A lot of people talk about the EU here, but do you lot even know how the EU really functions?

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Yes, it doesn't


you're on Sup Forums
of course people don't know what they're talking about


Ireland isn't going to leave the EU anytime soon though.

epic fail from the burger


The EU could work economically if they didn't have an old hag like Merkel fucking half of the EU with debts

How does Merkel fuck up the EU through debts? I feel like this is the first misunderstanding of the EU system.

Just get out of Sup Forums. You're annoying.

Great idea in theory but once again, Kraut Autism ruined it for everyone.

I think the literal only people who abuse it for their own benefit other than the Krauts are those fags in bogland, for all the Irish misdeeds they at least see the EU for what it is.

All the EU needs is for the image of Merkel being its leader to die out and instead have Macron take the lead. I think that Macron knows exactly what's up and also has an ego, which is a proof that he won't do anything humiliating like Merkel's refugee bullshit. Females should be banned from leading

If you can't answer these simple questions maybe you have no clue what you're talking about.

I don't know how exactly we germans fuck the EU up. I just know that we do.

Probably because Sup Forums told you to hate it.
Just like all the retards who think /brexit/ is gonna do a single thing to stop there being so many niggers in England.

Brexit was almost entirely an economical deal, and one which is going to fuck people like Northern Ireland for example right in the ass.

But le Sup Forums memes are always right xD
Kick your feet up, now that brexit is done and trump won an election, everything is magically going to get better!

Germans are guilty here though.

Germans people fight against this system during WWII and they lose.

What were the Americans doing during all thoses years in Germany? Vacation? Fuck no

>Germans are guilty here though.
are not*
Sorry, my English sucks


No NI will be fine till the next election, they need them now

Its a damned commie Yugoslavia, that needs to disintegrate. Go build a united Africa for your left-wing BS.

>Just like all the retards who think /brexit/ is gonna do a single thing to stop there being so many niggers in England.
No but it stops all the new arrivals in Europe from coming to the UK.
But it opens the floodgates from India I guess. The EU stopped a lot of Indians from coming to the EU

Your posts really confuse me. In the first one you seem to imply you know how German autism ruined the EU and now you seem to say its just memes.

I always assume Germans are guilty anyway.

The EU isn't a single state and the EU has very little to no saying about internal politics of any of the member states as long as they don't interfere with any of the EU freedoms.

>The EU stopped a lot of Indians from coming to the EU
**from coming to the UK

I haven't raped your wife, I was just undressing her.

DUP in the spotlight is doing nothing but rallying people to the nationalist/middle ground side which makes them flock to Sinn Féin. If you saw the NI newspapers you'd see constant criticism, particularly in editorials and comments, toward the 11th and 12th of July which are the be-all-end-all of Unionist culture.

Loyalism is becoming less and less approachable for young people, and the DUP are the driving force behind this fact.

NI won't be saved by Sup Forums putting DUP in Brit/pol/, everyone is now known to only vote DUP to stop SF and then months later those same people complain about the DUP not representing them.

"But don't worry, the Tories will tell NI to be loyal :)"
If you think Tories are going to do a single thing to help bogshits then you are blind to history.

NI is already lost, DUP-pact and brexit are just speeding up the process my guy.

No it doesn't. There are no plans to curb legal immigration to the UK by an amount that is going to "save" white england. It's getting blacked with or without Brexit.

The EU WAS ruined by German autism, but my point is that about 80% of the people who "hate" the EU only do so because there favourite meme page/site told them to. There are also places that could benefit from brexit not winning, those being Northern Ireland for example which is already fucked over by austerity to the point of no return, and now this is going to hammer them.



They have been busting their balls trying to remove right win leaders in Hungary and Poland

Now they want to force migrants on us cause we are not completely emasculated and willing to defend ourselves from the horde and we make the westcucks look bad in comparison.

Can you give me a few details how we ruined it through our autism?
I would appreciate my self-hate being more informed.

