like "cmon dude everyone browses reddit haha :)" was no longer a shitpost.
Take the redditfrog as an example. Some time ago people would've said "hold on guys, we've been posting this meme for 7 years so far and its no longer funny or interesting, maybe it's time to create new OC?". That is no longer the case - a lot of people (redditors) are still unironically posting that frog in 20 fucking 17, which is a proof that Sup Forums's old OC-promoting system is dead and the site no longer filters old content as it did once with the trollface and rage comics.
Remember poopoo peepee? That was the organic attempt to kill the meme as it was too old and spread into the mainstream. Then the redditor plague came and brought it back up as it was still new and funny for them. It's continuing up until today, with shit like kekistan unironically existing. That's what real cancer looks like.
>maga dynasty
Im from 2009 so i'm probably from newfag dyanasty and kekistani faggots aren't Sup Forums
They are hellspawn of nu/pol/tards and Sarcuck semen.
Its wasn't created here and nu/pol/tards are despised universally across Sup Forums for their normalfaggotry.
They are literally normalfags who spread their shit all across other platforms like facebook, twitter and reddit. They are so much normie that they want to "normalise" Sup Forums culture to mainstreem plebs so they would be "accepted".
It's always cringe how these plebs misuse memes like "Reeee" or "Kek" and call other faggots "fucking normies" when they are embodiment of normie.
They never even called moot a faggot for fuck sakes.
I came here from reddit last year but I larp as an oldfag all the time. u mad bro xD
Young fag get out! REEEE
It was kinda like Sup Forums but better.
updated after hours of autism
what caused the various changes? Like the MAGA Dynasty comes from Trumps run. What about the others? Why did the board become national socialists?
I've been on Sup Forums since 2011. it's different now. Sup Forums used to be a much slower board, and the quality of posting was just better. for one thing, you could have a debate. most replies were answered because the board was slower and people were more willing to engage
quality was higher because no reddit/Trumpfags yet
>Why did the board become national socialists?
It was a stormfront raid where they all coordinated into posting their propaganda via a literal shill program designed for such purposes. It seems that they succeeded.
Also, most of the triggering shit you see posted on Sup Forums nowadays (blacked threads, whites btfo, refugees running over whites, etc) is mainly stormfront or TRS trying to trigger the board into becoming nazis. Not that there isn't the exact same shit from the opposite side as well (see: SRS)
>Why did the board become national socialists?
Oi. Respect the emu, achmed
But what about race realism? Wasn't that part of it? When did Sup Forums take the red pill on race and gender? Were old fags not racists at all?
Are oldfags still alive?
Does anyone still posts here?
Nah, they all lost the game.
stormfags started on /new/ 2010, rascist shit came out of Sup Forums for shock value, alot carried over to Sup Forums.
shit got ecclectic and aesthetic when it took on a life of its own with the redpilling in 2012
most oldfags weren't racists they were weebs and trolls
>Are oldfags still alive?
no. they're all extinct
Oh fug good times.
>But what about race realism? Wasn't that part of it? When did Sup Forums take the red pill on race and gender? Were old fags not racists at all?
The problem here is that the oldfags didn't do it because of "muh race", they did it because they weren't allowed to do it on any other place on the internet so they came to Sup Forums to call people niggers and faggots.
Then, the mainstream started becoming more and more SJW in about 2007-8, so Sup Forums, being the place that attracted people who were mad at society for not allowing them to have free speech, reacted by becoming even more racist. That's how anons started spamming those old "nigger facts" pictures and IQ graphs, which then evolved into "why is everyone trying to censor this information?", which then evolved to exposing kikes and so on.
In short, they didn't use to do it because they wanted a second Hitler, they did it because it was free speech and not allowed to be done anywhere else. The stormweenies then came and capitalized on the moment by converting most people into National Socialists
>the redpilling in 2012
was that caused by Obama's policies or by information leaking on race and IQ, crime statistics, etc?
Sup Forumstard dynasty reporting in
Can't believe it's been 10 years I've been coming to this site.
Kekistan masterrace here. All the rest are just weebs and traps larping as nazis.
Happening fag here
Lol fuck off.
Sup Forums-harbour.
no. it was a response to the rabid levels of sjw-ism on most social media and a desire to keep it away from the board. it evolved part from stormfront agiprop, part anymoos activism and part happening posts over a period of a couple years.
do you think national socialism, the philosophy, is wrong? By that I just mean that race is foundation to society/civilization. Sorry I always feel like the national socialism I see is never talked about or understood. I don't mean authoritarian governments, or necessarily big governments at all. Rather I see that the government itself must be first tasked with the survival of its people, and then secondly the survival of its peoples ideas.
Remember when Sup Forums was a textboard?
Newfag dynasty, feels good
What exactly happened with Sup Forums harbor? Was it a raid or was it Moot fucking with you guys?
Found Sup Forums and /h/ in 2009, didn't start on Sup Forums until around 2014.
luggage lad lowered the blast shields
I wanna know what this means
>fuck you
i lost the game
this post was cancer
>inb4 you rekt my nu/pol/ ass for not enough unironic OC promotion....
the frogs are a plague you shills are cancer
>do you think national socialism, the philosophy, is wrong?
Yes it is because the only way to achieve it is through direct control of social life by the state, which is impossible and bound to implode. Once it does implode the nation will enter a phase of degeneracy several times more serious than if National Socialism never took control
Now in addition to that, I think that obsessions over nation-level "degeneracy" is bullshit and people should stop doing it. There are far, FAR more important issues that need to be covered by the state, like the rapid expansion of humanity into space and infinite resource abundance. Everything else is a secondary unimportant problem.
>Rather I see that the government itself must be first tasked with the survival of its people, and then secondly the survival of its peoples ideas.
That's just nationalism or patriotism even
fuck off reddit
took of captcha posted it as a banner for other boards to raid and put and 8 step guide to cuckolding on the front page and porn was allowed
Shill Central Station, sanctioned by the big admin.
Shitloads of people ditched the place and went to infinitychan, but I reckon alot of them came back.
howd i miss quads desu?!!
2007 is when Sup Forums as a whole took an irreversible nose dive. That's when the row row fight the powah xD shit happened and was when all the Chris chan shit went down.
>went to infinitychan
u mean cripple-chan?
> Chris chan shit went down.
oh fug
>no captcha
>every board invited to fuck with Sup Forums
>no moderation
>"8 steps of cuckholding" playing on a loop for like 3 weeks
>"pol" filtered to "Tumblr"
>"cuck" filtered to "cluck"
>the words "trigger warning" scrolled above every post
However it caused every newfag to leave. Only the strongest willed of us remained. We desperately need another Sup Forums harbor to cleanse this board of Reddit fags. No way they could tolerate it.
oh no guys he said if I don't take it as an insult then I'm another insult
this is why I'm the only one replying to you, you fucking dumb stab in the dark, no wonder you love niggers you're a mudcunt thick as a stump
Yes. The last time threads had any real value.
Pic related.
wow its actually accurate
this makes way more sense Sup Forumstard dynasty reporting in
Poopoo peepee was /r9k/ trying to stop normies using the meme, not stop its usuage on /r9k/. In fact it would probably have died off here like lolcats, rage comics, advice dog etc. if they hadn't tried to '''save''' it with that shit before (((they))) decided to turn it into a hate symbol, giving it a new lease of life here.