Whats everybody's non-meme opinion on our saviour

Whats everybody's non-meme opinion on our saviour

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Non meme opinion?

>Born during an eclipse
>Name means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>70 years, 7 months, 7 days old after first day in office
>Father's middle name was Christ
>Mother's name was Mary
>Long history of good luck
>Ancient deity awoke to ensure his win
>(((they))) are freaking out
>Personally investigated Epstein and banned him from his properties before most people even knew he was a pedo
>Bad things naturally happen to everyone who wrongs him
>Running against him made Hillary deathly ill
>Fulfilled the prophecy and chose Wojak as VP
>Many prophecies from different cultures describe a man like Trump bringing humanity into a new era of enlightenment and peace


Donald is as awesome as blowing air into your mates foreskin with your mouth to make it puff out and give him the giggles

He clearly didn't live up to my expectations.
He did a lot of childish, stupid and embarrassing stuff since he has won.

I love him but his "muh fake news" rants every day is getting annoying

Trump has a time machine

Let us fucking import Russian guns again already for fuck's sake.

He is not the idiot people make him out to be. He is a conniving, backhanded schemer, and good at it. I have no idea to who else's benefit it will be in the end, but you can be damn sure it will be to his family's benefit first and foremost.

I don't trust him, but I can respect that.

Pic somewhat related.
He's a madman.

I fucking love him so much. The trashier and more low-brow he gets on twitter the more I love him.

His speech in Poland today was fucking incredible. It sounded like something Richard Spencer wrote, which was funny.

He's a symptom of a bigger problem, a lack of empathy within the general public. I'm not even referring to refugees and the such, because any other Republican winning wouldn't have implied this. He has no decorum, he has no reverence for the office, simply shown by him running for it as under qualified as he was and still is, and worst of all, he refuses to see the other side as anything but the enemy. I understand the left it self has not been empathetic at all lately, but Presidents should be bigger men than he his. I hope everyone can realize that people on the other side of the aisle want what's best for this country as well.


Wtf i hate drumph now

It's my honest opinion, I hope you consider it. Have a good night.

>leaves successful business career and multi-billion dollar business behind to be ridiculed, spat on and have his private life scrutinized and lie open for the world to see to save the country and culture
>Presidents should be bigger men

Fuck off kike.

>being the bigger person meme

That meme is so fucking old and stale. I never want to see some no-fun politician reading corny speeches off of teleprompters and maintaining an impersonal distance from the public again.

I love Trump's entire approach. I like that he acts like politicians are a bunch of stupid faggots who can be treated like 8 year olds. Just 0% level of pretentious-ness.

I grew up working in construction with my senpai, and his entire approach reminds me of how a project manager would act walking around the construction site and bantering with everybody. It's very low-brow and crude, but that's why regular people like him.

Saw him live yesterday, was pretty epic. I like they guy, he has the balls to say politically incorrect things and he can still function despite the hate he gets from msm

that is fucking epic.

What were the Polish people chanting during his speech?

Its morning for me. Hows the job hunt going

Seig heil!

I don't really know what to make of his presidency so far. It's still pretty early. I'm gonna give him til the end of the year to at least make a better judgement.


>to be ridiculed, spat on and have his private life scrutinized
Most presidential nominees have that happen to them.
>to save the country
And Democrats aren't as well?
>Fuck off kike.
I hope you're okay user. Have a good night.
I understand the want for a "fun" president, it's nice to know your president is a person with feelings, but you can balance that
with politeness and empathy.
Fine, I hope the same for you. And have a good day then.

>politeness and empathy

You cannot be polite to corrupt politicians and corrupt media. They deserve worse than light-hearted scolding from Trump.

>most nominees have that happen to them

Once in office, only Republicans. Democrats get a free-pass and get worshipped by the entertainment industry.

Republicans get called racist, sexist, and get painted as retards who only care about helping their "billionaire cronies" or whatever. I have my own problems with neo-con politicians, but it is never justified.

Finally we have a right-winger who is twice as nasty to them as they are to him. All right-wingers should be far nastier in general.

Overhyped average statesman who is the epitome of how Sup Forums is all about spamming forced memes and getting into the next epic screencap instead of actual discussing politics. Everyone just wants to be part of the next "happening" or get the next epic "get" all while knowing very little about subject matter.

It results in an online pissing contest not of who can make the best argument, but who can operate on the most layers of irony to create some faggy forced culture where if you disagree, you're one of (((them)))

Trump wasn't a good choice for POTUS, he was just the best offset to Hillary. The victory is that SHE lost, not that HE won.

Same happened with Brexit, where people reckon that now everything is just going to be great now that the thing that Sup Forums liked happened things are going to be great despite a majority of Sup Forums not knowing how the EU works, how economics work on a basic level or how Brexit is going to affect the number of niggers coming to Britain.
(Protip: it isn't going to at all)

Sup Forums should be an all-text board to force the babbies first election niggers over to /bant/

Hmm, that's strange. America's economy has already made a huge recovery and the stock market is fucking surging.

Must be the memes or something

Tells idiots what they want to hear, nothing else. Major hack.

Yep, on point.

Typowy polaczek podniecil sie bo usanski pan raczyl mu ręką pomachac xD

Outside politics, businesspeople universally recognize him as one of the great geniuses of marketing/PR of all time

no surprise he's good at politics, dominating the narrative is like 90% of the job

I miss the off the cuff trump days during his rallies. When he recites pre-written speeches he loses his mojo BIG time. I actually can listen to any written obama speech and he can litterally talk about nothing, be a fucking marxist, and get me feeling something he was that good an orator. Trump does not have the same Ronald R. charm I'm sad to say...

>Personally investigated Epstein and banned him from his properties before most people even knew he was a pedo

>Many prophecies from different cultures describe a man like Trump bringing humanity into a new era of enlightenment and peace

Source on these?

Tell me specifically how a Trump administration has caused it to surge, or are you about to realise that good statesmen are still good regardless of what faggot is in the Whitehouse?

Trump is not a BAD POTUS, not by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not spectacular either.
The idea that he's this god that must be worshipped or constantly adored for fear of being shunned by Sup Forums's accepted set of opinions-something liberal shitters use almost constantly-is cancerous and has no place here.

Sup Forums is dominated by people who want to be the next big screencap or part of the next big happening and they'd vote a fucking goose into office if they thought that would do the trick.

James Patterson