>EU: Hey guys let's create peace in Europe
>Sovereign states: OK, lets economically support each other, have strong diplomatic ties, military ties all while being respectful of each others culture and sovereign rights.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

They haven't taken any concrete action in removing the leaders of Poland and Hungary. They just expressed their opinions.

Forcing migrants on Hungary is indeed something different. It's the first EU decision not taken unanimously and actually illegal by EU law. It shouldn't have happened.

>everyone is now known to only vote DUP to stop SF and then months later those same people complain about the DUP not representing them.
And there you address the core of the problem while also glossing over it.

People aren't voting DUP because they support the DUP, the are voting DUP because the alternatives are worse.

Of course we don't. No one does, not even the people running it.

That's probably why it doesn't work.
it's right there.


>A lot of people talk about the EU here, but do you lot even know how the EU really functions?

Unfortunately I have a fairly good understanding... Enough to know that nobody really knows what the EU will lead to, how it's laws and policies are implemented and interpreted, and most importantly: Which rules will (against all expectations) be ignored on a whim ("NO BAILOUTS") or which rules will suddenlly (and also against the expectations of most, if not all signatory states) be religiously enforced to a degree that alters the fabric of the Member States and the way it's border policies used to operated (van Gend and Loos)... The funny thing is that most of these things only crystallised once signatory Members (EU states) went to court in disagreement, only to have the court tell them that their laws mean nothing anymore (Costa ENEL).

>They haven't taken any concrete action in removing the leaders of Poland and Hungary. They just expressed their opinions.

Bullshit. Constantly pressuring governments is not just "expressing their opinions" They literally allied with the ex-communsist leftist opposition and kept them providing with informationa and ammunition, sometimes even funding and now they are doing the same to Poland.

>It's the first EU decision not taken unanimously

Lel no. Remember how they forced through the EU constitution?

Without going far into details, what was supposed to be a system wherein Europe would be saved from future conflict or disagreement by a Union where fucking over another member of the Union actively hurt your own country to a point where it's far more productive for everyone to work together, Krauts pushed toward a system where "agree with the set of rules or we'll fuck with your legislation and bend you to our way of doing things."

Except it doesn't work as we have seen Sinn Féin do nothing but grow in popularity for years now.
If you think DUP can carry on based on a "well we better keep the shinners out" forever you are absolutely and entirely deluded. Young people growing up are constantly shifting to SF or Alliance/SDLP, the common theme being that parties that serve nationalist ideas/cross-community ideas (usually the more liberal ones) are simply more attractive to young people than Loyalism.

Once the hardline DUP voters start dying off there is going to be a massive shakeup and DUP will not come out on top.

There simply is no way that Loyalism can unfuck the state they've put themselves into in the past decade or so.

>Costa ENEL
Actually cases like this are THE #1 reason we have the EU. To have an equal economic playfield in the EU.
There's also procurementlaws and stuff like that introduced to make sure EU countries don't nationalize and fraud.

As an economic bloc it's a failure. The stronger economies (Germany) siphon growth from the weaker countries (periphery) like a vampire. The periphery gets double fucked because they gave up their individual currencies and can't control domestic interest rates. The monetary policy coming from the ECB favors germany. So the periphery sees Capital inflows from stronger countries seeking the higher interest rates but these capital inflows wreak havoc on the local purchasing power. And the peripherial countries (Greece, Italy, etc) can't control their own currencies because they gave them up to go on the euro.

>Lel no. Remember how they forced through the EU constitution?
Yes by having all members sign it regardless of the outcome of referendums.

>It's the first EU decision not taken unanimously
Kek, it isn't. Just the first one that people/countries are really distraught about..
>and actually illegal by EU law.
EU law nothing if not fluid. The way the EU works has fuck all to do with legal or illegal, and everything with possible or impossible. If it's possible, it will. If it's impossible, it will do everything in and well beyond it's power to make it posssible.
>It shouldn't have happened.
THAT is the red line in the EU, really.. EU courts decides that borders are a no-no? All national leaders say it shouldn't have happened. EU law stated to have primacy over conflicting national laws by EU court? National governments attempt to overturn the judgement in vain.. Treaties say 'NO BAILOUTS!' and countries are bailed out regardless? Experts say it shouldn't have happened, and before hand nobody thought it could happen. But here we are.

