WHY the hell is this allowed in 2017?
How do we stop this?
WHY the hell is this allowed in 2017?
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420 blaze it fgt
What am I seeing here? Why did he him her? Why is she sleeping there?
^This, but with better English.
The fuck am I looking at?
How do we stop this
i cried a bit
also saged
the feels
This will make you happy
>Allowing niggers and the homeless (possibly an untreated mentally ill person)
>animal abuse
>seemingly random acts of cultural enrichment and nigger culture
>no respect for fellow citizens
National socialism of the highest ethnonationalist order.
some weather effects in post would make that look so awesome.
I'm not sure why you think it is allowed. This is against the law in pretty much every country on earth.
This broke me. Fuck
>Why is this allowed in 2017
>timestamp shows 2015
>WHY the hell is this allowed in 2017?
10/10 qt material.
>Meanwhile at Sydney's International Airport.
my face hurts after seeing this
this is too much man
>when some homeless guy violates the NAP by residing on your property so you start bashing his fucking head in
it's a good life in ancapistan
What type of person actively watches and psots this stuff? I watched some beheading videos circa iraq war but that's enough. Hope you find some peace in your life. If i see anyone do something like this before me I will literally shoot them to stop them dead.
why would someone film this?
Oh my fucking god. This is the saddest thing I've seen in my whole life. Why must bad things happen to good creatures?
Holy shit, my mastiff did this when the black lab died. We had to restrain him and move the body.
So they can masturbate later ofc.
I've seen this happen before, its caused by nerve gas.
you know it is sad and all but the reaction it is getting here is surprising to me.
What happens in vid?
Dude that dog is fucking crying I didn't know dogs knew how to cry
[spoiler] now I'm crying too [/spoiler]
dog died
doggy friend is really sad about it. visibly so
surprising as it bothers everyone or the opposite?
i am shocked how upset it has people
I have seen worse doggy videos many times on here
it is sad tho
He was mad he could have run her over and then be charged heavily. Could be the old lady decided to die since that would mean the car owner would have to pay money to family of old lady.
Why do we let them live?
cuz ur cucks baka
There's a sort of honesty to these sorts of things that I can appreciate. There's no media sensationalism or deception. It's raw, it's sometimes nasty, but what you see is what you get. Like a self-imposed reality check, a reminder of what can and does happen in the world we live in.
holy fuck
And these fucks wonder why they get dragged behind trucks.
I am not understanding what you are meaning.
Anguish and despair.
If he hadn't filmed it, no one would have ever believed it.
edgy b8
>2015 2017
and she wasn't raped, so what's the problem
everytime i drive around my ghetto ass neighborhood and see one of those shitty memorials they make when their friends get shot at and they leave a bunch of hennessy bottles and those cheap ass tall jesus candles i genuinely laugh
Your conception was bait.
I would have guessed advanced syphilis
Is he gonna be OK?
Fuck this thread.
You disgusting fucking faggots, you see webms of teenage WHITE girls getting beaten/harrassed by packs of feral negroids and you cry for a fucking dumb dead dog in Chinkland?
Animal lovers should kill themselves, latent zoophiles, the lot of you.
Dog is man's best friend, honest white girls I also feel for but coalburners get what they deserve
Fuck humanity. Least dogs have some redeeming qualities.
Literally this, you're presented with acts of cruelty done on your own race and all the focus is on some dogs fucking around cus muh feels. Get a fucking grip on yourself, Jesus Christ.
Any dog would eat you if it had the chance.
>Not stopping the car there and then to literally curb stomp him.
did no one else notice the white dog getting slightly erect?
either way, sad video.
How many souls does she need a day to stay alive
Also, where do they get said souls considering Chinese have none
because of imprisonment from their breeders when you stand up for what is right. Pavement apes are not my equal
You realize the video cuts out because he got out of his car and shot him to death right ?
You see WEBMS of LITERAL WHITE CHILDREN getting beaten or killed by shitskins and you cry for a god damn dog IN CHINA?
This is why the white race is dying.
>Any dog would eat you if it had the chance.
Fuck off Ahmed. You're thinking of cats. Dogs would do the same as that dog if you're a member of it's pack
Happens all the time, either they get lit on fire or beaten to death or mauled by pit bulls.
Why? Cause they are like whores nobody cares about them so cops don't care either unless it goes public.
>being this retarded
this almost loops. like he sees the lady fall, then she starts chasing him, then he starts to get away when all of a sudden bam, another naked black lady.
Who gives a shit. Fuck you and your girls.
looks tasty bro, You just made me order chinese food.
I don't give a fuck about your pets and would end their lives if they made annoying noises like yourself.
lol that actually seems fun
why do you think he turned off the video if he thought he was in danger from some malnurished knuckle dragger?
i don't get it. nothing happened.
squirrels in my neighborhood look both ways before crossing the street
they didn't do that 10 years ago and every other weekend I'd sweep rodent brain into a bag and trash it
cute snek
Big courageous manly men heroes I bet women wet their cunts when they see that.
maybe he has to call the police? by turning on his cell?
if if he chased the stomper instead he wouldn't of adjusted his car straight first.
Its a fucking shame no sound on pol, so many good webms
Look at all these worthless memes taking up wasted space.