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pedos sticking together. what a surprise.

my subway still serves bacon, and the pakis just wear gloves when they touch it, which is a good thing.

>yuropes are fucking retarded


Owned by Ireland, they decided it years ago, now it's caught on.

Inshallah ackbar snackbar my Islamic Abdullah the Lullah sucker.

>my subway still serves bacon
not for long

Remember when their spokesperson was found out to be a kiddy diddler?

Inshallah fuck u dirt infidel allaaaaaaahhhhhhh oasjhasla

A shame people aren't capable of saying they don't want something on their sub.

I can get behind switching the non-pork items to halal only but pork should still be an option.

subway is not a company for wholesome, white christian families

whats wrong with this?
if subway decides to remove ham and bacon from its stores in an islamic country its their own choice.
where is it? by the way. saudi arabia or something right?

>wear gloves when serving pork
So they don't wear gloves when serving anything else? What kind of shitty Subway do you have in leaf land?

I bet $500 this is fake news.

>implying it's not local faggotry

It's bad enough, but no white area Subway is going to scrap pork.

I do. Remember when they fired him?

>don't want something on their sub.
It's not about the sub. Those pansies are complaining about your hands maybe having touched pork hours ago and possibly some grease from it getting on their food.

Fucking crybabies mewling that their tendies aren't done the right way.

Yet more incentive to buy from local businesses instead, and keep the wealth in your own country

What the fuck what's wrong with people just not ordering the shit they don't like what utter fuck

Sounds like a good way to piss off people and not eat there.

Yeah no shit, wasn't it them who also reported months ago that subway chicken is only like 20% chicken - dat ain't halal

Much like the Spanish inquisition to prove you weren't a Jew, it is important now to eat pork products, keep the demand high and fuck Muslims

This article is 3 years old, and they still have bacon, yes the guy changes gloves everytime he makes a new sandwich.

Remember how he got caught? He was telling his female friend about his trip and was like "I fucked a 10 yr old boy in the ass, it felt sooooo good."

Lol can't make this shit up.


Sup Forums is retarded and think they should have the right to tell private businesses what they can and can't do on their property


in the case of subway it's very easy to do that yes

Pedos pandering to pedos.
Not surprising.

low energy bait

>he doesnt like BLTS
>he doesnt like swiss/ham/mustard/onion subs


Imagine my shock

>30 Apr 2014

Man. Everything outside the US seems like such a shitty place to live.

I bet this happens here at Tim Hortons soon. There is tons of muzzies working there

You can't make this shit up lmao

but the shitty place to live is you
and we have it better over here

Such entitled pigs. This is a conquest and we are doing nothing.

The systemic murder of all the muslims is the only way. The women and children too. Erase them from history and burn every holy text of their foul religion. Demolish their mosques and their holy sites, grind them into dust.

Erase every trace that they ever existed -

- and history will smile on us.

he was being sarcastic you fucking retards. I really hate Sup Forums now, the newfags are stupid as shit.

And they wonder why is nobody eating in subway and they have to close stores.

can we organize a boycott over catering to terrorism? non-muslim customers still outnumber muslim ones here in america

I live almost 200 miles away from any big (((city))). Life is pretty great in my small town.

>- and history will smile on us.
No it won't, and that's the point.
Islam should not linger even in memory.


Where am I gonna eat fastfood now?
I hate hamburgers and pizzas are for movie nights.

>have a multi million dollar international restaurant chain
>locals who eat at some of your restaurants don't eat certain meats cause muh religion
>rather than continue to ship said meat to restaurants, just remove it from the menu to save money

Mcdonalds has been doing this for years. They even fucking removed all their beef burgers in areas where the local population was hindu indians or busshists

Subway should've done some research on the guy they hired as their spokesperson for like 20 years. Does accountability mean nothing to you left wing scumbags?

Itt: patriotic Americans get angry that not all countries want to get fat eating bullshit 'food' like bacon.

The Islamic state wasn't defeated, it simply moved it's capital.

If you could read, this artical is from years ago.

sympathy =/= anger


If the UK's whites had any sense, they would already be not purchasing from Subway. Are whites capable of not eating at a chain catering to Islamists? Who has more purchasing power to send a message? Let Islam take it over and watch it crumble.

Subway loses shit on of buisness cos cunts like bacon

Bacon will always be sold in the US, your influence is so fucking weak in the states its quite sad.

Wtf are you on about? What the hell does subway have to do with Ireland

>eating this kike shit
>buying foreign food

Muslims are literally less than 1% of the population, how do they hold so much power????

I eat pork scratchings at work to piss off pakis. They smell strong too. Fuck them, fuck their stupid religion and fuck their shit-filled curries.

No power here go...guys

But how?
I thought of random drive by shooting gs of those in Islamic garb, burning mosques (iid in drone is easiest) but what can I do realistically?
I don'tmind spending life in prison but I want a decent count before I do.

>in the UK
England is over 6% Muslim. UK as a whole is over 5%. Some of their major cities are around 20% and some of the boroughs are over 30%. It's about to increase more than this rapidly.

Subway is a business. Bacon makes them money. They won't remove it.

Wait? How the fuck did a goat fucker get there?

No, that depends on the locals. They'll rid of it long before the number of eaters avoiding it exceeds the eaters bothered enough to not shop there. Small but growing demographics make huge differences to local habits and national laws alike.


It is a conquest and you don't have to power to do anything. We already won. It is only a matter of time until all Europeans vanish thanks to underpopulation.

>Eating Subway

So they will not remove it then. There will be more shops that sell it and therefore will keep it. The mudslimes will go to a shop that doesn't sell it.

Publix subs are better anyway


well look at that it doesn't effect me in the slightest

Chicken Tikka?

I worked at a Subway, in the handbook there's a section for halal-stores.

The section title read Halal Stores (UK Only). Not even joking.

A Muslim is never going to buy a ham or bacon sandwich. It makes no sense, my local one went halal and i have not been in 2 years.

yunno i was upset when Gee Dubbya bombed the middle east... but now they just need to burn

what did they know ? how come the Bushes were so Based ?

it's because they're dumb assholes who think because the meat is close it's an insult to allah

i havent eaten at subway for years - its trash for the money

office cucks and wage cucks with no time are to blame for subway being where it is.... i know i was one of them

>meat is close

>>office cucks and wage cucks with no time are to blame for subway being where it is

this, you can buy bread, cheap cheese, and overly processed meats designed with the longest shelf life to buy in the biggest bulk to make 30 sandwiches for the cost of 1 subway footlong

the only difference is, your toaster takes longer than 10 seconds to toast it

meat is close

Chicken tikka might be the most disgusting shit I've ever eaten

More like SubmissionWay

This could never happen in America, the land where bacon is a condiment.

Behead those who insult bacon.

That's funny, I had a chicken and bacon the other day and there are quite a few Paki scumbags where I live at the moment.