The eu is taking over tax and forming the next german imperial army.

>he forgot the repeated elections till the "correct" results came up
>he forgot the election scandals
>he forgot how they changed it after it was signed
>he forgot everything

You deserve everything that is going to happen to you, toothpaste of allah.

Fuck off you utterly despicable antifa commie scum

Flag of the 4th reich
At least your honest user

The tax reformation has to happen, the current system is a fucking mess allowing shitholes to abuse it. There's either 2 things they can do:
1. common tax rate
2. have countries pay their taxes where they made their money
>he forgot
No I remember how the democratically elected governments lubed up and fucked their citizens in the ass and signed the papers.

countries = companies*

The old EU was ok. The EU were all countries were still independent and had there own borders and didn't had to conform to Brussels. Now we are slaves under dictatorship rule.

I want USA to give us freedom, please invade EU and give the people weapons :'(

This is true. Their vastly larger lobbying power and more established firms who hold the ear of legislators also wrecked the economy of the 2004 joiners, espeically the with the bullshit agricultural quotas. They also try every dirty trick in the book to strongarm local competitors into bankruptcy through EU laws, instead of providing a better product. The brain drain of skilled labor was just the icing on the cake

Cutting the cohesion funds from 2020 will likely lead to the Visegrad bloc leaving, especially if westcucks refuse to give up trying to force migrants on us.

Unelected bureaucrats are waging a constant war with EU parliament. When communist/globalist traitors have the majority, everything that junkers wants gets rubber stamped. When communists don't have the majority, globalist political elite has to put their plans on hold. No rule or agreement has any value if you are economically strong cause EU won't have the balls to push you. Similarly, if you are economically weak nobody will give a fuck about rules and your nation will just be forced to whatever. The original idea, free trade for economic betterment for all involved has been completely forgotten and EU metastasized into the failed abortion of united states of europe. Good thing is, now we have a legally binding standard across whole of EU strictly defining whether a cucumber is class I or class II based on the radius of curvature of the aforementioned cucumber. And fucking smoked salmon now comes with a clear warning (on the package) that it contains... *drumroll* ... fish. WOW!

>Actually cases like this are THE #1 reason we have the EU.
No. The reason we have the EU is because politicians are too ambitious for their people's good, and because Kohl and Mitterand got along way too well for everybody's good.
>To have an equal economic playfield in the EU.
Great. Explain to me how this means that the countries that know how to fucking budget end up footing the bill for countries that do not know? Or how it means that some countries need to take in """refugees"""" from some other countries that are too incompetent to keep a border secure?
>There's also procurementlaws and stuff like that introduced to make sure EU countries don't nationalize and fraud.
Kek. You mean there are hideous beaurocratic procedures that make sure EU countries cannot look at anything other than price when it comes to procurement.. So that countries like the Netherlands end up buying trains in countries like Italy that eventually never run because looking at price rather than quality in procurement of infrastructural products is fucking RETARDED.

I honestly don't but the fact every half a year the European parliament switches its location between Strasburg and Brussells is enough for me not to give a shit and consider the whole thing a clusterfuck.


>>he forgot the repeated elections till the "correct" results came up
Referendums are not elections. EU citizens mean nothing when it comes to EU policy. Sad but true..
>>he forgot the election scandals
Which ones?
>>he forgot how they changed it after it was signed
What part?
>>he forgot everything
More details pls.

We know it doesn't function to protect European liver or culture.

It seems you know more about EU law than I do. I do think though that in most of these cases, the respective countries signed away their sovereignty themselves.
EU law only applies to what you agreed upon. They don't come out of the blue with new laws all of the sudden.

CostaENEL is a good example of Italy signing laws regarding how nationalisation and economic policies in the EU should be managed, and they signed papers stating that EU law weights supersedes Italian law on subjects it adresses. Complaining afterwards is a tad silly, maybe should've thought about it beforehand.
>Great. Explain to me how this means that the countries that know how to fucking budget end up footing the bill for countries that do not know?
Because we share a common currency meaning that shitholes like Spain can destroy our economy through fucking up the Euro.

I'll tell you why I personally hate the EU user: It's a union of great and weak economies. And when great economies collide with weak economies, guess which ones get decimated?

My country has had many problems long before we entered the EU, however we have been completely and utterly KEK'D by Brussels. What do I mean by this? Our local businesses can't compete with Giant international European corporations. We can't beat their prices. Furthermore, people are leaving like mad, and I wouldn't blame them. The political system here has been fucked forever, but the EU helps facilitate this mass exodus.

I'm not even going to get into the PC bullshit they're trying to impose on us, the Soros organizations, etc. We're pretty clear that this is happening.

More than that, we've forfeited all national sovereignty. And by this I quite literally mean ALL national sovereignty. Our PM regards Merkel as his boss.

About the EU gibmedats: They're nothing but an injection of fresh capital that is instantly swept up by a small number of people. EU funds are only symbolically being used for the betterment of our economy. Most of the sweet, sweet Euros go to lining some opportunistic twat's pockets. And I should know, as I'm involved with people who take advantage of EU projects in Bulgaria.

Also we have international companies funding our major TV networks (and most of them are OWNED by foreigners), who pump pro-EU propaganda in the soft heads of our low IQ population. They're all very pro-EU, have Open Societies reps on constantly, fight against muh ebil nationalists (who are, to be fair, pretty retarded in Bulgaria), etc., etc.

Also the EU actively blocks nationalist parties from seizing power.

I'm not going to educate you on the history of your own country.

>as long as they don't interfere with any of the EU freedoms.
This absolutely negates the first part of your sentence. It is also true.
>It shouldn't have happened.
The EU shouldn't have taken in ANY refugees in the first place, but it did happen.

The EU shouldn't be taking in millions of Africans, but it plans on doing so.

Do you feel in control?

The question is, are you sure you want nationalist parties in power?

I know it's a popular Sup Forums meme to have every country be an ultra-nationalist haven for your people, but this often stems from the idea that your country has been fucked over by mixing with others.

I am all for a country having total control over its own legislation and economic policy but that often isn't the priority of nationalist parties-usually it's vague promises or goals around "getting back in control."

The reality of the situation is that the EU in it's original concept; an economic union where Europe an co-operate to achieve prosperity as opposed to fighting over scraps is a great idea, the only problem arose when it became "our way or the high-way, except not the highway because if you leave the EU you're fucked."

Although anyone letting Bulgarian-or Balkan in general-nationalism rise ever again is probably never going to happen. You people are a circus, my guy.


>I do think though that in most of these cases, the respective countries signed away their sovereignty themselves.

Not knowingly though. If these were not international treaties but contracts under Dutch law, any judge would have shredded them under the guise of 'dwaling'... But since national judges are now also EU judges (Simmenthal), there really is no escaping the EU's circular-logic based laws anymore, unless you go the Britain-route.

>EU law only applies to what you agreed upon.
Interpretations of EU law are made in the Luxemboug courts though. So you could agree to something, only to later find out that the court will tell you that the document you (or likely, your prececessor) sighned doesn't actually mean what everybody thought it meant. As a matter of fact, if often doesn't even mean what is written in the literal text..
>They don't come out of the blue with new laws all of the sudden.
But they do. That's basically the beauty of the EU... I keep stressing the 'NO BAILOUTS' rule. As far as new law appearing out of the blue, that was probably the best example.
>You see how this treaty says we don't bail any failing state out with the money of the non-failing states? That actually means we must bail out the failing states with moeny from the non-bailing states....

>Because we share a common currency
Where the fuck did the common currency come from all of a sudden? I thought you said this was only meant for an economic playing field, user. Not full on political and monetary intergration. Are you saying the EU is bloating up to be something much bigger, scarier and more dangerous than it was ever presented as?
>meaning that shitholes like Spain can destroy our economy through fucking up the Euro.

So, our great system of economic equal playing fields, has as one of its results that a comparatively tiny economy of a backwards shit-state like Spain, has the potential to ruin this entire "economic" Union with no survivors?

Great idea.

So is there nothing positive for anyone but Germany in the EU?

How did we trick you all into this?

>how the EU really functions
Just like a dysfunctional family: smaller eastern nations are the children who can't leave if if thy want to, Scandinavia is the mother suffering from Stockholm syndrome, and Germany&goons is the abusive, controlling father.

Sounds more like you don't actually understand what you posted, or you don't actually know what flag this is.. Because we only had the one (1) referendum on the EU constitution, and nothing was changed after the Lisbon treaty was signed.

>The question is, are you sure you want nationalist parties in power?
No, not these ones. I made it abundantly clear that I don't want those current retards in power. Nationalism and ultra-nationalism is no fucking joke.
>I know it's a popular Sup Forums meme to have every country be an ultra-nationalist haven for your people, but this often stems from the idea that your country has been fucked over by mixing with others.
It's not that simple, at all.
>The reality of the situation is that the EU in it's original concept; an economic union where Europe an co-operate to achieve prosperity as opposed to fighting over scraps is a great idea, the only problem arose when it became "our way or the high-way, except not the highway because if you leave the EU you're fucked."
Basically this.
>Although anyone letting Bulgarian-or Balkan in general-nationalism rise ever again is probably never going to happen. You people are a circus, my guy.
You actively have to suppress Balkan nationalism. We're the most nationalistic peoples there are. Do you think that I'm not completely aware of the fact that if the EU collapses and we elect ultra-nationalists all around the Balkans there will be another Balkan war coupled with a genocide or two in a matter of months?

That's what I meant by "it's really complicated". Especially with Sultan Erdogan knocking on our door. Eastern Europeans must come together, we have no other course of action.
Everyone was very happy to join the EU. We saw it as a path to a Western way of life. We thought you'd help us out in rebuilding this corrupt shithole, we'd get the right to work abroad, we'd have strong economic backing, we will be on the big boys' table, etc.

There really was little to no resistance in regards to joining the EU.

I remember there being a lot of people against the extension of the EU in 2004.
Mostly the west.

The euro allowed germany to have an expert based economy and let the common european currency absorb the price fluctuations. Its pretty ingenious in a jewish way.

Yeah, thats what I said. I'm not going to educate you about your own referendums. Its not my job to care about your country and politics if you dont.

Naive retards envisioning the "end of history" and permament peace and prosperity.
Many of us truly had this dream of an european superstate becoming a superpower and fucking euroasia, america and africa over together, european tanks rolling in the middle east, european naval bases all around the world, the usual superpower stuff.

Then it turned out the westcucks cant even put a fucking fence on their border, what the fell.

>I remember there being a lot of people against the extension of the EU in 2004.
It's almost as if you shouldn't be forced into paying for balkan niggers' shenanigans...

I'm not antifa in the slightest. Communism is an economic failure. I'm only interested in economic prosperity, hence anarcho-capitalism.

>Its not my job to care about your country and politics if you dont.

Care you may, but you don't seem to actually know much about the referendum leading up to the Lisbon treaty in this country fampai...

>permament peace and prosperity

This is the biggest meme. At this rate, it might lead to an unironic war within the EU...

Yeah, it works like Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Only with hundreds of millions more people, in over 26 countries, and hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of illiterate African islamic savages sprinkled in.

Oh, and several nuclear-armed militaries, let's not forget that.

Anyone looking at Europe as anything other than a smoking powerkeg hasn't been paying attention.

Does anyone?

yeah but france is gay

>The euro allowed germany to have an expert based economy and let the common european currency absorb the price fluctuations. Its pretty ingenious in a jewish way.
Actually, Germany is the biggest victim of Euro. ANd the only reason for existence of Euro is to curb-stomp money printing wars between EU nations.

EU was sold to us as friendship union that "you can leave anytime you want if you don't like it or it gets out of hand". Today we have massive machine of bureaucracy surrounded by army of ~30k lobbyists. It has it's own money, bank, domain, president, anthem, flag, joint responsibility and debts and soon army. They are systematically importing people from third world countries to create rootless new citizens who will be more willing to give up nations and create european super state. If some country wants to leave, it will be intimidated instead of listened. If you ask EU citizens on streets who run the show in Brussel, 95% doesn't even know their names. Most of the politicians love EU only because it provides bigger playing field for their game of power. It's all about themselves.

Fuck EU.

>ANd the only reason for existence of Euro is to curb-stomp money printing wars between EU nations.

Actually, the only reason for the EU's existence is because France being a whiny fucking pussy (who'd have thunk it..) and wanted to deny Germany their own currency. The Deutschmark was too strong for France's tastes, so Germany had to give it up.. So they made German reunification conditional on the abolishment of the DM, in favor of the Euro.

Somehow they thought this would be a stop to German hegemony in the EU. Never forget that it was actually the French who forced the Euro on Germany.

Corrrect, but it's an understatement. You make it sound like EU doesn't enforce much, but it enforces nearly everything, down to the fucking packaging cigarettes must have.

Nicely put.

>Actually, Germany is the biggest victim of Euro.

Wrong as shit.

The undervalued euro gives germany a retarded trade surplus on exports.

Well, I wasn't looking to go into way too much details but yes. And, even the DM was crap as all fiat currency inevitably becomes. It was just a little bit less crap than others.

But you didn't take into account that Germany would have been even stronger had it retained Deutschmarks. Euro fucked over Germany quite a lot.

The EU takes away sovereignty from countries by threatening them with sanctions. It controls the media by fining social media companies if they don't do what they want. It's a horrible thing, I can't get why you want it. Socialism is a joke.

Sigh, yet another retard who doesnt know anything about economy works. The euro is the single biggest benefit germany has. Do you even know whats an undervalued currency?

Unironic OT question:
Are you really a Bulgarian? Your written English is better than almost any native speaker of the language that I know.

Gibe pesetas

>Are you really a Bulgarian? Your written English is better than almost any native speaker of the language that I know.
Yes I am. Thank you for the compliment.

Do you know how you fall into debt? There are loans being given out all over the place which countries dont manage to pay back, solution to keeping countries running when they're out of money? more loans!

You are not informed about macron. At all.
He is the worst that could happen to us.
Globalist liberal scum turn up to eleven

>you don't like the eu? wow seems like we have yet another uninformed moron who doesn't even know what is it that makes the eu the best thing ever!
i'd make a smudgie, but the eu does not deserve it.
congratulations eu, for being somewhat competent in one thing, and that's subversion

>but do you lot even know how the EU really functions?
>implying anyone does
>implying it "functions"

You can be as rude as you want. HURR DURR you're a cretin. There. Now I have insulted YOU. Happy?

IK full well what currency manipulation is and how it works. Still doesn't change the fact that Germany took a huge blow by accepting Euro. With their own currency (the Deutschmark) Germany had control over the value of that currency. Now they don't. The only thing saving Germany is the fact that (as mandated by the arbeit and ordnung genetic code of your proper, non-tanned german) they had TARD POWAH economy to begin with.

Sure. A bunch of bureaucrats sitting in comfy thrones deciding what is best for the regular man.

It doesn't work at all it just costs loads of money. All they do is import millions of rapists, criminals and religiously brainwashed idiots


Hungaries economy is much better off now than before. Its just that not all Hungarians profited equally. So they get jealous of their neighbours new car. And this is what breeds the dissatisfaction. Everybody got a bit richer. Some more some less. Hungarys economy will grow much stronger. And this time you will think its your own achievment. Everybody will think its their achievment. Poland Slovakia Hungary Czech Republic. They fail to understand however that the reason their economies grew and wealth of the general population is because of Europe. Not despite it,

Reading your posts makes me so infinitely happy my country didn't enter.

We're in it solely to avoid tariffs and certain taxation and to dip into the EU funds.

Individually, we all plan to immigrate out of Croatia to wealthier countries, like Germany, or where we culturally feel like home like in Ireland.

> Implying the EU functions

EU parliament doesn't even bother to turn up
EU is a cesspool of corruption